Monday, June 26, 2017

Purusha Suktam - A Panacea for Many Problems of Life (Purush Sookt - Jeevan ki Samasyaaon ka Samadhaan)

Dear Readers 

I am giving Purush Sookt in this post. This sookt (Hymn) has been taken from Rig Veda. This is one of the most important and most powerful of all the hymns.This hymn is dedicated to Lord Narayana. He has been described as the great purusha in this hymn. The mantras of this sookt has been written in a specific metre (Chhand) which generates a powerful spiritual force and makes this hymn very very powerful. 

This hymn is useful for everyone but there are some specific situations where this is even more powerful than anything else. This is very useful for Diabetes patients. Daily recitation of this hymn may give miraculous benefits in Diabetes. It is also useful for delayed progeny or for the birth of a male child. Recitation of this sookt is useful in marital issues as well.



Thousand-headed is the Purusha, thousand-eyed and thousand-legged. Enveloping the earth from all sides, He transcends it by ten fingers’ length.

Note:—This is the first mantra of the famous Purusha Sukta of the Veda. Here the transcendent totality of all creation is conceived as the Cosmic Person, the Universal Consciousness animating all manifestation. The word ‘earth’ is to be understood in the sense of all creation. ‘Dasangulam’ is interpreted as ten fingers’ length, in which case it is said to refer to the distance of the heart from the navel, the former having been accepted as the seat of the Atma and the latter symbolic of the root of manifestation. The word ‘ten’ is also said to mean ‘infinity’, as numbers are only up to nine and what is above is regarded as numberless.

जो सहस्रों सिरवाले, सहस्रों नेत्रवाले और सहस्रों चरणवाले विराट पुरुष हैं, वे सारे ब्रह्मांड को आवृत करके भी दस अंगुल शेष रहते हैं 


All this (manifestation) is the Purusha alone— whatever was and whatever will be. He is the Lord of Immortality, for He transcends all in His Form as food (the universe). Such is His Glory; but greater still is the Purusha. One-fourth of Him all beings are, (while) three-fourth of Him rises above as the Immortal Being.

जो सृष्टि बन चुकी, जो बननेवाली है, यह सब विराट पुरुष ही हैं | इस अमर जीव-जगत के भी वे ही स्वामी हैं और जो अन्न द्वारा वृद्धि प्राप्त करते हैं, उनके भी वे ही स्वामी हैं | विराट पुरुष की महत्ता अति विस्तृत है। उस श्रेष्ठ पुरुष के एक चरण में सभी प्राणी हैं और तीन भाग अनंत अंतरिक्ष में स्थित हैं।


 All this (manifestation) is the Purusha alone— whatever was and whatever will be. He is the Lord of Immortality, for He transcends all in His Form as food (the universe). Such is His Glory; but greater still is the Purusha. One-fourth of Him all beings are, (while) three-fourth of Him rises above as the Immortal Being.

चार भागोंवाले विराट पुरुष के एक भाग में यह सारा संसार, जड़ और चेतन विविध रूपों में समाहित है | इसके तीन भाग अनंत अंतरिक्षमें समाये हुए हैं।

When (there being no external material other than the Purusha) the Devas performed a universal sacrifice (in contemplation by mind), with the Purusha Himself as the sacred offering, the spring season was the clarified butter, summer the fuel, autumn the oblation. They set up for sacrifice the Purusha as the object of their meditation—Him who was prior to all creation; and they, the Devas, Sadhyas and Rishis, performed (this first sacrifice).

देवताओं ने उसी उत्पन्न द्वितीय पुरुष को हविष्य मानकर उसी के द्वारा मानस यज्ञ का अनुष्ठान किया | इस यज्ञ में वसंत ऋतू आज्य (घृत) के रूप में, ग्रीष्म ऋतू ईंधन के रूप में और शरद ऋतू हविष्य के रूप में संकल्पित की गयी। वही द्वितीय पुरुष यज्ञ का साधन हुआ | मानस यज्ञ में उसीको पशु-भावना से युप (यज्ञ का खंभा) में बाँधकर प्रोक्षण किया गया, क्योंकि सारी सृष्टि के पूर्व वही पुरुषरूप से उत्पन्न हुआ था | इसी पुरुष के द्वारा देवताओं ने मानस याग किया | वे देवता कौन थे ? वे थे सृष्टि – साधन योग्य प्रजापति आदि साध्य देवता एवं तदनुकूल मंत्रद्रष्टा ऋषि | अभिप्राय यह है कि उसी पुरुष से सभीने यज्ञ किया |

 From that (Purusha), who was of the form of a Universal Sacrifice, the sacred mixture of curds and ghee (for oblation) was produced. (Then) He brought forth the aerial beings, the forest-dwelling animals, and also the domestic ones. From that (Purusha), who was the Universal Sacrifice, the Riks and the Samans were produced; from Him the metres (of the mantras) were born; from Him the Yajus was born.

उस सर्वश्रेष्ठ विराट प्रकृति यज्ञ से दधियुक्त घृत प्राप्त हुआ(जिससे विराट पुरुष की पूजा होती है) | वायुदेव से संबंधित पशु हरिण, गौ, अश्वादि की उत्पत्ति उस विराट पुरुष के द्वारा ही हुई | उस विराट यज्ञ पुरुष से ऋग्वेद एवं सामवेद का प्रकटीकरण हुआ | उसी से यजुर्वेद एवं अथर्ववेद का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ अर्थात् वेद की ऋचाओं का प्रकटीकरण हुआ |


 From Him were born horses and whatever animals have two rows of teeth. Verily, cows were born of Him; from Him were born goats and sheep. And when they contemplated the Purusha (as the Universal Sacrifice), into how many parts did they divide Him (in their meditations)? What was His mouth called, what were His arms, what were His thighs, what were His feet called?

उस विराट यज्ञ पुरुष से दोनों तरफ दाँतवाले घोड़े हुए और उसी विराट पुरुष से गौए, बकरिया और भेड़s आदि पशु भी उत्पन्न  हुए | कल्प द्वारा प्रकट हुए जिस विराट पुरुष का, ज्ञानीजन विविध प्रकार से वर्णन करते हैं, वे उसकी कितने प्रकार से कल्पना करते हैं ? उसका मुख क्या है ? भुजा, जाघें और पाँव कौन-से हैं ? शरीर-संरचना में वह पुरुष किस प्रकार पूर्ण बना ?

 The Brahmana (spiritual wisdom and splendour) was His mouth; the Kshatriya (administrative and military prowess) His arms became. His thighs were the Vaisya (commercial and business enterprise); of His feet the Sudra (productive and sustaining force) was born. The Moon (symbol of the mind) was born from His (cosmic) mind; the Sun (symbol of self and consciousness) was born from His eyes. Indra (power of grasping and activity) and Agni (will-force) came from His mouth; from His vital energy air was born.

विराट पुरुष का मुख ब्राह्मण अर्थात् ज्ञानी (विवेकवान) जन हुए | क्षत्रिय अर्थात पराक्रमी व्यक्ति, उसके शरीर में विद्यमान बाहुओं के समान हैं | वैश्य अर्थात् पोषणशक्ति-सम्पन्न व्यक्ति उसके जंघा एवं सेवाधर्मी व्यक्ति उसके पैर हुए | विराट पुरुष परमात्मा के मन से चन्द्रमा, नेत्रों से सूर्य, कर्ण से वायु एवं प्राण तथा मुख से अग्नि का प्रकटीकरण हुआ |

 (In that Universal Meditation as Sacrifice) the firmament came from His navel; the heavens were produced from His head; the earth from His feet; from His ears the quarters of space—so they constituted the worlds. The enclosures of the sacrificial altar were seven (the seven metres like the Gayatri), and twenty-one (the twelve months, the five seasons, the three worlds and the sun) were the logs of sacrificial fuel, when the gods (the pranas, the senses and the mind) celebrated the Universal Sacrifice with the Supreme Purusha as the object of contemplation therein.

विराट पुरुष की नाभि से अंतरिक्ष, सिर से द्युलोक, पाँवों से भूमि तथा कानों से दिशाएँ प्रकट हुईं | इसी प्रकार (अनेकानेक) लोकों को कल्पित किया गया है (रचा गया है) | देवों ने जिस यज्ञ का विस्तार किया, उसमें विराट पुरुष को ही पशु (हव्य) रूप की भावना से बाँधा (नियुक्त किया), उसमें यज्ञ की सात परिधियाँ (सात समुद्र) एवं इक्कीस (छंद) समिधाएँ हुईं  |

By sacrifice (universal meditation) did the gods adore and perform (visualise) the sacrifice (Universal Being). These were the original creations and the original laws (that sustain creation). Those great ones (the worshippers of the Cosmic Being by this type of meditation) attain that Supreme Abode in which abide the primeval contemplators (the gods mentioned above) who thus worshipped that Being.

आदिश्रेष्ठ धर्मपरायण देवों ने, यज्ञ से यज्ञरूप विराट सत्ता का यजन किया | यज्ञीय जीवन जीनेवाले धार्मिक महात्माजन पूर्वकाल के साध्य देवताओं के निवास, स्वर्गलोक को प्राप्त करते हैं।  

I know this Great Purusha who shines like the sun beyond darkness. By knowing Him alone does one cross beyond death; there is no other way of going over there.

मैं जानता हूँ की यह महान पुरुष जो सूर्य की तरह चमकता है, केवल उसे जानकर ही जीवन मृत्यु के चक्कर से निकला जा सकता है। मृत्यु के पार जाने का और कोई तरीका नहीं है।


Om. May there be Peace, Peace, Peace.


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अगर आपको ये लेख और ये ब्लॉग पसंद आया तो अपने विचार गूगल पर व्यक्त करें इस लिंक पर क्लिक करके और फेसबुक पर व्यक्त करें इस लिंक पर क्लिक करके ।

Gaurav Malhotra

About the Author:

Gaurav Malhotra is a B Tech in Computer Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT, Kurukshetra) and a passionate follower of Astrology. He has widely traveled across the world and helped people with his skills. You can contact him on his email You can also read more about him on his page.


  1. I am a regular reader of your articles.Thank you for posting
    very usful articles .

  2. Sir kindly written on vishnu sehasernaam

    1. Deepak ji...I'm in the process of writing VS. You will soon see it on this blog.

  3. Any treatment puja for leucoderma

  4. Namaste sir ji,
    Any remedy for curing OCD problem

    1. Please refer this link

  5. What is the proper method of recitation of the above sukta. Can one recite Hindi version only if Sanskrit pronounciation is not good.thanks

    1. Yes you can recite hindi version also. But ideally sanskrit version should also be recited.

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