Monday, November 11, 2013

Saturn Yantra (Shani Yantra)

I am going to post yantras of all 9 planets in a series of post taking one yantra per post. These yantras can be used to reduce the malefic effects of the corresponding planets. This post is the seventh in the series after Sun Yantra, Moon yantra, Mars Yantra, Mercury Yantra, Jupiter Yantra and Venus Yantra. (Android users who are watching this post through my app (Astro Junction App) on their smartphones, should click on the title of the post above to see the complete post.)

In this particular post I am going to post the yantra for planet Saturn the lawful planet signifying misery, sorrow, troubles, delays, spirituality etc. This yantra is particularly used when Saturn is malefic or when one is undergoing sadhesaati. The use of this talisman gives success in business or job because Saturn represents profession as well. It is useful when one is feeling depressed or stressful. This yantra is a very good replacement of Blue Sapphire, the gemstone of planet Saturn. Yantras are much more effective than gemstones, much cheaper than gemstones and do not have any side effects like gemstones. So, if your Saturn is not giving you desired results, go for Saturn yantra.

Saturn Yantra

Things needed:

1) Twig of pomegranate tree; which should be sharpened from one end to give it the shape of a pen.
2) Ashtgandh. It is the mixture of eight things including musk, chandan, saffron etc. It is easily available in shops. 
3) Small piece of bhoj patra You will get it easily in a pansaari shop. It is the outer skin of a specific tree.
4) Ganga jal (ganges water), if available. Optional. 
5)Talisman enclosure made of copper. It looks like the one given in the picture below. The enclosure comes in various shapes like round, square etc. Shape does not matter. 
These are all the things that you need. 

Muhurta: This yantra should be written in shukla paksha (bright half) on Saturday in Saturn Hora or any other auspicious muhurta.

Procedure: Take pinch of ashtgandh, add few drops of ganges water to it, if available. If it is not available then add normal water to it. This is to make the ink so that the above shown yantra can be drawn with this ink. 

After making the ink, take the pomegranate twig and draw the yantra shown above with the ashtgandh ink on a small piece of bhojpatra. After drawing the yantra, allow it to dry. Once it is dried, fold the piece of the bhojpatra so that it fits inside the talisman enclosure and put it inside the enclosure and close the enclosure. Your talisman is ready to be worn now. You can wear it in a black thread around your neck or on right arm. One should keep reciting the mantra of Saturn while making this yantra.

Note: The above procedure has been given only for the educational purposes. There are too many intricacies involved in the preparation of the yantras and everything can not be explained in a blog post. Making a Yantra is an art. Readers are requested to get the yantras made only by an experienced person to get the complete benefit.
If you are interested in having the Saturn Yantra which is made by me after following all the procedures, then please email me for the cost and mode of delivery.

मैं अपनी अगली कुछ पोस्ट में नव ग्रहों के यन्त्र देने जा रहा हूँ । अगर नवग्रह आपकी कुंडली में अच्छा प्रभाव नहीं दे रहे हैं तो आप इन यंत्रों का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं । सूर्य यन्त्र, चन्द्र यन्त्रमंगल यन्त्र, बुध यन्त्र, बृहस्पति यन्त्र और शुक्र यन्त्र की पोस्ट के बाद इस पोस्ट में मैं शनि का यन्त्र देने जा रहा हूँ । 

जिनकी कुंडली में शनि क्रूर है और नीच प्रभाव दे रहा है उन्हें इस यन्त्र का प्रयोग करना चाहिए । शनि दुःख, अड़चनों, गरीबी, ज्ञान इत्यादि को दर्शाता है । इस यन्त्र का प्रयोग इन सब मुश्किलों को दूर करने में मदद करता है । जब शनि खराब असर दे रहा हो या फिर साढ़ेसाती चल रही हो तब इस यन्त्र का प्रयोग किया जाता है । इस यन्त्र के प्रयोग से कारोबार में भी सफलता मिलती है क्योंकि शनि कारोबार और व्यवसाय को भी दर्शाता है । अगर आप मानसिक उदासी या फिर अत्यधिक तनाव के शिकार हैं तब भी इस यन्त्र का प्रयोग आपको फायदा देगा । इस यन्त्र का प्रयोग शनि के नकारात्मक प्रभावों पर लगाम लगाता है । यह यन्त्र नीलम रत्न, जोकि शनि का रत्न है, का बहुत अच्छा विकल्प है । यन्त्र रत्नों से कहीं ज्यादा शक्तिशाली होते हैं, सस्ते होते हैं और रत्नों की तरह इनका कोई नकारात्मक प्रभाव भी नहीं होता । इसलिए अगर आपकी कुंडली में शनि अच्छा नहीं है तो शनि का यन्त्र प्रयोग में लाएं ।

आवश्यक सामग्री:
1) अनार के पेड़ की एक डंडी (टहनी) जिसके एक सिरे को तीखा करके कलम का आकार दे दिया जाए। 
2) अष्टगंध जो की आठ चीज़ों, चन्दन, कस्तूरी, केसर इत्यादि का मिश्रण है । यह आसानी से पंसारी की दुकान में मिल जाता है । 
3) भोजपत्र: ये भी आसानी से पंसारी की दूकान से मिल जाता है ।
4) गंगा जल अगर उपलब्ध हो तो अन्यथा साधारण पानी भी लिया जा सकता है । 
5) ताम्बे का बना हुआ ताबीज़ का खोल। ताबीज़ कई आकार में आते हैं । आप कोई भी आकार का खोल ले सकते हैं । 

आपको यन्त्र बनाने के लिए इन सब सामग्रियों की आवश्यकता है । 

मुहूर्त: इस यन्त्र को आप शुक्ल पक्ष के शनिवार को शनि की होरा में बना सकते हैं । या फिर किसी और शुभ मुहूर्त में भी बना सकते हैं । 

विधि: चुटकी भर अष्टगंध लें और इसमें गंगा जल या साधारण जल मिला लें । इससे आपकी स्याही तैयार हो जायेगी जिससे आप ऊपर दिया हुआ यन्त्र बनायेंगे । 

स्याही बनाने के बाद अनार की डंडी लीजिये और इसे स्याही में भिगोकर ऊपर दिया हुआ यन्त्र एक भोजपत्र के टुकड़े पर बनाइये । पूरा यन्त्र बना लेने के बाद इसे सूखने के लिए रख दीजिये । सूखने के बाद भोजपत्र को मोड़ कर इतना छोटा बना लीजिये की यह ताबीज़ के खोल के अन्दर पूरा आ जाए । इसे खोल के अन्दर डाल कर खोल को बंद कर दीजिये । अब यह ताबीज़ डालने के लिए तैयार है । इसे आप एक काले रंग के धागे में अपने गले में या दायीं बाज़ू पर डाल सकते हैं । इस यन्त्र को बनाते हुए शनि का मंत्र लगातार जपते रहना चाहिए । 

नोट: ऊपर दी गयी विधि केवल पाठकों की शिक्षा हेतु दी गयी है । यन्त्र बनाने में बहुत सी बातों का ध्यान रखना पड़ता है और वो सारी बातें एक लेख में नहीं बतायी जा सकती हैं । यन्त्र बनाना एक कला है और पूरा फायदा लेने के लिए यन्त्र किसी अनुभवी व्यक्ति से ही बनवाना चाहिए ।
अगर आप पूरी विधि से मेरे द्वारा बनाया हुआ उपरोक्त शनि यन्त्र मंगवाने में रूचि रखते हैं तो कीमत जानने के लिए मुझे ईमेल करिए

Gaurav Malhotra

About the Author:

Gaurav Malhotra is a B Tech in Computer Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT, Kurukshetra) and a passionate follower of Astrology. He has widely traveled across the world and helped people with his skills. You can contact him on his email You can also read more about him on his page.


  1. Guruji pranam,which yantra is good for me to wear for all round success.dob-23-1-1991,

  2. Sir
    I have been following your blog sincerely for last few days.
    Cant any of these remedies help me any wayout. Sir i had mailed u also to your mail id if u remember

    1. Remedies may of course help you. I have replied to you today.

  3. Guru ji mere kam me badha aati hai koe mantra btaye plz

    1. Recite "Om Gam Ganeshaaye Namaha" for 108 times and also the following mantra for 108 times This is known as kshipra prasand ganpati mantra which is used to remove all obstacles in the path. Please recite this mantra daily for 108 times. ॐ वक्रतुंडाऐ हुम ॐ नमो हेरम्ब मद मोदित मम संकटम निवारय स्वाहा

  4. Guruji pranam meri kundali me rahu ketu shani shukra mangal budh sab hi nech ka hai negative hai . Kya me ek hi tabez me sab pahan sakti hu.pls reply me. Mera jivan me bohat pareshayan hai. Me bohat dukhi hu sir

    1. This is known as kshipra prasand ganpati mantra which is used to remove all obstacles in the path. Please recite this mantra daily for 108 times. ॐ वक्रतुंडाऐ हुम ॐ नमो हेरम्ब मद मोदित मम संकटम निवारय स्वाहा

  5. sir My dob is 14.09.1980 tob is 7:15pm and pob is Kanpur (UP) Pl suggest me yantra according to my grahas.Also tell me how to place order for same with u.Pl reply me am very depressed because of my miserable condition.

    1. Akanksha Ji

      There are many negative combinations in your horoscope. I would suggest Moon yantra, Venus yantra, Rahu and Shani yantra. Please send me an email at to know the price and mode of payment.

  6. Guruji, my DOB is 26-12-1984, TOB: 17:37, Place: Delhi. I wish to grow up in my career & change job, but having limited success in the same. Please suggest me yantra according to my grahas.
    Waiting for your reply.

  7. Guruji, what is the mantra for Ketu...

    I have also emailed you regarding the cost for these 3 mantras.

    1. Om Kam Ketve Namaha is the mantra. I have replied to your email.

  8. Hello gauravji,
    I am naveen jain d.o.b. 4 6 1977 10:20 a.m. which yantra is good for me?

  9. pranam gurudev,
    my dob is 04.02.1984 , 02.10 pm , place silchar . which yantra will be good for me gurudev ?

  10. Shani ka mantra kaunsa guruji banate samay ?

  11. Waitng for your reply guruji??
    my dob is 04.02.1984 , 02.10 pm , place silchar . which yantra will be good for me gurudev ?

  12. Sir, my birthday is 26th march 1995 .....time :- 6:10 p.m. .........which yantra is good for me. ????? month i'll be appearing in entrance exam...... So please suggest me......

  13. Respected Guruji
    Mera DOB 21Dec1954 6.58pm Kapurthala(PB) hai. Mujhe Kaun se yantar ko dharan karna chahye. Kamal Sharma (

    1. Aapko Rahu and Mangal ka yantra dharan karna chahiye

  14. Parnaam Guruji,

    Mera naam rajiv aur Meri janam tithi 27 june 1982 hai, kripa kar yantra ke baare me bataaye. kaunsa yantra pehnu?

    mujhe email kar de

    1. Please share your time of birth and place of birth as well.

  15. Pranam Guruji my name is Ankit Gupta DOB is sep 2,1986 time ,5:30 am place delhi. I am not getting job from past 5 months but before i was workong in abroad plz tell me why i am.not having job and when i will get job n best yantra for me for money,job,prosperity tell me the cost as well waiting for your reply

    1. You should wear 8 mukhi and 12 mukhi rudrakshas.

      8 mukhi will cost 5500 rupees.
      12 mukhi will cost 9500 rupees.

      You can send me an email to order this or call me at 9211921182

  16. Sir, My DOB is 05.09.1975 Time 2310 Hrs Place Akola Maharashtra. Leo Rashi. Vrishab Lagna. When will I buy flat?

  17. Sir my bod 25...11...1969...time 00 hrs palanpur question is which yantra good for me ..please please reply sir

  18. Guruji,
    My DOB- 14-08-1976
    TOB- around 7:15AM
    POB- Etawah, UP
    I am attempting CA Final (Last group) for so many years but every time i failed.
    I also started Stock trading business, but it failed to take off.
    Now I am very frustrated.....please guide what to do...???

    1. Please send me an email at

  19. Hi Gaurav Ji,

    Any yantra for vaastu dosh nivaran?

  20. Which yantra do my son need sir , his DOB is 24/09/1998 time : 11:02pm place : singrauli, MP
    He is going under sadesati as well as shani mahadasha
    Please help

    1. Shani yantra is required. He also needs to wear a Mars yantra.

  21. Dear Sir.
    My name is Akshay. I am From Mumbai.
    I am a Govt Employee..
    Everything was going good till March of this year...
    I don't know y the hell an idea came in my mind to take a ring with gemstone according to my rashi...
    I have visited towards one of jyotish near to my home..
    he had given me yellow sapphire gemstone...
    from that day my life jst sucks..
    i got transferred from my office...
    There is a huge loss of money till date around 10 lacs...
    whatever i m trying to do..
    not getting success even in a single work...
    to much frustrated..
    Mann toh kar raha hai ki suicide kar lu...
    Kindly help me...
    do the needfull...
    My date of birth is 23 May 1994.. Time 2:00 pm City: Kalyan, Mumbai.
    State: Maharashtra.

  22. Guruji pranam
    My dob 21-09-1986
    Name Gaurav Awasthi
    I want to wear zircon and neelam because now a days I am facing many problems in life specially finance and peace of life. Now a days unable to sleep eyes are heavy mind is thinking all the time there is no rest kindly help me

    1. Plz share your time and place of birth

    2. Agar kisi ghar ke mandir mai shani yantar ki photo ho to kya sahi nhi hai?

    3. Agar kisi ghar ke mandir mai shani yantra ka photo laga ho to wo sahi hai ya galat... i know shani dev ji ka photo nhi lagana chahiye but shani yantra ka pic sahi hai ya galat mandir mai ye please hume bataiye?

  23. Guru g my dob 26/09/1987 15:30 pm delhi
    M budiness m bht dikkato k samna kr rha hu mera garments manufacturing k business h aur life m bht up and downs rehte hn kripya upaay bataye

  24. Pranam Gaurav sir..Can I wear Shani..rahu..sukra yantra in one copper amulet around neck ? And wear Guru..and ketu gemstone in fingers ? If I can put above 3 yantras in one amulet what thread color should I appeal it through?

  25. What's up, its pleasant piece of writing regarding media print, we all know media is a wonderful source of facts.

  26. Hi, this weekend is fastidious in favor of me, since this point in time i am reading this impressive informative article here at my house.

  27. Guruji pranam....m born on 10 November 1984 5.35 pm...nt geting a job til what shud i do..



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