Saturday, November 9, 2013

Venus Yantra (Shukra Yantra)

I am going to post yantras of all 9 planets in a series of post taking one yantra per post. These yantras can be used to reduce the malefic effects of the corresponding planets. This post is the fifth in the series after Sun Yantra, Moon yantra, Mars Yantra, Mercury Yantra and Jupiter Yantra. (Android users who are watching this post through my app (Astro Junction App) on their smartphones, should click on the title of the post above to see the complete post.)

In this particular post I am going to post the yantra for planet Venus, the planet of love, passion and wealth. This yantra is particularly used when Venus is malefic. The use of this talisman gives wealth, respect, favour from opposite sex. This yantra removes the malefic effects of Venus. This yantra is a very good replacement of Diamond, the gemstone of planet Venus. Yantras are much more effective than gemstones, much cheaper than gemstones and do not have any side effects like gemstones. So, if your Venus is not giving you desired results, go for Venus yantra.

Venus Yantra

Things needed:

1) Twig of pomegranate tree; which should be sharpened from one end to give it the shape of a pen.
2) Ashtgandh. It is the mixture of eight things including musk, chandan, saffron etc. It is easily available in shops. 
3) Small piece of bhoj patra You will get it easily in a pansaari shop. It is the outer skin of a specific tree.
4) Ganga jal (ganges water), if available. Optional. 
5)Talisman enclosure made of copper. It looks like the one given in the picture below. The enclosure comes in various shapes like round, square etc. Shape does not matter. 
These are all the things that you need. 

Muhurta: This yantra should be written in shukla paksha (bright half) on Friday in Venus Hora or any other auspicious muhurta.

Procedure: Take pinch of ashtgandh, add few drops of ganges water to it, if available. If it is not available then add normal water to it. This is to make the ink so that the above shown yantra can be drawn with this ink. 

After making the ink, take the pomegranate twig and draw the yantra shown above with the ashtgandh ink on a small piece of bhojpatra. After drawing the yantra, allow it to dry. Once it is dried, fold the piece of the bhojpatra so that it fits inside the talisman enclosure and put it inside the enclosure and close the enclosure. Your talisman is ready to be worn now. You can wear it in a white thread around your neck or on right arm. One should keep reciting the mantra of Venus while making this yantra.

Note: The above procedure has been given only for the educational purposes. There are too many intricacies involved in the preparation of the yantras and everything can not be explained in a blog post. Making a Yantra is an art. Readers are requested to get the yantras made only by an experienced person to get the complete benefit.
If you are interested in having the Venus Yantra which is made by me after following all the procedures, then please email me for the cost and mode of delivery.

मैं अपनी अगली कुछ पोस्ट में नव ग्रहों के यन्त्र देने जा रहा हूँ । अगर नवग्रह आपकी कुंडली में अच्छा प्रभाव नहीं दे रहे हैं तो आप इन यंत्रों का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं । सूर्य यन्त्र, चन्द्र यन्त्रमंगल यन्त्र, बुध यन्त्र और बृहस्पति यन्त्र की पोस्ट के बाद इस पोस्ट में मैं शुक्र का यन्त्र देने जा रहा हूँ । 

जिनकी कुंडली में शुक्र क्रूर है और नीच प्रभाव दे रहा है उन्हें इस यन्त्र का प्रयोग करना चाहिए । इस यन्त्र का प्रयोग मान सम्मान और विपरीत लिंग से आकर्षण दिलवाता है  इस यन्त्र का प्रयोग शुक्र के नकारात्मक प्रभावों पर लगाम लगाता है । यह यन्त्र हीरा रत्न, जोकि शुक्र का रत्न है, का बहुत अच्छा विकल्प है । यन्त्र रत्नों से कहीं ज्यादा शक्तिशाली होते हैं, सस्ते होते हैं और रत्नों की तरह इनका कोई नकारात्मक प्रभाव भी नहीं होता । इसलिए अगर आपकी कुंडली में शुक्र अच्छा नहीं है तो शुक्र का यन्त्र प्रयोग में लाएं ।

आवश्यक सामग्री:
1) अनार के पेड़ की एक डंडी (टहनी) जिसके एक सिरे को तीखा करके कलम का आकार दे दिया जाए। 
2) अष्टगंध जो की आठ चीज़ों, चन्दन, कस्तूरी, केसर इत्यादि का मिश्रण है । यह आसानी से पंसारी की दुकान में मिल जाता है । 
3) भोजपत्र: ये भी आसानी से पंसारी की दूकान से मिल जाता है ।
4) गंगा जल अगर उपलब्ध हो तो अन्यथा साधारण पानी भी लिया जा सकता है । 
5) ताम्बे का बना हुआ ताबीज़ का खोल। ताबीज़ कई आकार में आते हैं । आप कोई भी आकार का खोल ले सकते हैं । 

आपको यन्त्र बनाने के लिए इन सब सामग्रियों की आवश्यकता है । 

मुहूर्त: इस यन्त्र को आप शुक्ल पक्ष के शुक्रवार को शुक्र की होरा में बना सकते हैं । या फिर किसी और शुभ मुहूर्त में भी बना सकते हैं । 

विधि: चुटकी भर अष्टगंध लें और इसमें गंगा जल या साधारण जल मिला लें । इससे आपकी स्याही तैयार हो जायेगी जिससे आप ऊपर दिया हुआ यन्त्र बनायेंगे । 

स्याही बनाने के बाद अनार की डंडी लीजिये और इसे स्याही में भिगोकर ऊपर दिया हुआ यन्त्र एक भोजपत्र के टुकड़े पर बनाइये । पूरा यन्त्र बना लेने के बाद इसे सूखने के लिए रख दीजिये । सूखने के बाद भोजपत्र को मोड़ कर इतना छोटा बना लीजिये की यह ताबीज़ के खोल के अन्दर पूरा आ जाए । इसे खोल के अन्दर डाल कर खोल को बंद कर दीजिये । अब यह ताबीज़ डालने के लिए तैयार है । इसे आप एक सफ़ेद रंग के धागे में अपने गले में या दायीं बाज़ू पर डाल सकते हैं । इस यन्त्र को बनाते हुए शुक्र का मंत्र लगातार जपते रहना चाहिए ।

नोट: ऊपर दी गयी विधि केवल पाठकों की शिक्षा हेतु दी गयी है । यन्त्र बनाने में बहुत सी बातों का ध्यान रखना पड़ता है और वो सारी बातें एक लेख में नहीं बतायी जा सकती हैं । यन्त्र बनाना एक कला है और पूरा फायदा लेने के लिए यन्त्र किसी अनुभवी व्यक्ति से ही बनवाना चाहिए ।
अगर आप पूरी विधि से मेरे द्वारा बनाया हुआ उपरोक्त शुक्र यन्त्र मंगवाने में रूचि रखते हैं तो कीमत जानने के लिए मुझे ईमेल करिए

Gaurav Malhotra

About the Author:

Gaurav Malhotra is a B Tech in Computer Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT, Kurukshetra) and a passionate follower of Astrology. He has widely traveled across the world and helped people with his skills. You can contact him on his email You can also read more about him on his page.


  1. Kya a yantra pyar me safalta milta he guruji.

  2. which yantras i should go for according to my horoscope 28/12//1990,10.45am, siliguri. i am prrparing for civil service and have very lack of concentration and lack of luck too. any other remedy you would suggest to gain in my preprtion and get into this service.
    thanku and regards.

    1. Your time is not good till July 2014 but after that your good time will start.
      You should wear Mercury yantra, Mars yantra and Rahu yantra. In addition to that do this remedy

  3. Sir jo tilak wala ashtgandh ata hai per usme ingrediants to likha nahi mila hai.kya ye hoga.shukra ka mantra kya hai

    1. Aap tilak vaala ahstgandh bhi use kar sakte hain. Shukra ka mantra hai "Om Sham Shukraaye Namaha"

  4. Guruji
    Mujhe koun se yantra chahie honge
    D.o.b 19/01/1986
    Time 11:05 pm
    Place rourkela
    Mujhe job kab milegi.
    Plz batayen koun se yantra pehnu

    1. You will get it soon. You should wear a Rahu yantra.

  5. Guru ju
    Mujhe kon sa yantra pehna chahie
    Kya mein
    Guru. Shani.mangal.budh ka yantra pehan sakta hu
    Dob 23.3.1986
    Time 3.30 am
    Place Allahabad u.p
    Kirpaa bataae

    1. Aap mangal budhh aur shukra ka yantra daal sakte hain.

  6. Guru ji

    Kirpaa bataae
    Jaise kai ratna ek saath nahi pehne ja sakte h
    Kya yantra ek saath pehne ja sakte h
    Yadi nahi
    To kon kon se yantra ek saath pehan sakte h

  7. Guru ji, I think for me Venus is malfies and so Venus yentra is required for me.. so what is the cost of it that you have made ji ? Hope to get your reply to my mail.. thank you ji..

  8. Sir

    Mere life mein bahut prob rahti h
    Koi kaam asani se nahi hota
    Koi upae batae
    Dob 23.3.1986
    time 3.30 am
    Place Allahabad u.p.

  9. Hi!! I have Venus in 10th House in Cancer from my Ascendant(Libra) and its degree is 01:38. In PL software, it shows 'DEAD' as avastha and Netrapani... Can i wear this to strengthen it.. Please Help!!!

  10. Guruji, which yantra is good for career and wealth. Also for good marriage.

  11. Hello Gaurav,
    I have been facing so many problems in my personal n profesional life. My dob is 08 may 1983, 12.22am in new delhi. Midnyt of 7/8 may. I have visited many famous astrologers also but in vain as no one could help me out. N nuthin chnged as well. I have been tryin to get married n settled down for many years but again in vain. I have lost all hopes. I feel I wont be able to get married with guy of my choice. Everybody in family is so disappointed with this. Can you help me out and suggest some effective remedies,.
    Hope to hear you soon.
    Thanks & Regards

    1. Your current dasha is not favoring you. If you don;t get married now then you will get married after October 2015.

  12. guruji my name is sumip and my dob is 06.02.1990, 7.10am which yantra should i wear? I have been wearing emerald ring.

    1. You should wear Jupiter and Ketu yantras.

  13. Guru Ji.. My name is Ravi and my DOB is 3rd Sep 1978, time 4 PM. What gemstone should I wear or what yantra should I wear.

    1. You should wear a yellow sapphire and Rahu yantra.

  14. Gm guruji. My dob:22/11/1991. Time:23:50. Place: mumbai.
    meri shadi fix hote hote tut jati hai. Pls muze bataye ki mai konasa upay karu.

    1. You should wear Rahu and Venus yantras.

  15. hi nice informative blog...If you can spare some time and suggest me yantra as per the below details.

    Name : Monisha
    Date of Birth:06/031985
    Place: Delhi
    Time: 6.00am

    1. You should wear an emerald and Mercury yantra. You should also wear a Jupiter yantra.

    2. Thanks for your reply....How much 'rati' of emerald should i wear? please tell me the cost of all yantra?

    3. 7.25 ratti. The cost of one yantra is 5000 rupees (or 100 USD)

  16. guru ji my name is somnath my db-28/3/1977 still i am unmarried now .i will be married or not

  17. guruji mere grahon ke bare me btaye. my name is meera dob 14 march1985 time 7:00 am place ambala city

  18. Sir mere baare m BHI bataye
    Mere pass govt job kab tak h
    My name, Amar(ranu)
    Day ,06:20 evening in ETAh up

  19. Guruji!! mera janam 08/03/1986 ko 12:35 ko Sindgi Karnataka me hui hai. Kya me shukra yantra pehan sakta hun? Mera shaadi kab hogi?

  20. Hello sir..mera dob hai 07.04.1996. Time:8.30 se 9 p.m. k beech mummy ko time yaad nehi hai,west bengal...par mera time bohot bura chal raha hai mera ex bf mujhe bohot tang kar raha hai aur threats deta hai emotional blackmail v..aur ek astrologer bole hai ki mera love affairs ya shaddi koyi successful nehi main konsa yantra use Karun.aur Kya main as a locket isse pehen sakti hu??aur mujhe kahan milega??

    1. Aap ye vaala yantra pahniye

  21. Sir please help me, mein kuch nahi karna chahta absolutely nothing,koi job nhi and koi bhi motivation nahi hai. Dimag pareshan rehta hai par mein apne aap ko motivate nhi kar pata kuch bhi karne ke liye jaise ki walking, koi job je liye, gym kuch bhi nhi. Kuch salon se dara huya rehta hoon. Kirpiya koi help kar sake to please bataye meri dob hai - 5 july 1989. Place rajpura,punjab. Gender male.

    1. Mujhe apki kundli dekhni padegi aap mujhe email kariye

  22. Thankyou for replying sir, I will send you my kundli online on provided mail.

  23. My name nikhil agrawal ,date of birth 13-04-1987, Birth time 6.20 pm, birth place-indore mp. india . My wife name- parul agrawal , date of birth 09-02-1989. Birth time 7.13 pm . Birth place-mandsaur mp. India. मेरी शादी 24-05-2014 में हुई । फेबवारी 2018 में कुछ विवाद हो गया था। मेरी पत्नी मायके चली गयी है। आ नही रही है। आगे हमारा रिस्ता कैसा होगा। क्या उपाय करू । पत्नी कब, केसे आएगी। एवम हम दोनों का भविष्य क्या होगा hindi me bayega उपाय जरूर बताएगा जिससे मेरी पत्नी मेरे पास वापिस आ जाये ।

    1. Mujhe email kijiye par

    2. Hi my name is sheela born on 1 April 1972 in Jalandhar India life is going through times give me some remedies thanks

  24. Sir mera dob 13 11 1986 7:30 am kanpur uttar pradesh hai mere liye kon sa ratna theek rahega

  25. In shukra yantra
    12 5 13
    12 10 8
    7 14 13

  26. Sir date of birth 09-03 -1992 kaunsa yantra pehnu and progress ke liye kya karun.

  27. Sir meri dob -09 -03-1992 hai kya karun progress ke liye

  28. Sir meri dob - 09-03-1992
    Place - Dehradun
    Time - 18.45
    Kya karna chaiye mujhe

  29. Wow, fantastic blog layout! How long have you been blogging for?

    you made blogging look easy. The overall look of your site is excellent, as well as
    the content!

  30. My dob is 15th oct 1969 ,13.05 pm at delhi which yantra and gen stone advised.

  31. I have no job.Can I wear it to to get a job sooner?

  32. I am born on 15 aug 1988 ,in nirsa,Dhanbad,Jharkhand.which ever work I start I fail each time .I m doing share trading now n I m only losing .I m not able to make right decision at right time .I don't know what to do .

  33. Sir my dob is 03.03.1988.. which yantra will be suitable for me

  34. I want to learn about Yantras in more detail from you. Can you teach me?

  35. Hi, i born 1985, September 29. Hour 12:25, day time. In Lithuania , city Klaipeda.
    And im unlucky with jobs and marriage . I dont know which jantra can fix my life. As im so hard getting jobs and if getting cant work long time as health problem happen and i must leave after 3 months . So what to do how to get stable work for long time and earn money . As to win im also unlucky to earn also no luck .
    And my marriage life also complicated , im like married but my husband living in other country with his mom . We are married 8 years but not having normal family , no kids . Im 35 years . Which yantras can help to have nice , harmony, love, happy marriage and have normal family, home, kids
    Im desperate. I hope you can help me .

  36. Hi, i born 1985, September 29. Hour 12:25, day time. In Lithuania , city Klaipeda.
    And im unlucky with jobs and marriage . I dont know which jantra can fix my life. As im so hard getting jobs and if getting cant work long time as health problem happen and i must leave after 3 months . So what to do how to get stable work for long time and earn money . As to win im also unlucky to earn also no luck .
    And my marriage life also complicated , im like married but my husband living in other country with his mom . We are married 8 years but not having normal family , no kids . Im 35 years . Which yantras can help to have nice , harmony, love, happy marriage and have normal family, home, kids
    Im desperate. I hope you can help me .

  37. What is red medicine (lal dawa)


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