Saturday, December 20, 2014

Chaakshukshopanishad - A Powerful Prayer to Get Rid of Eye Diseases (Chaakshukshopanishad- Netra Rogon ke Samadhaan Hetu ek Shaktishaali Upay)

In this post I am giving a powerful prayer to improve eye sight and to get rid of all eye related diseases. This prayer is devoted to Lord Sun. 

  • Sit on the floor on a red colored cloth.
  • One should be facing East direction as East is the most auspicious direction. 
  • Keep a copper vessel full of water in the front.
  • Recite the following prayer for 12 times and after the recitation is over, blow air in the water from mouth. 
  • Two drops of this water should be poured in each eye and the rest should be consumed by the person. 
  • This can be done by anyone and the water can be given to the affected person. 
Note: Audio of this mantra can be downloaded by clicking on this link 

Om AsyashChakshushi Vidyaaya Ahirbudhnya Rishih, Gayatri Chhandah, Suryo Devta, Chakshu Rog Nivrittaye Viniyogaha 

Om Chakshooh Chakshooh Chakshooh Tejaha Sthiraha Bhav
Maam Paahi Paahi
Tvaritam Chakshu Rogaan Shamay Shamay
 Mam Jaatroopam Tejo Darshay Darshay
Yatha Aham Andho Na Syaam 
Tatha Kalpay Kalpay 
Kalyaanam Kuru Kuru 
Yaani Mam Poorva Janma Upaarjitaani Chakshooh Pratirodhak Dushkritaani Sravaani Nirmoolay Nirmoolay
 Om Namaha Chakshooh Tejodaatre Bhaaskaraaye
Om Namaha Krunakaraaye Amritaaye 
Om Namaha Sooryaaye 
Om Namo Bhagwate Suryaaye Akshi Tejse Namaha 
Khechraaye Namaha 
Mahate Namaha 
Rajase Namaha 
Tamase Namaha 
Asato Maa Sad Gamaya 
Tamaso Maa Jyotirgamaya 
Mrityormaa Amritangamaya 
 Ooshno Bhagwaan Shuchiroopaha 
 Hanso Bhagwaan Shucheeh Pratiroopaha 
Ya Imaam Chaakshushmateem Vidyaam Braahmanah Nityamadheete 
Na Tasya Akshi Rogaha Bhavati 
Na Tasya Kule Andhaha Bhavati 
Ashtau Braahmanaan Samyak Graahyitva Vidya Siddheeh Bhavati 
Om Namo Bhagwate Aadivyas Ahovaahini Ahovaahini Swaaha

इस पोस्ट में मैं एक बहुत ही शक्तिशाली उपाय लिखने जा रहा हूँ जिससे आँखों की ज्योति बढ़ती है और नेत्र सम्बन्धी सभी विकार दूर हो जाते हैं । यह एक प्रार्थना है जो सूर्य को समर्पित है । इस प्रार्थना का नाम है चाक्षुक्षोपनिषद् ।


  • फर्श पर एक लाल रंग का कपडा बिछाकर पूर्वाभिमुख होकर बैठ जाएँ ।
  • एक ताम्बे के लोटे में पानी भरकर अपने सामने रखें ।
  • नीचे दी हुई प्रार्थना को कम से कम 12 बार जपिए और उसके बाद पानी में मुँह से फूँक मारिये।
  • इस पानी की दो-दो बूँदें दोनों आँखों में डालिये और बाकी पानी पी जाइए ।
  • इस उपाय को कोई भी किसी के लिए भी कर सकता है ।

ॐ अस्याश्चाक्षुषी विद्याया अहिर्बुध्न्य ऋषिः, गायत्री छन्दः, सूर्यो देवता, चक्षु रोग निवृत्तये विनियोगः 
ॐ चक्षुः चक्षुः चक्षुः तेजः स्थिरः भव 
माम पाहि पाहि 
त्वरितम् चक्षु रोगान शमय शमय 
मम जातरूपम् तेजो दर्शय दर्शय 
यथा अहम अन्धो न स्याम 
तथा कल्पय कल्पय 
कल्याणम कुरु कुरु 
यानी मम पूर्व जन्म उपार्जितानी चक्षुः प्रतिरोधक-दुष्कृतानि सर्वाणि निर्मूलय निर्मूलय 
ॐ नमः चक्षुः तेजोदात्रे भास्कराए 
ॐ नमः करुणाकराय अमृताय 
ॐ नमः सूर्याय 
ॐ नमो भगवते सूर्याय अक्षि तेजसे नमः 
खेचराय नमः 
महते नमः 
रजसे नमः 
तमसे नमः 
असतो मा सद गमय 
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय 
उष्णो भगवान शुचिरूपः 
हंसो भगवान शुचिः प्रतिरूपः 
य इमाम चाक्षुष्मतीम विद्याम ब्राह्मणः नित्यम अधीते
न तस्य अक्षि रोगः भवति 
न तस्य कुले अन्धः भवति 
अष्टौ ब्राह्मणान सम्यक ग्राहयित्वा विद्या सिद्धीः भवति 
ॐ नमो भगवते आदिव्यास अहोवाहिनी अहोवाहिनी स्वाहा   
नोट: इस मंत्र के ऑडियो को इस लिंक से डाउनलोड किया जा सकता है ।

Gaurav Malhotra

About the Author:

Gaurav Malhotra is a B Tech in Computer Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT, Kurukshetra) and a passionate follower of Astrology. He has widely traveled across the world and helped people with his skills. You can contact him on his email You can also read more about him on his page. His Facebook page can be reached here.


  1. Sir,
    For how many days? Any time is ok(morning/evening) ?

    1. At least for 52 days. Any time is okay but morning is preferable.

    2. Gaurav ji...from last five years i m suffering eye desease namely Uveitis. I done whole body test in routine and taking treatment from PGI chandigarh. The special doctors also could not be able to sought solution. As recomended by you by chanting this mantra and aditya haridyam from last two months my eye probles very much cure.doctors are also surprised .thanks

  2. Can we offer water to sun compulsory in house only or at any place where we feel comfort ie., nearby river or in temple etc bcoz of neighbours evil eye ie., if i'm offering water to sun in home means my neighbours are watching me continuously .

  3. Sir,
    MY Daughter has quint in one eye .. PLease suggest me some mantra for this problem with procedure details an durations.

    1. Apply her first saliva in the morning before she eats or drinks anything in the morning. It should be applied in both the eyes. Do it for one year and her eyes will be fine.

  4. Hello, can we do the above upay of applying first saliva in the eyes for all sorts of problems related to eyes.

  5. Sir my mother has cataract in her both eyes please suggest some mantra to cure her condition



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