Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Most Powerful Prayer of Planet Sun- Aditya Hridaya Stotra (Surya ki Sabse Prabhaavshaali Prarthna)

Dear Readers,

I am back with my latest post. It took me a lot of time to write this post due to it's length. (Android users who are watching this post through my app (Astro Junction App) on their smartphones, should click on the title of the post above to see the complete post.)
This post is on Aditya Hridaya Stotra which means heart of Sun. This is the most powerful prayer for planet Sun. If Sun is malefic in your birth chart or you are not getting good results corresponding to Sun. You can take help of this stotra. I have been personally benefited  by this Stotra. Please recite Gayatri mantra for 3 times before starting to chant this stotra and 3 times again after you finish it. As mentioned below in the stotra that the one who recites it daily is never troubled by enemies, is able to conquer them. Also, all worries, anxieties and fears vanish. It gives peace of mind, confidence and prosperity. There are other countless benefits of this stotra. The text in red below is the actual mantra(stotra) and the text in black is the Hindi and English translation.
You can read more posts related to planet Sun by clicking on the links below. 

प्रिय पाठकों 

मैं आज अपनी नयी पोस्ट के साथ आपके समक्ष उपस्थित हूँ । इस पोस्ट को लिखने में मुझे काफी समय लगा क्योंकि यह काफी लम्बी पोस्ट थी । यह पोस्ट आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र के बारे में है जिसका मतलब है सूर्य का ह्रदय । सूर्य देव कि यह सबसे प्रभावशाली प्रार्थना है । अगर आपको सूर्य ग्रह से सम्बंधित अच्छे परिणाम नहीं मिल रहे या यह आपकी कुंडली में अशुभ है तो आप इस मंत्र का सहारा ले सकते हैं । मैंने खुद भी इस स्तोत्र के बहुत अच्छे परिणाम अनुभव किया हैं । इस स्तोत्र को जपने से पहले ३ बार गायत्री मंत्र का जप करें और इस स्तोत्र को पूरा जपने के बाद फिर से ३ बार गायत्री मंत्र का जप करें । जैसा कि स्तोत्र में भी कहा गया है कि जो इस स्तोत्र को रोज़ जपता है उसके सारे दुःख, सब चिंताएं समाप्त हो जाती हैं । वो अजेय हो जाता है और शत्रु उससे परास्त हो जाते हैं । इसके जप से मानसिक शान्ति, आत्मविश्वास और समृद्धि मिलती है । इसके और भी कई अनगिनत फायदे हैं । नीचे लाल रंग में दिया हुआ मंत्र(स्तोत्र) है और जो काले रंग में दिया हुआ है वह हिंदी और अंग्रेज़ी रूपांतरण है। 
सूर्य से सम्बंधित नीचे दी हुई पोस्ट भी आप पढ़ सकते हैं ।     


ततो युद्धपरिश्रान्तम् समरे चिन्तया स्थितम । 
रावणम् चाग्रतो दृष्टवा युद्धाय समुपस्थितम ॥ 1

Tato yuddh parishraantam samare chintaya sthitam |
raavanam chaagrato drishtva yuddhaaye samupasthitam || 1   

दैवतैश्च समागम्य दृष्टुमभ्यागतो रणम । 
उपागम्या ब्रवीद्राम-मगस्तयो भगवान् ऋषिः ॥ 2 

Daivataishcha samaagamya drishtumbhyagato ranam | 
upaagamyaa bravidraam-magastayo bhagwaan rishih || 2 

1&2 Beholding Sri Rama, standing absorbed in deep thought on the battle-field, exhausted by the fight and facing Ravana who was duly prepared for the war, the glorious sage Agastya, who had come in the company of gods to witness the encounter (battle) now spoke to Rama as follows: 

1,2 उधर श्रीरामचन्द्रजी युद्ध से थककर चिंता करते हुए रणभूमि में खड़े हुए थे । इतने में रावण भी युद्ध के लिए उनके सामने उपस्थित हो गया । यह देख भगवान् अगस्त्य मुनि, जो देवताओं के साथ युद्ध देखने के लिए आये थे, श्रीराम के पास जाकर बोले ।

राम राम महाबाहो शृणु गुह्यम सनातनम । 
येन सर्वानरीन वत्स समरे विजयिष्यसि ॥ 3 

Ram ram mahaabaaho shrinu goohyam sanaatanam | 
yen sarvaanreen vatsa samare vijayishyasi || 3 

3 'O Rama', 'O Mighty armed elegant Rama', listen carefully to the eternal secret by which, 'O my child', you shall conquer all your enemies on the battle field and win against your adversaries.

3 सबके ह्रदय में रमन करने वाले महाबाहो राम ! यह सनातन गोपनीय स्तोत्र सुनो ! वत्स ! इसके जप से तुम युद्ध में अपने समस्त शत्रुओं पर विजय पा जाओगे । 

आदित्यहृदयम् पुण्यम सर्वशत्रु-विनाशनम । 
जयावहम् जपेन्नित्य-मक्षय्यम परमम् शिवम् ॥ 4 

Aadityahridayam punyam sarvashatru-vinaashanam |
jayaavaham japennitya-makshayyam paramam shivam ||  4 

4 By Chanting the Aditya-Hridayam (the meditation of Sun in the heart ) which is very auspicious and highly beneficial, you will be victorious in battle. This holy hymn dedicated to the Sun-God will result in destroying all enemies and bring you victory and permanent happiness.

सर्वमंगल-मांगलयम सर्वपाप प्रणाशनम् । 
चिंताशोक-प्रशमन-मायुरवर्धन-मुत्तमम् ॥ 5

Sarvamangal Maangalyam sarvapaap pranaashanam | 
chintashok prashman maayurvardhan muttamam || 5 

5 This supreme prayer is the best amongst auspicious verses, it will destroy all sins, dispel all doubts, alleviate worry and sorrow, anxiety and anguish, and increase the longevity of life. It is a guarantee of complete prosperity. 

4,5  इस गोपनीय स्तोत्र का नाम है 'आदित्यहृदय' । यह परम पवित्र और संपूर्ण शत्रुओं का नाश करने वाला है । इसके जप से सदा विजय कि प्राप्ति होती है । यह नित्य अक्षय और परम कल्याणमय स्तोत्र है । सम्पूर्ण मंगलों का भी मंगल है । इससे सब पापों का नाश हो जाता है । यह चिंता और शोक को मिटाने तथा आयु का बढ़ाने वाला उत्तम साधन है ।

रश्मिमन्तम समुद्यन्तम देवासुर-नमस्कृतम् ।
पूजयस्व विवस्वन्तम भास्करम् भुवनेश्वरम् ॥ 6

Rashmimantam samudyantam devasur namaskritam |
pujyasva vivasvantam bhaaskaram bhuvneshvaram || 6

6 Worship the sun-god, the ruler of the worlds and lord of the universe, who is crowned with effulgent rays, who appears at the horizon and brings light, who is revered by the denizens of heaven (devas) and asuras alike.

6 भगवान् सूर्य अपनी अनंत किरणों से सुशोभित हैं । ये नित्य उदय होने वाले, देवता और असुरों से नमस्कृत, विवस्वान नाम से प्रसिद्द, प्रभा का विस्तार करने वाले और संसार के स्वामी हैं । तुम इनका रश्मिमंते नमः, समुद्यन्ते नमः, देवासुरनमस्कृताये नमः, विवस्वते नमः, भास्कराय नमः, भुवनेश्वराये नमः इन मन्त्रों के द्वारा पूजन करो। 

सर्वदेवात्मको ह्येष तेजस्वी रश्मि-भावनः । 
एष देवासुरगणान् लोकान पाति गभस्तिभिः ॥ 7 

Sarvadevaatmako hyesh tejasvi rashmi bhaavanah |
esh devaasurganaan lokaan paati gabhastibhih || 7

7 Indeed, He is the very embodiment of all Gods. He is self-luminous and sustains all with his rays. He nourishes and energizes the inhabitants of all the worlds as well as the host of Gods and demons by his Rays.

7 संपूर्ण देवता इन्ही के स्वरुप हैं । ये तेज़ की राशि तथा अपनी किरणों से जगत को सत्ता एवं स्फूर्ति प्रदान करने वाले हैं । ये अपनी रश्मियों का प्रसार करके देवता और असुरों सहित समस्त लोकों का पालन करने वाले हैं ।

एष ब्रह्मा च विष्णुश्च शिवः स्कन्दः प्रजापतिः । 
महेन्द्रो धनदः कालो यमः सोमो ह्यपामपतिः ॥ 8 

Esh brahma ch vishnushch shivah skandah prajaapatih |
mahendro dhanadah kaalo yamah somo hyapaampatih || 8

8 He is Brahma (the creator), Visnu (the Sustainer), Shiva (the destroyer), Skanda (the son of Siva), Prajapati (progenitor of human race), the mighty Indra (king of heaven), Kubera (the god of wealth and lord of riches), Kala (eternal time), Yama (the Lord of death), Soma (the moon god that nourishes), and Varuna (the lord of sea and ocean).

पितरो वसवः साध्या ह्यश्विनौ मरुतो मनुः । 
वायुर्वहनी: प्रजाप्राण ऋतु कर्ता प्रभाकरः ॥ 9 

Pitaro vasavah saadhyaa hyashvinau maruto manuh |
vaayurvahanih prajaapraan ritu karta prabhaakarah || 9

9 Indeed, he is Pitris (ancestors, manes), the eight Vasus, the Sadhyas, the twin Aswins (physicians of Gods), the Maruts, the Manu, Vayu (the wind God), Agni (the fire God), Prana (the Life breath of all beings), the maker of six seasons and the giver of light. 

8,9 ये ही ब्रह्मा, विष्णु शिव, स्कन्द, प्रजापति, इंद्र, कुबेर, काल, यम, चन्द्रमा, वरुण, पितर , वसु, साध्य, अश्विनीकुमार, मरुदगण, मनु, वायु, अग्नि, प्रजा, प्राण, ऋतुओं को प्रकट करने वाले तथा प्रकाश के पुंज हैं ।

आदित्यः सविता सूर्यः खगः पूषा गभस्तिमान । 
सुवर्णसदृशो भानुर-हिरण्यरेता दिवाकरः ॥ 10 

Aadityah savita suryah khagah poosha gabhastimaan |
suvarnsadrisho bhaanur hiranyareta diwaakarah || 10

10 He is the Son of Aditi (the mother of creation), the Sun God who transverser the heavens, he is of brilliant golden color, the possessor of a myriad rays, by illuminating all directions he is the maker of daylight. He is the all pervading, shining principle, the dispeller of darkness, exhibiting beautiful sight with golden hue.

हरिदश्वः सहस्रार्चि: सप्तसप्ति-मरीचिमान । 
तिमिरोन्मन्थन: शम्भुस्त्वष्टा मार्ताण्ड अंशुमान ॥ 11 

Haridashvah sahasraarchih saptsapti mareechimaan |
timironmanthanah shambhustvashtaa maartaand anshumaan ||  11

11 He has seven horses yoked to his Chariot, shines with brilliant light having infinite rays, is the destroyer of darkness, the giver of happiness and prosperity, mitigator of the sufferings and is the infuser of life. He is the Omnipresent One who pervades all with immeasurable amount of rays.

हिरण्यगर्भः शिशिरस्तपनो भास्करो रविः । 
अग्निगर्भोsदिते: पुत्रः शंखः शिशिरनाशान: ॥ 12 

Hiranyagarbhah shishirastapano bhaskaro raveeh |
agnigarbho-o-diteh putrah shankhah shishirnaashaanah || 12

12 He is Hiranyagarbha born of Aditi of a golden womb, He is Sisirastapana the destroyer of the cold, snow and fog, illuminator, Ravi, bearer of the fire and conch, He is the remover of ignorance and giver of fame.

व्योम नाथस्तमोभेदी ऋग्य जुस्सामपारगः । 
धनवृष्टिरपाम मित्रो विंध्यवीथिप्लवंगम: ॥ 13 

Vyom naathastamobhedi rigya jussaampaaragah |
dhanvrishtirapaam mitro vindhyaveethiplavangam || 13

13 He is the Lord of the firmament and ruler of the sky, remover of darkness. the master of the three vedas Rig, Yaju, Sama, he is a friend of the waters (Varuna) and causes abundant rain. He swiftly courses in the direction South of Vindhya-mountains and sports in the Brahma Nadi.

आतपी मंडली मृत्युः पिंगलः सर्वतापनः । 
कविर्विश्वो महातेजाः रक्तः सर्वभवोद्भव: ॥ 14 

Aatapi mandali mrityuh pingalah sarvataapanah |
kaveervishvo mahatejaah raktah sarvabhavodbhavah || 14

14 He, whose form is circular and is colored in yellow and red hues, is intensely brilliant and enegetic. He is a giver of heat, the cause of all work, of life and death. He is the destroyer of all and is the Omniscient one sustaining the universe and all action.

नक्षत्रग्रहताराणा-मधिपो विश्वभावनः । 
तेजसामपि तेजस्वी द्वादशात्मन्नमोस्तुते ॥ 15 

Nakshatra-grah-taaraanaa madhipo vishvabhaavanah |
tejsaamapi tejasvi dwaadashaatmannamostute || 15

15 He is the lord of the constellations, stars and planets and the origin of every thing in the universe. Salutations to Aditya who appears in twelve forms (in the shape of twelve months of the year) and whose glory is described in his twelve names.

 10,11,12,13,14,15 इनके नाम हैं आदित्य(अदितिपुत्र), सविता(जगत को उत्पन्न करने वाले), सूर्य(सर्वव्यापक), खग, पूषा(पोषण करने वाले), गभस्तिमान (प्रकाशमान), सुवर्णसदृश्य, भानु(प्रकाशक), हिरण्यरेता(ब्रह्मांड कि उत्पत्ति के बीज), दिवाकर(रात्रि का अन्धकार दूर करके दिन का प्रकाश फैलाने वाले), हरिदश्व, सहस्रार्चि(हज़ारों किरणों से सुशोभित), सप्तसप्ति(सात घोड़ों वाले), मरीचिमान(किरणों से सुशोभित), तिमिरोमंथन(अन्धकार का नाश करने वाले), शम्भू, त्वष्टा, मार्तण्डक(ब्रह्माण्ड को जीवन प्रदान करने वाले), अंशुमान, हिरण्यगर्भ(ब्रह्मा), शिशिर(स्वभाव से ही सुख प्रदान करने वाले), तपन(गर्मी पैदा करने वाले), अहस्कर, रवि, अग्निगर्भ(अग्नि को गर्भ में धारण करने वाले), अदितिपुत्र, शंख, शिशिरनाशन(शीत का नाश करने वाले), व्योमनाथ(आकाश के स्वामी), तमभेदी, ऋग, यजु और सामवेद के पारगामी, धनवृष्टि, अपाम मित्र (जल को उत्पन्न करने वाले), विंध्यवीथिप्लवंगम (आकाश में तीव्र वेग से चलने वाले), आतपी, मंडली, मृत्यु, पिंगल(भूरे रंग वाले), सर्वतापन(सबको ताप देने वाले), कवि, विश्व, महातेजस्वी, रक्त, सर्वभवोद्भव (सबकी उत्पत्ति के कारण), नक्षत्र, ग्रह और तारों के स्वामी, विश्वभावन(जगत कि रक्षा करने वाले), तेजस्वियों में भी अति तेजस्वी और द्वादशात्मा हैं। इन सभी नामो से प्रसिद्द सूर्यदेव ! आपको नमस्कार है ।

नमः पूर्वाय गिरये पश्चिमायाद्रए नमः । 
ज्योतिर्गणानां पतये दिनाधिपतये नमः ।। 16 

Namaha purvaaye giraye pashchimaayaadraye namaha |
jyotirganaanam pataye dinaadhipataye namaha || 16

16 Salutations to the Lord of sunrise and sunset, who rises at the eastern mountains and sets in the western mountains. Salutations to the Lord of the Stellar bodies and to the Lord of daylight.

16 पूर्वगिरी उदयाचल तथा पश्चिमगिरी अस्ताचल के रूप में आपको नमस्कार है । ज्योतिर्गणों (ग्रहों और तारों) के स्वामी तथा दिन के अधिपति आपको प्रणाम है ।

जयाय जयभद्राय हर्यश्वाए नमो नमः । 
नमो नमः सहस्रांशो आदित्याय नमो नमः ॥ 17 

Jayaaye jayabhadraaye haryashvaaye namo namaha |
namo namaha sahasraansho aadityaaye namo namaha || 17

17 Oh! Lord of thousand rays, son of Aditi, Salutations to you, the bestower of victory, auspiciousness and prosperity, Salutations to the one who has coloured horses to carry him.

17 आप जयस्वरूप तथा विजय और कल्याण के दाता हैं । आपके रथ में हरे रंग के घोड़े जुते रहते हैं । आपको बारबार नमस्कार है । सहस्रों किरणों से सुशोभित भगवान् सूर्य ! आपको बारम्बार प्रणाम है । आप अदिति के पुत्र होने के कारण आदित्य नाम से भी प्रसिद्द हैं, आपको नमस्कार है ।

नम उग्राय वीराय सारंगाय नमो नमः । 
नमः पद्मप्रबोधाय मार्तण्डाय नमो नमः ॥ 18 

Namah ugraaye veeraaye saarangaaye namo namaha |
namaha padm prabodhaaye maartandaaye namo namaha || 18

18 Salutations to Martandaya the son of Mrukanda Maharisi, the terrible and fierce one, the mighty hero, the one that travels fast. Salutations to the one whose appearance makes the lotus blossom (also the awakener of the lotus in the heart) 

18 उग्र, वीर, और सारंग सूर्यदेव को नमस्कार है । कमलों को विकसित करने वाले प्रचंड तेजधारी मार्तण्ड को प्रणाम है ।

ब्रह्मेशानाच्युतेषाय सूर्यायादित्यवर्चसे । 
भास्वते सर्वभक्षाय रौद्राय वपुषे नमः ॥ 19

Brahme shaanaachyuteshaaye suryaa yaadityavarchase |
bhaaswate sarvbhakshaaye raudraaye vapushe namaha || 19 

19 Salutations to the Lord of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, salutations to Surya the sun god, who (by his power and effulgence) is both the illuminator and devourer of all and is of a form that is fierce like Rudra.

19 आप ब्रह्मा, शिव और विष्णु के भी स्वामी है । सूर आपकी संज्ञा है, यह सूर्यमंडल आपका ही तेज है, आप प्रकाश से परिपूर्ण हैं, सबको स्वाहा कर देने वाली अग्नि आपका ही स्वरुप है, आप रौद्ररूप धारण करने वाले हैं, आपको नमस्कार है ।

तमोघ्नाय हिमघ्नाय शत्रुघ्नायामितात्मने । 
कृतघ्नघ्नाय देवाय ज्योतिषाम् पतये नमः ॥ 20

Tamoghnaaye himaghnaaye shatrughnaayaa mitaatmane |
kritaghna ghnaaye devaaye jyotishaam pataye namaha || 20

20 Salutations to the dispeller of darkness, the destroyer of cold, fog and snow, the exterminator of foes; the one whose extent is immeasurable. Salutations also to the annihilator of the ungrateful and to the Lord of all the stellar bodies, who is the first amongst all the lights of the Universe.

20 आप अज्ञान और अन्धकार के नाशक, जड़ता एवं शीत के निवारक तथा शत्रु का नाश करने वाले हैं । आपका स्वरुप अप्रमेय है । आप कृतघ्नों का नाश करने वाले, संपूर्ण ज्योतियों के स्वामी और देवस्वरूप हैं, आपको नमस्कार है ।

तप्तचामिकराभाय वह्नये विश्वकर्मणे । 
नमस्तमोsभिनिघ्नाये रुचये लोकसाक्षिणे ॥ 21 

Taptchaamikaraabhaaye vahnye vishwakarmane |
namastamo-o-bhinighnaaye ruchaye loksaakshine || 21

21 Salutations to the Lord shining like molten gold, destroying darkness, who is the transcendental fire of supreme knowledge, who destroys the darkness of ignorance, and who is the cosmic witness of all merits and demerits of the denizens who inhabit the universe. Salutations to Vishvakarma the architect of the universe, the cause of all activity and creation in the world 

21 आपकी प्रभा तपाये हुए सुवर्ण के समान है, आप हरी और विश्वकर्मा हैं, तम के नाशक, प्रकाशस्वरूप और जगत के साक्षी हैं, आपको नमस्कार है ।

नाशयत्येष वै भूतम तदेव सृजति प्रभुः । 
पायत्येष तपत्येष वर्षत्येष गभस्तिभिः ॥ 22 

Naashyatyesh vai bhootam tadev srijati prabhooh |
paayatyesh tapatyesh varshatyesh gabhastibhih ||   22

22 Salutations to the Lord who creates heat by his brilliant rays. He alone creates, sustains and destroys all that has come into being. Salutations to Him who by His rays consumes the waters, heats them up and sends them down as rain again.

22 रघुनन्दन ! ये भगवान् सूर्य ही संपूर्ण भूतों का संहार, सृष्टि और पालन करते हैं । ये अपनी किरणों से गर्मी पहुंचाते और वर्षा करते हैं । 

एष सुप्तेषु जागर्ति भूतेषु परिनिष्ठितः । 
एष एवाग्निहोत्रम् च फलं चैवाग्निहोत्रिणाम ॥ 23 

Esh Supteshu Jaagarti Bhooteshu parinishthitah |
esh evaagnihotram ch falam chaivaagnihotrinaam || 23

23 Salutations to the Lord who abides in the heart of all beings keeping awake when they are asleep. Verily he is the Agnihotra , the sacrificial fire and the fruit gained by the worshipper of the agnihotra.

23 ये सब भूतों में अन्तर्यामी रूप से  स्थित होकर उनके सो जाने पर भी जागते रहते हैं । ये ही अग्निहोत्र तथा अग्निहोत्री पुरुषों को मिलने वाले फल हैं ।

वेदाश्च क्रतवश्चैव क्रतुनाम फलमेव च । 
यानि कृत्यानि लोकेषु सर्व एष रविः प्रभुः ॥  24

Vedaashch kratavashchaiv kratunaam falamev ch |
yaani krityaani lokeshu sarv esh ravih prabhooh ||  24

24 The Sun God (Ravi) is the origin and protector of the four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva), the sacrifices mentioned in them and the fruits obtained by performing the sacrifices. He is the Lord of all action in this universe and decides the Universal path. 

24 देवता, यज्ञ और यज्ञों के फल भी ये ही हैं । संपूर्ण लोकों में जितनी क्रियाएँ होती हैं उन सबका फल देने में ये ही पूर्ण समर्थ हैं । 


एन मापत्सु कृच्छ्रेषु कान्तारेषु भयेषु च । 
कीर्तयन पुरुष: कश्चिन्नावसीदति राघव ॥  25

En maapatsu krichhreshu kaantareshu bhayeshu Ch |
Keertayan purushah kashchinna vasidati raaghav ||  25

25 Listen Oh Rama! Oh Ragava, scion of the Raghu dynasty, any person, singing the glories of Surya in great difficulties, during affliction, while lost in the wilderness, and when beset with fear, will not come to grief (or loose heart).

25 राघव ! विपत्ति में, कष्ट में, दुर्गम मार्ग में तथा और किसी भय के अवसर पर जो कोई पुरुष इन सूर्यदेव का कीर्तन करता है, उसे दुःख नहीं भोगना पड़ता ।

पूज्यस्वैन-मेकाग्रे देवदेवम जगत्पतिम । 
एतत त्रिगुणितम् जप्त्वा युद्धेषु विजयिष्यसि ॥ 26 

Poojyasvain mekaagre devadevaam jagatpatim |
etat trigunitam japtvaa yudhheshu vija-yishyasi ||  26

26 If you worship this lord of the universe, the God of all Gods, with concentrated mind and devotion by reciting this hymn (Aditya-Hridayam) thrice, you will emerge victorious in the battle.

26 इसलिए तुम एकाग्रचित होकर इन देवाधिदेव जगदीश्वर कि पूजा करो । इस आदित्यहृदय का तीन बार जप करने से तुम युद्ध में विजय पाओगे ।

अस्मिन क्षणे महाबाहो रावणम् तवं वधिष्यसि । 
एवमुक्त्वा तदाsगस्त्यो जगाम च यथागतम् ॥ 27 

Asmin kshane mahaabaaho raavanam tavam vadhishyasi |
evamuktvaa tada-a-gastyo jagaam ch yathaagatam ||  27

27 O mighty armed one, you shall truimph over Ravana this very moment. After blessing Lord Rama thus, and predicting that He would slay (the demon) Ravana, sage Agastya took leave and returned to his original place.

27 महाबाहो ! तुम इसी क्षण रावण का वध कर सकोगे । यह कहकर अगस्त्यजी जैसे आये थे वैसे ही चले गए ।

एतच्छ्रुत्वा महातेजा नष्टशोकोsभवत्तदा । 
धारयामास सुप्रितो राघवः प्रयतात्मवान ॥  28

etachhrutva mahaatejaa nasht shoko-o-bhavattadaa |
dhaaryaamaas suprito raaghavah prayataatmavaan ||  28

28 Having heard this, that great warrior Raghava, feeling greatly delighted, became free from grief. His clouds of worry thus dispelled, the lustrous Lord Rama obeyed the sayings of sage Agastya with great happiness.With composed mind he retained this hymn in his memory, ready to chant the Aditya-Hridayam.

आदित्यं प्रेक्ष्य जप्त्वा तु परम हर्षमवाप्तवान् । 
त्रिराचम्य शुचिर्भूत्वा धनुरादाय वीर्यवान ॥  29

Aadityam prekshya japtvaa tu param harshmavaaptavaan |
triraachamya shuchirbhootva dhanuraadaay veeryavaan ||  29

29 Having performed Achamanam (sipping water thice) and being purified, Rama gazing at the sun with devotion, recited the hymn Aditya-Hridayam thrice, then that great hero Raghava was thrilled and lifted his bow.

रावणम प्रेक्ष्य हृष्टात्मा युद्धाय समुपागमत । 
सर्वयत्नेन महता वधे तस्य धृतोsभवत् ॥  30

Raavanam prekshya hrishtaatmaa yudhhaaye samupaagmat |
sarvayatnen mahataa vadhe tasya dhrito-o-bhavat ||  30

30 Lord Rama thus cheered, seeing Ravana coming to fight, put forth all his effort with a determination to kill him. (Ravana)

28,29,30 उनका उपदेश सुनकर महातेजस्वी श्रीरामचन्द्रजी का शोक दूर हो गया । उन्होंने प्रसन्न होकर शुद्धचित्त से आदित्यहृदय को धारण किया और तीन बार आचमन करके शुद्ध हो भगवान् सूर्य की और देखते हुए इसका तीन बार जप किया । इससे उन्हें बड़ा हर्ष हुआ । फिर परम पराक्रमी रघुनाथ जी ने धनुष उठाकर रावण की और देखा और उत्साहपूर्वक विजय पाने के लिए वे आगे बढे । उन्होंने पूरा प्रयत्न करके रावण के वध का निश्चय किया ।

अथ रवि-रवद-न्निरिक्ष्य रामम 
मुदितमनाः परमम् प्रहृष्यमाण: । 
निशिचरपति-संक्षयम् विदित्वा 
सुरगण-मध्यगतो वचस्त्वरेति ॥  31

Ath ravi-ravad nnirikshya raamam
muditmanaah paramam prahrishyamaanah |
nishicharpati sankshayam viditvaa
surgan-madhyagato vachastvareti ||  31

31 Then knowing that the destruction of Ravana was near, the Sun-God Aditya, surrounded by all the Gods in heaven, looked at Rama with delighted mind and exclaimed 'Hurry up' - 'Be quick'.

31 उस समय देवताओं के मध्य में खड़े हुए भगवान् सूर्य ने प्रसन्न होकर श्रीरामचन्द्रजी की और देखा और निशाचरराज रावण के विनाश का समय निकट जानकर हर्षपूर्वक कहा - 'रघुनन्दन ! अब जल्दी करो' ।

॥ इति आदित्यहृदयम् मंत्रस्य ॥ 
|| Iti aadityahridayam mantrasya ||

Thus ends the Mantra Aditya-Hridayam in praise of the Sun God recounted in the Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana (the war chapter)

इस प्रकार भगवान् सूर्य कि प्रशंसा में कहा गया और वाल्मीकि रामायण के युद्ध काण्ड में वर्णित यह आदित्य हृदयम मंत्र संपन्न होता है ।

Gaurav Malhotra

About the Author:

Gaurav Malhotra is a B Tech in Computer Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT, Kurukshetra) and a passionate follower of Astrology. He has widely traveled across the world and helped people with his skills. You can contact him on his email You can also read more about him on his page.



  1. Is there any remedies for surya gaurav ji

    1. Hi gaurav g can this strotra be recite for removal of black magic done on me?

    2. Read adityahridayatotram early morning facing towards sun

  2. Hello gaurav ji,
    I am a great fan of yours and this is a wonderful post,so helpful.
    I really appreciate the way you are providing people with so much knowledge
    can you guide me,whether this aditya hridaya stotra is to be read in morning or at what time? and also surya arga is necessary or not?


    1. Thanks for your kind words. The best time to do it is morning. If you can't do it in the morning then any time is preferable.
      Surya arghya is always very useful and beneficial.

  3. which planet is responcible for travelling job...

    1. If Venus has some connection with 10th lord or 10th house.

  4. Guruji maine aapko Email bheja hain kripya thoda check kar le .. aapki help ki umeed liye baithe hain hum.

  5. Shall we recite it daily or twice weekly is also god enough?

    1. Daily will be good but if you can't do then at least do it on Sundays

  6. Sir do one have to recite this full stotra ?? Please confirm .
    As there are many audio videos on YouTube for 3 to 4 mins ..

  7. Sir plz help me .I am not able to keep my mind free due to an accident happend with me.every time all memories related to that accident moving in my mind .so I can not sleep properly.and not HV a good healthhealth.

  8. Dear sir,
    I am reciting this in the morning (before sunrise ) and in the evening(during sunset). My doubt is that,at mornign i recite this facing east.Should i face east or West when reciting this in the evening? As the sun set in west ,can i recite this facing west (facing the setting sun)?

    1. You have to face east irrespective of the time you do it

  9. गुरूजी प्रणाम में आपसे पूंछना चाहता हु जो सूर्य यन्त्र आपने बना कर दिया है इसको coper की रिंग में बनाकर भी पहन सकते है क्या अगर पेहेन सकते है तो किस फिंगर में पहन सकते है।।।।।कृपया मार्ग दर्शन करिये।।।।।

    1. Jee haan pahan sakte hain rifht hand ki ring finger mein

  10. Pranaam Guruji,

    Please let me know that is it necessary that we chant Sri Aditya Hrudayam looking at the Sun and offer Arghya for all the 31 slokas.

  11. Ram Ram Guruji

    How long will it take before we can see the benefit of surya aditya strotra?

    Should this paath be done after offering argh? and can this help me in finding a job and removing black magic from me

  12. क्या इसको सिद्ध करना चाहिए जप करने से पहले? यदि हां तो क्या विधि है? और फिर कितनी बार नित्य जप कारना होगा।


  13. Namaste Gaurav ji
    Ye strotra kitne din tak karna chahiye aur roz kitne bar.
    Pl bataye

  14. Can a woman recite this sloka??

  15. kya aaditya hirdoya strota ko surya ke samne khade hokar padna chahiye

  16. Can one read aditya hryudayam during periods. Or in generally any mantra.. Plz suggest as per Vedas.

    1. Yes it can be recited during periods as well at home.

  17. Guru Ji meri dob 01/Dec/1984 or time 00:35 haridwar. Muje koi job nahi milti. Mane b-tech kiya hai par koi job nahi hai . please help me

    1. I am giving you some general remedies which will bring a lot of relief to you in this situation
      1) Offer water to surya everyday.

      2) Wear 8 mukhi and 10 mukhi rudrakshas together in a black or red thread as per the following posts after energizing them

      3) Recite Shani mantra daily for at least 108 times “Om Sham Shanish Charaaye Namaha”

      4) Complete 18,000 recitations of Rahu mantra within a maximum of 40 days. The mantra is "Om Ram Rahuve Namaha" Strict physical (no sex, no non veg, no wine cigarette etc.) and mental purity is required during these 40 days. Keep Lord Shiva's image in mind and recite the mantra with complete faith and concentration in a secluded place in the house.

      5) Recite this mantra daily
      It is a powerful mantra.
      6) Have all your meals while sitting in the kitchen especially at the time when stove in the kitchen is still being used to cook something.

      7) Stay away from wine, non veg and cigarette. These are Saturn’s things, consuming them won’t give you good effect.
      8) This remedy also proves quite helpful in this situation
      9) Take one KG of Barley and 4 liters of milk and go near running water (river or canal) and wash barley with milk and then offer both in the running water. This has to be done daily for 43 days continuously without any break.
      10) ॐ वद वद वाग्वादिनी स्वाहा recite this mantra daily for 108 times while remembering goddess Saraswati

  18. Aaditya hridyam strotam kam se kam kitni baar padhna chahiye.?. 108 baar lagaataar padh sakte hain kya.?

    1. Do we have to say gayatri mantra before every aditya hriday stotra?

  19. Namaskar Sir, my husband is unemployed from last 3 years. He applies many jobs but no result. Even no one call him for interview. His dob is 16.3.71 at 11:45am , Talwara. Please help us.

    1. Ask him to offer water to sun daily, avoid salt on every Sunday and recite this mantra daily for at least 108 times "Om Vad Vad Vaag Vaadini Swaaha"

    2. Hi Gaurav Sir,

      I am an alumnus of NIT Trichy. I have been reading your blog since past few months. Congratulations for the wonderful philanthropic work!

      I too am a beginner in astrology. I needed your advice on my career and spiritual journey.

      This is the third time I will be writing IAS (mains) examination. My preference is Indian Foreign Service (IFS). The students whom I taught have secured the post, but I could not. I do not know why I have not been lucky enough to get in even after the hard work.

      Please given advice on my birth chart. DOB - 16/09/1990, Dhanbad, 12:25 PM


    3. Please do this remedy

      Apart from this please recite both the mantras given in this post

      Also wear a yellow sapphire (7 to 8 ratti) in your right hand ring finger.

      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  20. Hello sir,
    My name is Jyotsna Gupta. DOB is 17/01/1991. Time 5.15am and place delhi.
    Life me abi tk stability ni aai h. Mental stress bahut rehta h... Jiski wajeh SE health issues rehne lage h. Career ni ban paya h. Plz help.

  21. Hello gauravji
    Today I consult with you' you are a very genuine and knowledgeable person.
    So I would suggest to others plz consult with gauravji & take a benefit. Thanks gauravji.have a blissful n peaceful life.

  22. My DOB is 27/12/1978, time is 3:45PM, Place Mombasa Kenya. I was told to pray to Shiva a lot and also to Surya. I started this prayed two days ago but can only recite in the morning once as I am driving to work, is this ok and was wondering if I can recite the other two times at night? Please advise. Thanks

  23. Namaste guruji,
    I have selected one government job interview before an year..cannot join my job yet..still continue the process and also facing so many difficulties..before one month I start to offer water to lord sun and also do Aditya hrudaya stotram..can u please tell me the actual remody and the way to do that..

    1. Please recite shani beej mantra Om Sham Shanish Charaaye Namaha

      Also recite Om Gam Ganpataye Namaha daily

    2. When I do this mantra and how many times..pls tell me

    3. Start from Sunday and do it 3 times.

  24. Guru Ji Pranam,
    Mujhe kuch na kuch health problem lagi rahti hai. Do not get the results despite hard work. Memory is also not good. Kuch na kuch problem or controversy saath chalti hai.

    Meri kundli mai Surya grahn and Chandra grahn dono hai. Please let me know the remedy for this also.

    Please help. My details are:
    DOB: 12/03/1979
    Time: 11:55 pm
    Place: Bhiwani (Haryana)

  25. Hello gaurav ji.. My husband had a brain infection 3 years ago and has been suffering from short term memory loss since. He is now doing a repetitive work with a lesser grade in same company. Job loss is always a threat for us as he is not able to perform well with his memory. Please let us know the remedy to help him regain memory and gain back his skills. Medicines are not working. Pls help us... Thank you.

  26. i m preparing for gov. job will it be beneficial for me ?? or could u plzz suggest puja for gov job my


  27. I have been going through this blog and found very useful. Let me thank you first for providing such a knowledge to those who are in need.
    My name : Venkateshwarlu YagatilYagatilee
    D.O.B: 17-08-1978
    P.O.B: Hyderabad, A.P., India
    T.O.B: 8:20am
    My problem is I do not get fruits for my hard work. People always back stub me at work place. Recently had a major neck surgery.Please suggest a remedy

    1. Please wear an emerald and a 14 mukhi rudraksha. Refer these links

      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  28. My DOB is 24121963 @ 06.30 am Delhi. My elder aunty has expired and she did not had any kid. I did all her last rights. My younger anuty is taking away all her wealth, though my elder aunty always treated me as her child. Will I get any thing or else I should not concentrate on it.

  29. Guruji please help me out.
    I have been failing in my professional exams and no focus on study, no peace at mind always daydreaming and planning.
    Sun and rahu =12th house
    Moon and jupiter=5th house
    Venus, mars, mercury,saturn=11th house
    Ketu =6th house
    I have been wearing emerald in golden ring in little finger of right hand and also sarswoti rudrakshya and a single five faced rudrakshya.
    What remedies would help me clear exams and earn a lot? And is share market trading favourable to me i have deep interest in securities market. Please help me guruji.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Dear Guru Ji

    Can we recite Aditya Hridaya Stotra in English as given by you above ?

  32. Dear Guruji

    Will you please let me know where real / original rudraksha is available. If you can able to arrange after keeping in pooja and also let me know what the effects for different size and number of rudarsha.

    What is Kantaka Sani and how to protect and reduce the force of the Sani. Pl. give some tips.


    1. You can get them from me. Please email me at

  33. Name: S. Rajan
    DOB: 28/01/1976
    Time: 06:34 AM
    Place of birth: Vellore (TamilNadu)
    Question: getting breaks in job, currently unemployed...need to get a job, please help or any suggestion.

  34. Namaste guruji..
    Plz help me. my DOB is 26.12.1984 time is around 10AM place is new delhi. My problem is i get very depressed at small things. i am surrounded by very negative thoughts always. my communication skills are very bad. i dont get along with people very well resulting in no friends circle or good family relation. people get the impression that i am proudy but thats not true. I want to have good social circle in family and outside and stay happy and have cheerful personality so that people dont get bad impression about me. plz suggest help sir. i have started reciting aditya hridaya strotra last week.

  35. Hi Gauravji,

    Can you guide me, im lacking mental peace.I have being badly backstabbed.

    Dob: 20sep 1986, 04:30 AM, place: Mumbai

    1. I will have to see your horoscope. Please send me an email at

  36. guru ji. i'm rakesh mittal my dob:16/02/1994,time 6:27am, birth place :new delhi,guru ji.mein aage business karu ya job or aage future mein kya dikh raha hai.

  37. Namastey Gaurav ji ,

    Myself Kunal kishore , I have many unique features in my kundali . Combinations for grand success and worldy succes but nothing is going right from past 14 years !!

    TOB.12.30 P.M ( noon )
    POB. patna ( Bihar )

    Some astro. says u will get success for sure and will achive the top position in life . ( I.A.S. , I.F.S. or any top nothc gov. job u desire) . As I am aspiring for the same .

    Some says nothing will happen and your life will end in exile . No success , no money , no happiness , troubled marriage ..etc.

    I am wondering how this diognaly oppsite things are possible . 2 completly contradictrt statments .

    I am preparing for the civil services exam to be an IAS officer bt nothing is happeining on this front or any front , viz , love life , family peace , friendship etc.

    I am wearing , emerald , topaz nd ruby .
    I also offer water sprinkled with red roli to the lord Sun and recie `` Om hram hrim hroum sah surya namah " 108 times.
    Rahu mantra `` Om rang rahua namah " 108 times , gayatri mantra ,, maha mritunjay mantra 21 times etc..had done Rudra abishekahm , kal sarp shani puja , 1.25 k , mahamritunjay japam nd aahuti through a priest but all seems to going in vain.

    I am sorry for this long post sir but I hope u will forgive me as u can undesrand the trouma I am having and nursing in my heart.

    So , sir pls enlighten me as to when my plight will end . Sometimes I wonder my troubles with end with my life only .
    Gets succidal tendencies .
    When sucess nd happiness will knock my door ??
    What and when r my chances to be an IAS officer and have a loving wife nd kids ? Why God is soo unfair to me .

    Looking positively and optimisticaly towards you m
    Once again my appoligies for a long post.

  38. Hello sir my name is shivangee tiwari date of birth 15 October 1988 timing 12:22 pm. .sir from last 3 years I am struggling for a job. I am pursuing phd. .preparing for net but always get a negative result. .kindly suggest me some remedies. .

  39. What is the good time to recite Aditya hriday stotram

  40. Ram ram guru ji,
    Mere dob 25-01-91,timing10:33am,place-pathankot.
    Mere 5days ki marriage ke bad divorce go chuka hai,govt job ke liye try Kri hu kb tak milne ke chances hain,2nd marriage ke chances hai? Agr haan to kaise rahegi life.
    Plz help

  41. Dear Guru Ji,
    My dob is 13.11.1991 10:31 pm jamshedpur. Meri shaadi kab tak hogi and professionally sab kaisa hoga?

  42. Guruji,

    Niraj Nishad
    DOB. 18-2-1987
    Place of birth Lucknow
    Time of birth 2:15 AM

    Job me mann nahi focus Abhi nahi
    Lakta hai job chode dena chahiye
    Job me growth bhi nahi ho rahi hai
    Mind me kafi Shari problem chalti
    Rahe ti hai mind me confused Rahe ta hu me daily Kya KAR nahi hai life health ka abhi problem hai digest system bhi weak hai pls help guruji.

  43. Minimum how many times this mantra should be chanted daily? Also before and after each time should gayatri mantra be chanted 3 times?

  44. Pranam guru

    Dob: 29 june 1980
    Time: 5.02am
    Place: khamgaon
    Guruji i have done mba in finance, done jod for around 8 years, then got in depression and left many jobs. From 2013 started small ayurvedic shop. Now financially condition is worst, house is mortgaged, shop not running well, pls advise when i will financially prosper.


    Bhupendra purohit

    1. You should wear an emerald. Your better time may come from 2019. Please do this

  45. Pranam
    DOB 1feb 1995
    Time 1.10pm
    Place Jammu (j&k)
    Mere health bahut kharab rahte hai shoulder neck and head me bahut pain hota hai doctors se consult kiya but koi solution nhi Mila please help me mai KY karo .agge future me KY karo samaj nhi aara please kux bataye mera future kaisa rahega bahut pareshan hu please help me.

    1. Ye upay kijiye


      2) Wear a white sapphire

      3) Is yantra ko pahniye

      4) "Om Sham Shukraaye Namaha" is mantra ka roz kam se kam 15 minute jap kijiye

      5) Is mantra ko roz kijiye

  46. Hello sir
    DOB.1 Feb 1995
    Time 1.10pm
    Sir mai banut confused hu mai kis field me career banao KY mere liye teaching field me Jana thek hai .sir mai koi decision nhi le pati hu hamesha confused rahte hu mujhe bahut nervousness and sir self confidence bhi low rahta hai sir please koi solution bataye your suggestion will change my life please reply sir.

    1. Aap ek panna pahniye, ek 2 mukhi nepali rudraksha aur ek white moonga. Feb 2018 se aapka time achha ayega agar aapko inme se koi bhi cheez original lene me mushkil aaye to mujhe bataaiye main bhej dunga

    2. Pranam Guruji
      DOB:- 19 July 2000
      Time:- 1:50am
      Place:- Demapur, Assam.

      Sir, Mai army ki preparation kr rha hu to kya me army me ja paunga agr nhi to muje kis govt. Sector ki preparation krni chahiye.???

    3. Mujhe apki kundli detail me dekhni padegi aap mujhe par email kijiye

  47. Pranam Guruji
    DOB.4 March 1991
    Place. Dehradun
    Mere shaadi ko do mahine hua hai, abhi santaan hone me problem aa ri hai. Much upaaye baitaiye. Aur meri married life kaisi rahegi?

    1. Mujhe apki aur apke husband ki kundliyan dekhni padengi. Aap mujhe par email kariye

  48. sir, my name is nitin
    dob- 1oct 1985
    time-3.00 to 3.30 am morning
    place- kanpur

    sir mujhe apne job k bare me puchna hai.. mere pass achi job nahi hai.. please suggest me..

    1. Please do these:

      1) Haldi ki gaanth ek peele rang ke dhaage me pirokar pahniye

      2) Is yantra ko pahniye


      4) Sunday ke din namak mat khaaiye

      5) Moonga pahniye

      6) Is mantra ko roz kariye

    2. Sir, thanks for your remedies I will surely do these. May God always gives u long and happy life... Sir I want to knew that will I wear solid haldi or haldi powder.

  49. Pranam
    Dob.6 Aug 1991
    Place kashipur(u.k)
    Sir mere govt job KB tak lagege mai mai kafi time se preparation kr raha hu abi mai private job karta hu. Or sir mera man hamesha udaas rahta hai mai KY karu please reply sir

    1. Aap ye upay kariye

      Sunday ke din namak mat kahiye

      Friday ko dahi daal kariye

      2 mukhi rudraksha pahniye

      Is mantra ko roz kariye

  50. Namasty gaurav sir

    DOB.1 Feb 1995
    Time. 1.10pm
    Place satwari(Jammu&Kashmir)
    Sir apka bahut bahut thank u for your reply. Sir mujhe apse ye puxna tha ke mere liye teaching field me career banana kaisa rahega. And sir mere married life kese rahege mujhe pandit ji bolte hai mai manglik hu mere married life bekar hogi. Sir please mere career and marriage ke baare me kux suggestion bataye KY mujhe shadi nhi karni chaheye. Agr nhi too mai apne parents and logo ke seva karna chahate hu mere bhagwan me bahut astha hai prabhu ko pane k liye mai karu .please reply mere career or shaadi ke liye koi suggestions degeye sir.
    Sorry sir for this long message your suggestion is very valuable for me sir u r God for me sir.

  51. Namasty Guruji
    DOB.1 Feb 1995
    Time. 1.10pm
    Sir mai kis field me apna career banao KY teaching me career acha rahega. Or mere married life kese rahege pandit ji bolte hai mai maglik hu or mere married life bekar hoge sir KY mujhe shaadi nhi karne chaheye sir mujhe shaadi me koi interest nhi hai but parents kahte hai ladke ko shaadi karne padte hai mai KY karu sir please mere career or marriage k bare me kux upay bataye.

  52. Sir aditya hrudyam stotrotam ugate hue surya k samne hi krna jaruri h ya fir room me surya picture k samne bhi kr skte h or kb.

    1. Subah sunrise ke time par kijiye. Ugte hue surya ke saamne hi karna chahiye lekin agar kisi vajah se na kar paayen to east direction ki taraf dekhte hue aur surya ko yaad karte hue bhi de sakte hain

  53. Hello guruji,
    My husband is unemployed from last 9 months...his date of birth is
    8 June 1984
    Time- 6:10 pm
    Place- kanpur (u.p)
    Plz tell me the possibility of job joining...

    1. Please make him wear an emerald and a white sapphire.

  54. Guru ji can i have a word with you on phone for the first time.kindly provide me with contact number u will answer. regards.

  55. Sir Meri DOB 24/07/92 Time 11 Am (Agra) Manshik shanti ke upay bataye..
    Pls Sir.....


      Moonstone pahniye

  56. Sir My DOB is 17/05/1979 3.47 AM Khambhat Gujarat From last 6 months I am having a lot of issues with married life and with my spouse please suggest.

    1. Please do these

      Donate Urad daal every Saturday to a poor person or in a temple.

      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  57. i have tinnitus in both of ear and very suffring so give some tips of removing

  58. Namastey Guruji,

    I am suffering from a lots of trouble personally and professionaly... All my hard work never gives any result at end.. These days I am in high stress due to professional life... Please guide me guruji

    Name :Rakesh Kumar meher
    Dob:17-march - 1986
    Time:06:15 am
    Place:junagarh (orissa)

    Will wait for your guidance guruji...

  59. I was going through your feels really nice that you have been giving remedies to people in trouble
    As they rightly say service to man is se vice to God. Also saw your profile from a software engineer you have turned to an astrologer - that's nice too. I have been reading Aditya hrudayam stotra for almost 6 months now. Initially it was 1 time a day but now I read it 3 times facing the east. Infact I remember it by heart now. The time varies from 10 to 11 am. Have recently started reciting surya beej mantra as well and I am living a satvik life. For last 6 months I am looking for a job but I could find nothing appropriate.please suggest incase u can what am I doing incorrectly that I am not getting the desired results. I blindly believe in God but this situation I am simply unable to understand. I am a female and married.

    1. That's great to know. You are doing it correctly but you can change the time to may be 6 or 7 am. Also please share your birth details.

  60. Thank you for your reply My dob is 1 July 1981. Time us approximately between 10.05 to 10.30 am. Place of birth is panitola assam. Nearby place is Tinsukia

  61. Namaste Guru ji,

    I am going through a very bad marriage. Meri and meri wife ki bilkul nai banti.har waqt ladai hoti hai -shadi ko 7 saal ho gaye phir bhi aapsi talk Mel bilkul nai hai. I don't want ki hum dono ki zindagi kharab ho.Ours was a love marriage but after 1 year we both have realised was a biggestmistake. Please suggest can I take a divorce as per my horoscope or life will take another bad side if I take a divorce. I will be very thankful if you can please give advice
    My details are:
    Dob:16 /09/1982
    Place: pune maharastra
    Time: 15:55
    Wife details
    Dob : 16/ Aug/1985
    Place: Jaipur
    Time: Unknown

    1. I will have to see both the horoscopes, please email me at

  62. Namaste Guruji , Dob. 28 August 1991. Time. 03.45 pm. Place. Jahanabad(bihar) Guruji mere govt job kab tak lagegi. Mai 2014 se preparation kr rahi hu. Abi tak koi success nahi mil pai hai. Mai kya karu Please reply Guruji.

  63. Sir kya main isko roz hindi mai pafh skta hu

  64. Sir my date of birth is 10 Jan 1983 place-New Delhi,time 3:45 am. Bahut stress rehta hai. When will my time improve and stability kab ayegi.

    1. ek original nepali 2 mukhi rudraksha pahniye, ek pukhraj bhi pahniye aur ek moon yantra. Jan 2018 se better time shuru hoga

  65. hello sir
    time -6.00 pm
    sir mai rahu se parshan hoon,i m looking for gov job but still jobless ko upay batayein pls

    1. Please do these

      Avoid eating salt on Sundays

  66. Nmsty sir, my date of birth is 20/1/1993 in Alwar rajasthan at 4:20 pm, sir I work so hard but my result is still 0 , even people who are less knowledgeable to me get selected, I'm daily basis, I give argh to soorydev, I do Ram rakshastrot, shiva chalisa, hanuman chalisa, sir anything that you want to suggest me for my success? Please help me sir. My


  67. Hello sir I read this all comments.
    But have a one problem. Do i want to take bath before reading this stotram and also can I read this 8 am or not

  68. Hello sir I read this all comments they are very good.
    But I have a one problem do i want to take bath before reading this stotram and also can I read this 8am or not

    1. Ideally you should take bath but if you can't then you can recite it after washing your hands, feet and face.

    2. Thank you sir this is my biggest doubts you clear that

    3. Welcome :)
      Please leave your feedback at this link

  69. Sir aapka karya sarahniy h or sabhi pathko ko jror santusti dega .aapka sir kya ye sabhi mantr japne h .ya gaytri mantr kal.or hme kis position m baithna h.plz sir reply me

  70. sir ji...aap bhahut accha kaam kar rahe hai..........sir please help kar do......sir mere birth details hai 23th september 1998 time : 3:42 pm place lucknow up.......sir kya mujhe government job mil sakte hai...please sir reply as soon as possible

    1. Ek white moonga pahan lijiye aur original 12 mukhi rudraksha bhi. Thode bahut chances hain.

  71. My DOB is 10-07-1979 , Time is 08:10er. , Place is Lucknow.
    Please tell me which planet is bad in my horscope and what paath i have to do as i believe in prayer to god.

    1. Plz wear a salt water pearl and a red Coral. Also wear an original nepali 12 mukhi rudraksha and a Venus yantra. Refer these links

  72. Dear Gaurav Sir,

    My name is Aniket Nanda. My date of birth 19th march'1987,10:33 PM, Kolkata. I have suffering from several health problems, my marriage is also not happened and also problems in my office with boss. Kindly help sir !!

  73. Pranam guruji
    My dob is 9/11/1986
    Time 7:45am birth place Muzaffarnagar
    I want to know about my marriage
    Kab hogi aur kaisi hogi
    Please bataye

  74. Gaurvji thanks for your help. I'm reciting the Saraswati mantra for speech for my son.
    Please advise when can I start aditya hrudayam and also let me know if I can chant it in my room after Saraswati mantra

  75. Hello sir pranam mujhe ye pata karna hi Jis ladaki SE marriage ki bat chal rahi Hai uski kundali kaise Hai
    Dob -31 December 1983
    Time -3:40am
    Place - Lalganj raibarelli u.p.
    Jaldi jawab de sakte hai to bahut abhari rahunga.

    1. Bahut emotional hai thoda gussa bhi hai lekin phir bhi thik hai kar sakte hain

  76. Sir, can people of Kumbha rasi/lagna chant this coz sun is lord of 7th house (maraka)?

    1. Of course you can do. Mantras never give bad effects

  77. can a woman recite this slok?

  78. Namaskar Guru ji,

    Thanks for providing all of us with the true guidance. I have a question for me.
    My DOB is 15/11/1989
    Time 6.55am
    Place is Delhi.

    I have a very low confidence, always have wandering thoughts, feel restless.
    And also have a fearful feeling all the time as someone is chasing me and will hurt me.

    Kindly suggest what should I do?



    1. Please wear these

  79. Namste guru ji .. my dat of birthday is 12.06. 1994.. time evng 4.59 minuts. And place siliguri. Name shubham.. pla suggest some thing for me

    1. Please wear a yellow sapphire and a south sea pearl

      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  80. Namaste guruji.. I need few tips to concentrate on studies n pass my exam in Dec 2nd week... Kindly in rahu mahadasha .. Dob - 06-feb 1987,evening 433pm..

  81. First of all i would like to thank you for such a nice article and helping out people in despair
    sir, I am going to complete my BE degree in electrical nd electronics engineering. I feel like i m no more interested in this field.
    i am looking forward to prepare for IAS, kindly let me know whether this field is good for me or not. What sort of remedies do i need to do to become an IAS officer?
    my details are
    dob: 09 november 1995
    time: 10:10 am
    place: begusarai(bihar)

    i will be highly grateful to you for ur this act of kindness. please do shed a little light on my kundali nd career.
    Thanks a lot

  82. Thank you sir for this helpful post . I want to know about my career ... I am so uncertain about it and not happy with it. My dob is 10 Dec 1997 .

    1. Please email me at or call me at 9211921182

  83. Thank you very much Guruji for posting such a nice blog which surely helps people in despair. Thanks once again.

  84. Hello Guruji I have emailed you my issue.request you to reply back via email.

  85. namskaram guruji. I am working and people in my work place pose many problems at work. hence i am mentally disturbed. Please suggest how to get rid of enemies

  86. Very good article. I'm going through many of thеsе iwsues as well..

  87. Hello Sir
    My brother is btech and looking for job but not getting success.he got distracted very easily and don't concentrate much. What should he do and when he will get stability in life.he is also very short tempered.his details are :
    20 July 1995
    Meerut UP
    6 30 AM
    Please suggest

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  89. Dear Guruji🙏
    My name is Anurag Singh DOB-14.01.1983, Time- 7:15A.M., Place of Birth- Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh).
    Guru ji, Main is samay bahut pareshan hun mere paas koi job nhi hai,Luck bhi sath nhi deta hai,abhi marriage bhi nhi hui hai aur kuch karne ke sochta hun to fund ki dikkat hoti rehti hai. 🙏 Please Guru ji kuch paramarsh dijiye jisse ki main aapka jeevan bhar aabhari rahun.
    Charan Sparsh Guru ji

  90. Date of birth 11march 1983
    Time 1955 hours place vadodara gujarat
    Get me some remedy for good job and prosperity in life and peacefulness in family

  91. Date of birth 11march 1983
    Time 1955 hours place vadodara gujarat
    Get me some remedy for good job and prosperity in life and peacefulness in family

  92. Guru Ji,
    Recently I lost my job, please help me.
    Will reciting Aditya hrudyam will help to get a new job. My details are:
    23 April 1977,
    Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh
    12.40 pm
    Please suggest.

  93. Hello friend

    Vinay Raj here,

    As per checking your kundli, the natal has Mesha rashi with Aswini nakashtra 3rd pada

    Lagna is Karkata the owner is Moon sitting in 10th house with full eclipsed under ketu, right now he is under Sun mahadasha under Rahu bhukti it will be upto May 15th 2020.

    As rahu is weak in his kundli tel him to do nagara pooja i.e pour water and milk to naga in temple and make 9 round and need to chant rahu ketu mantra sitting toward south for 108 times. To get better results should wear black dress while chanting. He should no eat non-veg on shasti days & on tuesdays

    As he is running under Sun mahadasha tel him to do surya arghya & read Aadtiya hrudaytam before 8.30 am every morning

    For info u can contact me on

  94. Should we say Gayatri Mantra before every Aditya Hriday Stotra?

  95. Pranam gurujii,,,,,kya hm ye mantra daily pdhte h agr to nonvej khaya ja skta h ya keval Sunday ko nonvej avoid krna h
    Kripya rply de����

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  97. Guruji
    My dob is 19/07/1976 place of birth is mangalore , time is 7.14.
    Pls help me , I am out of job for last 3 years and my relationship also broke
    What parihara can I do
    Thank you

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  99. It's a Very good Post, it is very helpful information. @thanks
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  100. Namaskar my dob 17.08.1966 at 10.20pm Sirhind Punjab mera koi kam nahin ban pata mujhe bataye


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