Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Complete Introduction to Gemstone - "Red Coral" (Moonga Ratna ka Sampoorna Parichay)

This is my second post as a part of the introductory series on Gemstones. The first post in the series was on Pearl. This post is about Red Coral. 
(Android users who are watching this post through my app (Astro Junction App) on their smartphones, should click on the title of the post above to see the complete post.)
What is Red Coral
coral is a gemstone which is ruled by Mars. It comes in many colors. It is also an organic gemstone like Pearl. That is why the chemical structure of Pearl and Coral is very similar. The main composition of Red Coral is Calcium Carbonate. It is also found in sea. Tiny living beings called Polyps keeps on secreting a substance which grows in trees and branches like formation. This is called Coral. Coral comes in many colors like brown, black, white, red, blue etc. Red colored Corals are most popular. Red Coral has been very popular since ancient world in many cultures to protect from evil eye and the like. 

Physical Properties of Coral:  

Mohs Scale: 3 - 4
Specific Gravity: 2.60 - 2.70
Birefringence: 0.160
Refractive Index: 1.486 - 1.658

Origin: 75% of worldwide production of Coral comes from Italy. Italian (Sardinian) Corals are considered to be the finest. Other countries like Japan, Taiwan, Australia also produce Corals. 

Natural Vs Imitation Corals: Natural Corals, as has been described above, come from the Sea. Imitation Corals can be made of things like bamboo, plastic, glass etc.  Natural Corals are always translucent or opaque. Natural Corals can be identified after measuring their physical properties as given above. Imitation Corals will not display the same physical properties (specific gravity, refractive index etc.) as of Coral.   
Fake dyed red bamboo Coral

How to Identify a Genuine Coral: As mentioned above, there are two main categories of Corals; Natural and Imitation (or Fake). Every stone has certain definitive properties like specific gravity, Moh's hardness, Refractive Index etc. All these parameters can be determined from tools like Refractometer (used to measure birefringence and refractive index), Polariscope etc. and matched with the actual values of Coral to see if it is a genuine Coral or the imitation. Apart from this Microscope can help in detecting the actual structure of the Coral.
When you go to a gemstone dealer to buy a gemstone, most of the time they say that the stone is natural and genuine, never believe them and get the stone tested from a reliable source or lab. 
The worrying factor is that now a days some gem labs have nexus with some corrupt jewelers and the labs give genuine certificates for fake stones to the jewelers. And then these jewelers sell fake "certified gems" in high rates to you.  
Gem Refractometer to Measure Refractive Index of a Stone
Polariscope for measuring Optic Character of Gemstones
Treatments on Coral: Unprocessed Coral is matte but treatment is done on it to give it a glossy finish and shine. Treatments are done to hide the cracks, to beautify the stone, to hide the impurities and inclusions within the stone. So, the buyers should be careful to identify these treatments. Red Corals are dyed in dark red color to give them that rich red feel. Astrologically such treated stones are not considered suitable. 

Who Should Wear it: Those who have Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces in their Lagna (First House) can wear Red Coral. 

scorpio lagna ascendant vrishchikacancer lagna ascendant karka
pisces lagna ascendant meen

How to Energize: I have already written a post on how to energize the stones. The post can be accessed by clicking on this link

Mantra to Energize Red Coral:  

Om Kam Kujaaye Namaha 
Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sah Bhaumaaye Namaha 
General Benefits: Red Coral is Mars's stone. Mars rules over land, court cases, enemies, brothers, health etc. Wearing a Red Coral gives benefit in all these areas. It also brings harmony in marital relations. It helps in alleviating blood disorders, weakness, lack of appetite, stomach disorders etc. Ash of Red Coral is also used to cure many diseases like the ones mentioned above. But be warned, stones should not be worn without the suggestion of an expert astrologer. If the stone is inappropriate as per your horoscope then it may harm you, if worn.

Contradictory Stones as per Vedic Astrology: Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Emerald, Hessonite and Cat's Eye should not be worn along with Red Coral.

Substitute Stones: Red Agate and Red Onyx.

Do's and Dont's: 1) Red Coral is very soft so it should be handled with care otherwise it may easily get scratches. Red Coral gives maximum benefit when worn with Mars Yantra.  

2) Red Coral gives complete benefit only when it is worn after energizing. 

3) After wearing Red Coral, it should not be removed even for a minute. Red Coral absorbs the rays of the sun and keeps on conserving the energy from the rays within your body. If Red Coral is removed even for a minute, the conserved energy gets immediately lost. If for some reason it needs to be removed, a new auspicious muhurta needs to be found and Red Coral needs to be charged again with mantras and then worn. 

4) Red Coral should be avoided to come in contact with harmful chemicals otherwise the color of the coral may get fade.

5) Wear only natural Red Coral. Imitation Corals do not have any benefit.

6) A Red Coral which has crack or black dots in it, should not be worn. It may give negative and depressing thoughts to the wearer. 

रत्नों के ऊपर मेरी सीरीज़ में यह दूसरी पोस्ट है मूंगा के ऊपर । मेरी पहली ब्लॉग पोस्ट मोती के ऊपर थी ।

मूँगा: मूंगा मंगल का रत्न है और यह कई रंगों में पाया जाता है । मोती की तरह मूंगा भी एक जैविक पदार्थ है और समुद्र में पाया जाता है इसीलिए इसकी रासायनिक संरचना मोती से बहुत मिलती जुलती है । मूंगे की रासायनिक संरचना में ज्यादातर कैल्शियम कार्बोनेट पाया जाता है । समुद्र जीव पाये जाते हैं जिन्हे पोलिप कहा जाता है वो अपने अंदर से एक पदार्थ छोड़ते रहते हैं । जोकि वृक्ष और उसकी शाखाओं के रूप में बढ़ता रहता है । इसी को मूंगा कहते हैं । 
समुद्र के नीचे मूंगा
मूंगा कई रंगों में आता है जैसे भूरा, नीला, काला, सफ़ेद, लाल इत्यादि । लाल रंग का मूंगा सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय है । मूंगे का प्रयोग बहुत पुराने समय से बुरी नज़र और बुरे असर से बचने के लिए किया जाता रहा है । 

मूंगे के कुछ भौतिक गुण

मोह्स स्केल: 3 - 4
आपेक्षिक भार: 2.60 - 2.70
बायरफ्रिन्जेन्स: 0.160
अपवर्तनांक: 1.486 - 1.658

उत्पत्ति: संसार की कुल पैदावार का 75 प्रतिशत मूंगा इटली से आता है । सार्डीनिया इटली में एक ऐसी जगह है जहाँ के मूंगे सबसे अच्छे माने जाते हैं । इटली के अलावा ऑस्ट्रेलिया, ताइवान और जापान में भी मूंगे उत्पादित होते हैं । 

प्राकृतिक और कृत्रिम मूंगा: प्राकृतिक मूंगा जैसा की ऊपर बताया जा चुका है, समुद्र में पाया जाता है जबकि कृत्रिम मूंगा प्लास्टिक, बांस, कांच जैसी वस्तुओं से बनाया जाता है । प्राकृतिक मूंगा हमेशा पारभासी या अपारदर्शक होता है । प्राकृतिक मूंगे को उसके भौतिक गुणों के द्वारा पहचाना जा सकता है । कृत्रिम मूंगे के भौतिक गुण (अपवर्तनांक, आपेक्षिक भार इत्यादि) जब मापे जाते हैं तो वह प्राकृतिक मूंगे के भौतिक गुणों से भिन्न होते हैं इससे पता चल जाता है की मूंगा प्राकृतिक है या कृत्रिम । 

असली मूंगे की पहचान: जैसा की ऊपर बताया जा चुका है की मूंगा दो प्रकार का होता है ; प्राकृतिक और कृत्रिम। माइक्रोस्कोप से देखकर उनकी संरचना का पता लगाया जा सकता है और ये जाना जा सकता है की मूंगा प्राकृतिक है या कृत्रिम है । इसके अलावा रेफ्रक्टोमीटर, पोलरीस्कोप, डाइक्रोस्कोप (फोटो ऊपर दी गयी है) जैसे उपकरणों से मूंगे के भौतिक गुण मापे जाते हैं और पता लगा लिया जाता है की मूंगा असली है या नकली । 
आजकल कई रत्न बेचने वाले आपको कहेंगे की रत्न असली है मेरी आपको सलाह है की उनका विशवास न करें और किसी अच्छी लैब में या फिर किसी विशेषज्ञ से जाकर रत्न की जांच ज़रूर करवाएं ।  
चिंता का विषय तो यह है की आजकल कई लैब भी पैसों के लालच में आकर नकली सर्टिफिकेट बनाकर दे देती हैं और वही रत्न आपको ऊंचे दामों में बेचे जाते हैं । 

 मूंगे की ट्रीटमेंट: शुद्ध और बिना ट्रीटमेंट किया हुआ प्राकृतिक मूंगा चमकता नहीं है बल्कि चमक रहित होता है । बाद में इसपर ट्रीटमेंट की जाती है इसे चमकाने के लिए, अगर मूंगा  कटा फटा हुआ है या उसमे दाग हैं तो उनको छुपाने के लिए । इसीलिए मूंगा खरीदते समय बहुत सावधान रहना चाहिए । ट्रीटमेंट किये हुए रत्न ज्योतिष की दृष्टि से अच्छे नहीं माने जाते । 

मूंगा किसे डालना चाहिए: मेष, कर्क, वृश्चिक और मीन लग्न (फोटो ऊपर दी गयी है) वालों के लिए मूंगा अच्छा रहता है । 

मूंगे को कैसे अभिमंत्रित करना चाहिए: मैंने इसके बारे में पहले से ही एक पोस्ट लिखी हुई है । पाठक इस लिंक पर क्लिक करके उस पोस्ट को पढ़ सकते हैं । 

मूंगे को अभिमंत्रित करने का मंत्र

ॐ कम कुजाये नमः 
या फिर 
ॐ क्राम क्रीम क्रौम सह भौमाय नमः 

  मूंगा पहनने से लाभ: मूंगा मंगल का रत्न है । मंगल का ज़मीन जायदाद, अदालती झगड़ों, दुश्मनों, भाइयों, सेहत इत्यादि पर अधिकार है । मूंगा डालने से इन सभी क्षेत्रों में सहायता मिलती है । वैवाहिक संबंधों में भी यह स्थिरता लाता है । उच्च रक्तचाप, कमज़ोरी, मंदाग्नि, पेट की अन्य बीमारियों में भी मूंगा बहुत मददगार साबित होता है । मूंगे की भस्म बहुत सारी  बीमारियों में प्रयोग की जाती है । लेकिन ध्यान रहे कोई भी रत्न किसी विशेषज्ञ को अपनी कुंडली दिखाकर ही पहनना चाहिए । कुंडली के हिसाब से अनुपयुक्त रत्न डालने से फायदे के बजाये नुक्सान हो सकता है । 

मूंगे के विरोधी रत्न: हीरा, नीलम, पन्ना, गोमेद और लहसुनिया मूंगे के साथ नहीं डालने चाहिए । 

मूंगे के उपरत्न: लाल अकीक या सुलेमानी पत्थर । 

पथ्य और अपथ्य:  1) मूंगा बहुत नाज़ुक होता है अतः किसी ठोस पदार्थ से घिसने पर इस पर निशान पड़ सकते हैं इसलिए इसे ध्यान से रखना चाहिए और रगड़ से बचाना चाहिए । मूंगा को अगर मंगल यन्त्र के साथ पहना जाए तो बहुत फायदा होता है।

2) मूंगा पूरा फायदा तभी देता है जब इसे विधि अनुसार अभिमंत्रित करके पहना जाए। 

3) मूंगा डालने के बाद एक मिनट के लिए भी उतारना नहीं चाहिए । मूंगा सूर्य की किरणों को  आपके शरीर में संचित करता रहता है जिससे शरीर के ऊर्जा चक्र संचालित होते हैं । अगर मूंगे को उतार दिया जाए तो यह सारी संचित की हुई ऊर्जा समाप्त हो जाती है और रत्न डालने का फायदा नहीं रहता । अगर किसी वजह से इसे उतारना ही पड़े तो फिर से अच्छा मुहूर्त देखकर पूरे विधि विधान से अभिमंत्रित करके ही डालना चाहिए अन्यथा फायदा नहीं होता । 

4) कोशिश करें की नुकसानदायक केमिकल्स मूंगे के ऊपर न पड़ें अन्यथा इसका रंग फीका पड़ सकता है । 

5) केवल प्राकृतिक मूंगा ही पहने । कृत्रिम मूंगा पहनने का कोई फायदा नहीं होता ।

6) ऐसा मूंगा जिसमे दरार पड़ी हो या काले धब्बे हों ऐसे मूंगे को नहीं पहनना चाहिए । इसके डालने से नुक्सान हो सकता है । 

Gaurav Malhotra

About the Author:

Gaurav Malhotra is a B Tech in Computer Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT, Kurukshetra) and a passionate follower of Astrology. He has widely traveled across the world and helped people with his skills. You can contact him on his email jyotishremedy@gmail.com. You can also read more about him on his page. His Facebook page is this.


  1. Very very informative,
    Very nice.

  2. Guru ji,
    I heard that if you drop coral in unboiled milk, it becomes pink or even white.
    Is this true???


  3. Gaurav ji, why do stones that have undergone some sort of treatment deemed unfit for astrological use? Is there any actual scientific explanation for it?

    1. Treatments change the molecular structure of a stone so in other words the stone doesn't remain original. But there is another reality that untreated stones are rare to find. And they cost very high.

  4. namaste guruji my mothers date of birth is 02/04/1956.time 06.10 A.M. Place- Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.name- manju dutta. she is wearing red coral on right hand ring finger and hessonite on left hand middle finger. guruji please suggest is it ok according to her charts?? she is very hard working but she suffers a lot from health diseases and is going through various problems and mental stress with financial turmoil.also now changing or buying new stones would be difficult for her financially. the red coral has a small dot in it. it would be very kind of you if u suggest something for her. she is very worried.thank you. she is in the line of nursing for last 30 years and in government hospitals.

    1. She should wear a yellow sapphire only. The best time of her life will start from Sep 2021.

  5. शाबर बजरग बान के फायदा और सही सही पोस्ट करने की कृपा करे धन्यवाद

  6. Gaurav ji,
    Please suggest anything can be done when it is only 16 on 36 in gun Milan. Please suggest any remedy.


    1. I will have to see both the horoscopes without which I can not comment. You can send me an email at jyotishremedy@gmail.com

  7. Sir,
    In your future post kindly throw some light on yogas for law suit and remedy.
    I will be very helpful.

    Thank you

    1. Thanks for suggestion. I will surely do it but can't say when.

  8. Sir i am wearing my red coral in silver ring.
    Is this okay?

  9. Sir, my name is daljeet kaur, dob-10 may 1995, time of birth-8:54pm.i m wearing red coral in gold ring in right hand ring finger.i m suffering from hormonal problem.should I wear this stone?? Can u suggest any other stone for me? And can u tell wen will I probably get married?

    1. Yellow Sapphire would be good for you. There are chances between May 2015 and July 2016. It may be a love marriage.

  10. guruji am wearing diamond on right hand middle finger and emarld on right hand ring finger and other coral on left hand ring finger and middle finger gomedhika its right for me my date of birth is 3/3/1985 at about 9:30 am birth place at ooty any suggestion

  11. Hi Sir, I m Ashok Kumar Parmar, dob - 15.09.1984, time - 22:05, place - kalunga, odisha. I m facing lots of problems in recent times like loss of job and hypertension. Please suggest me what should I wear.

  12. Red Coral required in Triangle shape, from where can i get genuine one. kindly advise.

  13. Namaste pandit ji
    im jyoti my dob is 8.10.86 time 4.30 am place delhi
    smeone sugg3st me to wear red coral... is dis benefial to wear... or wen do i gt married

  14. My name is Ashish kumar chowdhary
    DOB: 29 Sep 1987
    Place: Muzaffarpur, Bihar
    Time: 04:05 PM
    Please kindly tell me which gem stone I should wear.

    1. Please wear a 12 mukhi rudraksha and a white coral



  15. Thank you so much Guruji. Is there any specific ratti for white coral that i should wear?

    1. 9 to 10 ratti

      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  16. Guruji . my name is navendu my dob is 5/4/1991 .time 5 am khargone(mp)
    Which gemstone should i wear. Right now i am wearing red moonga (coral) . is it compatible with my kundali

    1. You should remove red coral and you should wear a white coral and an emerald.


      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  17. Hi sir my name is manav . My dob is 17.07.1980
    Time . 06:35am . Place . New delhi.
    Can I wear tikona moonga .
    I'm into cars coating business. Kaam kabhi aata hai kabhi bilkul nhi aata plz help

    1. You should wear a moonga and south sea pearl.



      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

    2. Hello sir, my dob: 7 Jan 1982,9:55am at Ahmedabad. I am facing lot of problems in my married life for more then one year. Please suggest suitable gemstone for me. Someone has suggested red moonga in middle finger right hand. Is it ok?

  18. Sir my Dob is 30.10.1973, female, born in Bombay at 08.56 am. I am running a travel business where business is very very slow. Also suffering from hormonal problems and hence high body weight. Please suggest correct gemstones to be worn

    1. Plz wear a yellow sapphire and a 12 mukhi rudraksha.

      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  19. Guruji,

    Sadar prannam!

    My details are DOB-16 May 77 / 1.08 pm / Jammu (J&K).

    Please share what stones I should wear and from where I can get certified top quality stones?

    Also, please inform when can I expect next promotion in my career and can I relocate to abroad?

    Thanks for your valuable inputs

    1. Please wear a red coral and a yellow sapphire.

      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  20. My Name: Priyanka Ikhar
    DOB : 28/01/89
    BIRTH Place: Nagpur (Mah)
    Birth time: 12:05 pm
    Plz suggest me the right stone.... I have been told of different stones by different astrologers.....

    1. You should wear a yellow sapphire, a mercury yantra and a 2 mukhi rudraksha.





      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  21. Pandit ji my date of birth is 9 may 1994 and time is 7:30 P.m.in evening...I was told to wear red coral in copper ring...is it right to wear...pls suggest me as I am very stressed out in my life mentally

    1. The best stones for you are salt water pearl and a unheated and untreated yellow sapphire

      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  22. Namaskar Guruji. Is triangle Red moonga also called Lakshmi moonga is more beneficial than oval Red moonga for financial gains. Also advise which is more effective wearing Rings or Pendant.

    1. You can wear moonga in any shape. There is no difference in wearing a triange or oval shaped. Ring is always preferred over pendant.

  23. Can red coral is suitable for me.DOB- 03/02/1993 time 3.30 pm name Prasanna birth place -solapur Maharashtra.

    1. Plz wear only an emerald, a 12 mukhi nepali rudraksha and a shani yantra.





      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  24. My mars is in 7th house of lagna, and Taurus is lagna.
    Aries is sun sign. Can I wear a red coral?

    1. No you should not. You can wear a white coral or diamond, panna and blue sapphire.

  25. Sir..namastey..I am Preeti barnwal and my dob is 11 Nov 1992 at around 5 - 6 a.m..in Bihar Sharif..please suggest me sir....I have completed my m.b.a and now looking for job...but still I m jobless ..sir please suggest me red coral is best for me or not..?? If yes then also tell me the shape of coral and in which metal should I worn..

  26. Sir I have mars in cancer ascendent can I wear red coral

    1. Instead of red coral, you should wear a mangal yantra.


  27. My name is nidhi bhardwaj, dob 07 june 1990 time of birth : 09:55 a.m. place: palwal,haryana.
    I am facing job related problem. i am preparing for govt Jobs since 5 years but not able to qualify the exam. mere jeevan mei private or govt job likhi h ya nhi?? maine b.tech kiya hua hai. astrologer suggested me to wear red moonga. is this going to suit me?

  28. Hello Guruji, my name is alakh narayan. Dob is 21/03/1986. Time is 1pm. Place is dhanbad. My rashi is mesh. One astrologer suggested me to wear red moonga in bronze, another suggested me to wear it in silver or gold. Can I wear it in silver. Please suggest me.

  29. Guruji does red coral gives full effect when worn in gold

  30. Guruji, my dob is 22.03.78, 12.30 pm in calcutta. Gemini ascendant, mars in 2nd house of cancer. Should i wear red or white coral? Pranam,

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  51. my name is Baljeet Kaur,, DoB-19oct1995 Time-11:50 am, Batala, Punjab, India. I bought a coral recently from astrologer, it has has little crack or double shade.luckly I come here. Please suggest what will I do?


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