Saturday, July 25, 2015

Bhagya Sukta - Powerful Hymn for Success, Good Luck and Prosperity ( Bhagya Sukta - Saubhagya, Safalta Aur Samriddhi ke Liye Shaktishaali Sukta)

Dear Readers

I apologize for the delay in writing the blog post. I am getting busier day by day so writing a post is becoming difficult with each passing day. But I will still make every effort to write posts which help majority of people. I thank you all for your love and support for this blog.  

It's giving me pleasure to publish this post on my birthday (25th July) :) 

In this post I am publishing a sukta (set of verses is called a sukta - Hymn) which is from Rig Veda and Yajurveda and its considered to be extremely powerful in improving luck and endows wealth, success and happiness. People who face constant failures in every department of their life should recite this sukta daily for at least 8 times with complete faith and devotion. Rig Veda suktas give results very fast as they are very effective. 
One should sit on the floor on an asana or a piece of red cloth (If you don't want to sit on the floor due to a health condition, then you can sit anywhere comfortably), face towards east direction and then do it. Morning time is preferable for the recitation but if one can't do it in the morning then it can be done anytime of the day. 
It can also be recited for someone else by taking a sankalp. I hope readers will get immensely benefited by this remedy. 
Readers can click on this link to download the audio recording of the mantra. This recording can be used to correct the pronunciation. 

प्रिय पाठकों 

पोस्ट लिखने में देरी के लिए मैं क्षमा चाहता हूँ । दिन-ब-दिन मैं व्यस्त होता जा रहा हूँ इस वजह से पोस्ट लिखना मुश्किल होता जा रहा है । लेकिन फिर भी मेरी पूरी कोशिश रहेगी की मैं नियमित तौर से ऐसी पोस्ट्स लिखता रहूँ जो ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा लोगों को फायदा करें ।  मैं आप सब लोगों को दिल से धन्यवाद देना चाहूँगा इस ब्लॉग को इतना प्यार और सम्मान देने के लिए।

अपने जन्मदिन (25th जुलाई) के मौके पर ये पोस्ट पब्लिश करते हुए मुझे ख़ुशी हो रही है :)

इस पोस्ट में मैं एक सूक्त लिखने जा रहा हूँ जिसे ऋग वेद और यजुर्वेद से लिया गया है और इसका नाम है भाग्य सूक्त । यह बहुत ही प्रभावशाली सूक्त माना जाता है भाग्य को मज़बूत बनाने के लिए और धन समृद्धि और सफलता पाने के लिए। ऐसे लोग जिनका भाग्य उनका साथ नहीं देता और जिन्हे बार बार असफलताओं का सामना करना पड़ता है; उन्हें यह सूक्त बहुत फायदा देगा । इस सूक्त को रोज़ कम से कम 8 बार पूरी श्रद्धा और विशवास के साथ जपना चाहिए । ऋग वेद के सूक्त बहुत प्रभावशाली होते हैं एवं बहुत जल्दी फायदा देते हैं । इसे करने के लिए फर्श पर एक लाल रंग का आसन बिछाकर बैठ जाएँ पूर्व दिशा की और मुख करके । सुबह का समय ज़्यादा उपयुक्त है अगर सुबह नहीं कर सकते तो किसी भी और समय कर सकते हैं।
अगर यह जप आप किसी और के लिए कर रहे हैं तो उनके नाम का संकल्प पहले लें और फिर शुरू करें । 
आप इस लिंक पर इस सूक्त की ऑडियो रिकॉर्डिंग को सुनकर अपना उच्चारण शुद्ध कर सकते हैं


भाग्य सूक्त (Bhagya Sukta)

ऊँ प्रातरग्निं प्रातरिन्द्रं हवामहे प्रातर्मित्रा वरुणा प्रातरश्विना ।
प्रातर्भगं पूषणं ब्रह्मणस्पतिं प्रातस्सोममुत रुद्रँ हुवेम ॥1

Aum praataragniṃ praatarindraṃ havaamahe praatarmitraa varuṇaa praatarashvinaa |
praatarbhagaṃ pooṣhaṇaṃ brahmaṇaspatiṃ praatass somamuta rudraṃ huvem ||1||

1. At dawn, we invoke Agni (the fire deity), Indra (the rain deity), Mitrā (the Sun) and Varuṇa (the deity of the ocean); the Aśvins (the celestial physician twins), Bhaga (the deity of wealth), Puṣan (the Sun as the deity of nutrition), Bṛahmaṇaspati (the preceptor of the gods), Soma (the Moon), and Rudra (the god of dissolution)

1. हम प्रात: के समय पर अग्नि , वरुण ,इन्द्र  ,मित्र ,अश्विन कुमार ,भग , पूष,ब्रह्मनास्पति ,सोम और रूद्र का आवाहन करते हैं

प्रातर्जितं भगमुग्रँ हुवेम वयं पुत्रमदितेर्यो विधर्ता । आद्ध्रश्चिद्यं मन्यमानस्तुरश्चिद्राजा चिद्यंभगं भक्षीत्याह॥2

 Praatarjitaṃ bhagmugraṃ huvem vayaṃ putramaditeryo vidhartaa |
 aadhrash chidyaṃ manya maanastu rashchidraajaa chid yaṃ bhagaṃ bhakṣhityaaha ||2||

2. We invoke at dawn, the fierce Bhaga, the son (manifestation) of Aditi (the Cosmic Power), who is the very sustainer of the creation. Whether a pauper, a busy person, or a king; everyone worships and contemplates upon Bhaga saying, 'I would worship Bhaga.'
2. हम शक्तिशाली , युद्ध में जीतने वाले भग का आवाहन करते हैं जिनके बारे में सोचकर राजा  भी कहते हैं की हमें भग दीजिये

भग प्रणेतर्भगसत्यराधो भगेमां धियमुदवददन्नः। भगप्रणो जनय गोभि-रश्वैर्भगप्रनृभि-र्नृवन्तस्स्याम ॥3
bhagha praṇetarbhaga satyaraadho bhaghemaaṃ dhiyamudava dadannaḥ |
bhaga praṇo janaya gobhirashvairbhaga pranṛibhirnṛivantassyaam ||3||

3. O Bhaga! The great leader, and truth is your wealth. Bestow it upon us, and elevate our intellect and protect it. Bless us with cattle-wealth, horses, and descendants and followers.

3. हे भग हमारा मार्गदर्शन करें ,आपके उपहार अनुकूल हैं ,हमें ऐश्वर्य दीजिये हे भग ! हमें घोडे {सवारी }, गाय और योद्धा वंशज दीजिये

उतेदानीं भगवन्तस्यामोत प्रपित्व उत मध्ये अह्नाम्। उतोदिता मघवन् सूर्यस्य वयं देवानाँ सुमतौ स्याम ॥4

utedaaneeṃ bhagavantasyaamot prapitv ut madhye ahnaam |
utoditaa maghavan sooryasya vayaṃ devaanaaṃ sumatau syaam ||4||

4. May we be blessed by Bhaga now (during this fire-ritual), and when the light approaches, or at midday. O Lord Indra! At sunset also, may we still find favor of the Sun, and other gods.

4. कृपा कीजिये कि अब हमें  सुख-चैन मिले , और जैसे जैसे दिन बढ़ता जाये , जैसे -जैसे दोपहर हो , शाम हो हम देव कृपा से प्रसन्न रहे 

भग एव भगवाँअस्तु देवास्तेन वयं भगवन्तस्स्याम। तं त्वा भग सर्व इज्जोहवीमि सनो भग पुर एता भवेह॥5

bhaga eva bhagavaanastu devaastena vayaṃ bhagvantasyaam |
taṃ tvaa bhaga sarva ijjohaveemi sano bhaga pur etaa bhaveha ||5||

5. May Bhaga, (and) the gods be the possessor of good fortune, and through Him, may we may be blessed with good fortune by that god. Everyone including myself invite you to bring in good fortune. O Bhaga! Kindly lead us being present in the ritual.

5. हे भग आप परमानंद प्रदान करें और आपके द्वारा देव हमें प्रसन्नता से स्वीकार करें हे भग हम आपका आवाहन करते हैं ,आप यहाँ हमारे साथ आयें

समध्वरायोषसोऽनमन्त दधिक्रावेव शुचये पदाय। अर्वाचीनं वसुविदं भगन्नो रथमिवाश्वावाजिन आवहन्तु॥6

samadhvaraayoshaso namanta dadhikraaveva shuchaye padaaya |
arvaacheenaṃ vasuvidaṃ bhaganno rathamivaaśhvaa vaajina aavahantu ||6||

6. May the presiding deities of the early morning-hour arrive here, like the horse that puts its foot in the place of Vedic ritual for establishing the fire altar. May they bring Bhaga, the Lord of wealth, as speedily as swift horses pulling a chariot

6. इस प्रकार प्रतिदिन भग यहाँ आयें {पवित्र स्थान जैसे दधिक्रावन }जैसे शक्तिशाली घोड़े रथ को खींचते हैं वैसे ही भग का यहाँ आवाहन  किया जाये

अश्वावतीर्गोमतीर्नउषासो वीरवतीस्सदमुच्छन्तु भद्राः।
घृतं दुहाना विश्वतः प्रपीनायूयं पात स्वस्तिभिस्सदा नः॥7

ashhvaavateergomateerna uṣhaaso veeravateess sadamuchchantu bhadraḥ |
ghṛitaṃ duhanaa vishvataḥ prapeenaa yūyaṃ paata swastibhissadaa naha||7||

7. May the presiding deities of the Dawn bless us with many horses and cattle, and plenty of milk and milk-products. May these auspicious gods bless us with good progeny, and nourish all life. May they proclaim auspiciousness in the place of worship. May they always ensure our good fortune

7. इस प्रकार कृतार्थ सुबह हमें प्राप्त हो हमें  हमें सुपुत्र, घोडे, पशु, दुग्ध और योधा रिश्तेदार  प्राप्त हो हे देव हमें अपने आशीर्वाद दीजिये

                                   ऊँ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः
                           Om Shanteeh Shanteeh Shanteeh

Gaurav Malhotra

About the Author:

Gaurav Malhotra is a B Tech in Computer Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT, Kurukshetra) and a passionate follower of Astrology. He has widely traveled across the world and helped people with his skills. You can contact him on his email You can also read more about him on his page. His Facebook page can be reached here.


  1. Happy Birthday.. Beautiful post! Well done yet again... Rgds, Nish

  2. Wishing You A Many Many Happy Returns of the Day Gauravji...

  3. Happy Birthday!!!Namay SHivaaya!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday Gaurav sir.
    I was waiting for your posts from long time.
    I am facing few troubles in my life..can I mail you regarding that ?

    1. Thanks. Yes, please email me. You can call me as well at 9211921182.

  5. Wish you a Very Happy Birthday Gauravji. God Bless You.

    Warm regards

  6. Wish u a VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAURAV SIR. May god bless u with health wealth and peace throught ur life....deep gupta

  7. Hi Mr gaurav,just need to know that whether you still have that ek mukhi gol dana from Nepal. I am having one oval shaped haridwar ek mukhi bead which I got from nearby ashram tree of teen mukhi rudraksha. Is their any difference in potency of beeds from Nepal and haridwar. Or the comparison is just a gimmick by sellers to create price difference. Thanks

  8. Can anyone do this

  9. Namaskar, Gauravji. Happy Birthday! As always it is a great pleasure to read your post.

  10. Happy belated Birthday Sir... Thanks for the powerful sukta... its really very nice of you

  11. Belated Happy B'day Guruji.

    Kindly Help mine -
    Dob - 2 July 1992 Time 7:25 pm Approx. - Merta - Rajasthan- India

    I have analyzed my gemstone report to some astrologer and i got confused -

    They recommended me PUKHRAJ, MOONGA and RUBY -

    So should i wear all these three .. kindly guide me which stone should i wear according to my horoscope


  12. can we chant hindi version only?

  13. Gaurav sir my name is karan DOB 12-08-1990, i have done b-tech from iiit and also did mba preparing for competitive exams since 2012 still did not get any job.Please help me... yesterday i met a parrot telling astrologer he told that i had stepped a lemon on my way in my early days so i could not get things done which i suppose to do a lot of hard work but no result and even i have health problems like very thin and dont get hungry 1 day proper and other day improper...Even my father lost his job 13 years ago (i.e)2002 .since then we had no employee in my family of 5 members we relied on the house rent of our own house, now there is a situation like we are going to lose the only source of income (i.e house) due to bad loans....please help me would be really beneficial if things change in my family.

    1. I am giving you some general remedies which will bring a lot of relief to you in this situation
      1) Offer water to surya everyday.

      2) Wear 8 mukhi and 10 mukhi rudrakshas together in a black or red thread as per the following posts after energizing them

      3) Recite Shani mantra daily for at least 108 times “Om Sham Shanish Charaaye Namaha”

      4) Complete 18,000 recitations of Rahu mantra within a maximum of 40 days. The mantra is "Om Ram Rahuve Namaha" Strict physical (no sex, no non veg, no wine cigarette etc.) and mental purity is required during these 40 days. Keep Lord Shiva's image in mind and recite the mantra with complete faith and concentration in a secluded place in the house.

      5) Recite this mantra daily
      It is a powerful mantra.
      6) Have all your meals while sitting in the kitchen especially at the time when stove in the kitchen is still being used to cook something.

      7) Stay away from wine, non veg and cigarette. These are Saturn’s things, consuming them won’t give you good effect.
      8) This remedy also proves quite helpful in this situation
      9) Take one KG of Barley and 4 liters of milk and go near running water (river or canal) and wash barley with milk and then offer both in the running water. This has to be done daily for 43 days continuously without any break.
      10) ॐ वद वद वाग्वादिनी स्वाहा recite this mantra daily for 108 times while remembering goddess Saraswati

  14. Hey dob is 14sep1989 time 4.28pm...saharanpur up....sir i m facing health problem since my birth...nd study problm since past 2 yrs....i m completly shattered in my lyf....plz guide m wht to do :(

  15. Sir I want to open new Restaurant Business on this year.
    What should I do for very good business from the restaurant at very short time?
    And When is the right time and date for opening the restaurant?

  16. आप धन्यवाद के पात्र हैं गौरव जी इस प्रभावशाली सूक्त के लिए !

  17. what is the relevance of chanting this manthr for horses, this world.

    1. Horse ride represents wealth and prosperity and cow represents abundance of food, milk and wealth. That is why they have been referred above.

  18. Sir is bhagyasuktham to be recited on morning only?

    1. Morning is preferred but if that is not possible then you can do anytime of the day

  19. 1984 aug31 11:20 pm. My date of birth. .
    Sir.currently my life is going through the worst time. Do I have a comeback in my personal life is destroyed after I gave birth to my son 2016 may 12 5:35 am .please guide me.

    1. Plz do these remedies

      1) Wear a panna




    2. Sir I have my PhD public viva voce on 25th september at 2.30 pm. I request you to suggest me as what I have to do to to be successful . I know I have to work hard to make the day the best.

    3. please email me at

  20. Sir, is t possible to get Hindi version of Bhagya suktham....

  21. gaurav ji,namaskar.iam following since 3 years.i wanted to know anyone benefitted with yantras yo prepare.for preparing yantra ,certain sakthi is required besides japa,havan.clarify my doubt.

  22. Hello sir, my name is swetha Singh, dob 19may 1985, 4:30am, ballia(up), going through rahu Mahadasha, plz suggest remedies, thank you

  23. Hi guruji, my name is sneha sridharan my DOB is Jan 6, 1988 and my husband is Bharath Kumar, Oct 12, 83, he does not do any favour for me he financially, even after 8 years of marriage he does not look after me, actually he does not have proper source of income, pl give me some remedy. Actaully we don't have proper understanding also also argument n fightings

  24. Beautiful post! Well done

  25. Officially passing through tough time. When will I get relief? DOB 29.5.1971.

  26. Thank you so much.really have written it in English Hindi also with meaning.. thankful to you🙏


    Sir ye youtube par hai to kya ye youtube wala mantra repeat ho rha h ?? Hum pura mantra kise mane sir ?


I get huge no. of comments everyday and it is not possible for me to reply to each and every comment due to scarcity of time. I will try my best to reply at least a few comments everyday.