Lal Kitab suggests a procedure to check the auspiciousness of a land to see if the house should be made on it or not. I am going to give that procedure in this post.
Procedure: This procedure needs to be done on the land even before foundation is laid. If possible, it should be done even before the land is purchased.
Select the middle point of the land. Take any vessel, fill it with rice and also put a small silver piece in it. Dig out a hole in the middle point of land, keep the vessel inside the hole and cover the vessel with soil. Now check the position of shani (Saturn) in your (owner's) chart. If say, Saturn is sitting in 4th house in chart, wait for 4 days (similarly if it is sitting in say 9th house, then wait for 9 days) and observe if anything bad in the family happens like any fever, disease, dispute or any other adverse thing. If it happens, then the land is not suitable and the house should not be constructed on it. If it doesn't happen then the land can be used to make house.
Note: After burying the vessel under earth, if you start observing anything adverse in the family, immediately take out the vessel and offer it in running water (river canal etc.), adverse effect will stop immediately.
लाल किताब में भूमि परीक्षण की एक विधि दी गयी है जिससे ये पता लगाया जा सकता है की भूमि मकान बनाने के लिए शुभ है या नहीं । वही विधि मैं इस पोस्ट में लिखने जा रहा हूँ ।
विधि: यह विधि नींव रखने से पहले की जानी चाहिए । अगर संभव हो तो ज़मीन खरीदने से पहले ही इस विधि को कर लिया जाए ।
ज़मीन के बीचों बीच एक गड्ढा खोद लिया जाए । एक बर्तन लेकर उसे चावल से भर दिया जाए और उसमे चांदी का एक छोटा सा टुकड़ा भी डाल दिया जाए । इसके बाद इस बर्तन को उस गढ्ढे में रखकर मिटटी से दबा देना चाहिए । अब जो ज़मीन खरीदने वाला है या खरीद चुका है उसकी कुंडली में शनि की स्थिति देखनी चाहिए । उदाहरण के लिए अगर शनि चौथे घर में बैठा हुआ है तो बर्तन दबाने से लेकर 4 दिन तक इंतज़ार करना चाहिए (इसी तरह अगर नौवें घर बैठा है तो 9 दिन इत्यादि) अगर कोई अनहोनी घटना जैसे परिवार में किसी को अचानक तेज़ बुखार, झगड़ा, बीमारी इत्यादी हो तो समझना चाहिए की ज़मीन मकान बनाने के लिए अशुभ है । और अगर ऐसा कुछ नहीं होता तो ज़मीन मकान बनाने के लिए शुभ है ।
नोट: अगर बर्तन दबाने के बाद कोई अनहोनी घटना होनी शुरू हो जाए तो बर्तन को निकाल कर तुरंत चलते पानी (नदी या नहर) में बहा देना चाहिए । ऐसा करने से सब ठीक हो जाएगा ।

Unbelievable and outstanding. Thanks Gauravji
ReplyDeleteMay I ask, what if the house is constructed and occupied, any way to check.
ReplyDeleteI will write on that in future. For now, you can refer this link
DeleteWe are facing lot of problems in our house.please write a post on how to check if the house is good for us to continue to stay .
ReplyDeleteAlso heard that house no. Totalling to No. 7 is not good number wise.
Please throw light on this.
I will surely write the post. I do not believe much in numbers. That is a western concept and is covered under numerology. For now, you can refer this post
DeleteHi gauravji,
ReplyDeletewe are living in current house since 18 yrs. I am doing job. It's going good but expenses are high. My father had already did lots of business but not yet settled. Now he is free from work. My mother is suffering from mental problem. Please suggest what should I do?