Sunday, August 18, 2013

Raksha Bandhan 2013

I came to know from various sources that there is some confusion on the day when Raksha Bandhan should be celebrated. The main confusion is between 20th and 21st August. So, I decided to write this post. (Android users who are watching this post through my app (Astro Junction App) on their smartphones, should click on the title of the post above to see the complete post.)  

Raksha Bandhan can be celebrated on 20th August but only after 20:49 (8:49PM Indian Time). There is no auspicious time before 20:49 on this day as per shastras. Raksha Bandhan can also be celebrated on 21st August but only till 7:15AM IST.

Most of the people prefer to celebrate this festival in the morning only so I would suggest to celebrate it on 21st August morning anytime till 7:15am. If, for some reason brother and sister can not meet this early in the morning then it can be done on 20th evening as per the time suggested above. 

The conclusion is, the auspicious muhurta for Raksha Bandhan is between 20th August at 20:49 and 21st August at 7:15am.

I am also mentioning the muhurta for some countries where majority of Indians are located. The time mentioned are local times.

Canada (Toronto):      20th August between 11:17am and 21:44

Canada (Vancouver): 20th August between   8:17am and 18:44

USA (Central time):    20th August between 10:17am and 20:44

(People from other time zones in USA and Canada can add or subtract their time from above time based on their time zones)

UK (London):              20th August anytime after 16:16

Australia (Sydney):     21st August anytime before 11:44am

(People from other time zones in Australia can add or subtract their time from the above time based on their time zones)

मुझे कई लोगों से पता चला की रक्षा बंधन के मुहुर्त को लेकर कुछ भ्रांतियां हैं । इस पोस्ट के ज़रिये मैं रक्षा बंधन का शुभ मुहुर्त बताने जा रहा हूँ । 

रक्षा बंधन 20 अगस्त को 20:15 (रात के 8:15pm ) के बाद मनाया जा सकता है । इससे पहले 20 अगस्त को कोई शुभ मुहुर्त नहीं है । रक्षा बंधन 21 अगस्त को भी मनाया जा सकता है लेकिन सुबह 7:15 तक । इसके बाद शुभ मुहुर्त नहीं है । 

ज्यादातार लोग इस त्यौहार को सुबह मनाना पसंद करते हैं इसलिए मैं सलाह दूंगा की आप इसे 21 अगस्त की सुबह 7:15 से पहले पहले मना लें । अगर किसी कारणवश भाई बहिन इतनी सुबह यह त्यौहार नहीं मना सकते तो 20 अगस्त की रात को भी मना सकते हैं जैसा की ऊपर बताया जा चुका है । 

सारांश यह है की रक्षा बंधन का मुहुर्त 20 अगस्त रात्रि 8:15 से लेकर 21 अगस्त प्रातः 7:15 तक है । कुछ और देशों के समय ऊपर दिए गए हैं । 

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