
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Procedure to Wear a Gemstone (Ratna Dharan Karne ki Vidhi)

In this post I'm going to explain the procedure of wearing a gemstone. Many people do not know the method of wearing a stone so I thought to write this post. I am listing the method in a step wise manner below so that it is easier to understand for the readers.

 how to wear gemstone
1) Choosing the right stone: This needs to be done by a competent astrologer. The horoscope needs to be analyzed in detail to suggest a good stone. In my practical experience, I have seen almost 80% of the people wearing wrong stones. Please be aware that if incompatible stones or the stones of bad houses are worn, they may give side effects. It is very very important that the stones of maraka (killer) houses are not worn as they may prove to be harmful. As far as possible the stones of malefic planets; 

Mars (Stone: Red Coral), Saturn (Stone: Blue Sapphire),       
Sun (Stone: Ruby), Rahu(Stone: Hessonite), Ketu (Stone: Cat's Eye);

should be avoided because they may give side effects in terms of bad health, relationship gone wrong, fluctuations in career etc. They should be suggested only in rare circumstances.
2) Quality of stone: Quality of stone in terms of cut, clarity, color and luster should be good. Stones with irregularities and internal cracks should be avoided. If certain areas/pockets of stone tend to exhibit brilliant color that changes in hue and size as the stone is moved, this is considered a defect and the stone should be rejected. The clearer the stone the better it is. Synthetic and chemically treated stones should be rejected. Stones should be natural and untreated.

3) Suitability: Most of the people just buy the stones and start wearing them which is not the proper way. Stone should always be tested before wearing. It may be a good stone as per your horoscope but it still needs to be tested. It can be tested by keeping the stone/ring under your pillow at night or wearing the stone on your body so that it touches your skin. It should be done at night only. Do it for 7 nights and see if you notice bad health, bad news or bad dreams etc. If you do, then the stone is not suitable for you. Please reject it. Don't worry there are many other remedial measures in astrology which you can adopt.

4) Muhurta: This is one of the most important steps in wearing a gemstone. The planet whose stone you are going to wear should be in a good position and strong at the time of wearing. Apart from this, the nakshatra on the day of wearing should be auspicious. Stones should always be worn during shukla paksha (bright half of moon) and on the day of the planet whose stone is being worn. This quick reference guide can be referred for the days of every stone. 

5) Method: Ring should be made in such a way that the bottom of the stone keeps touching the skin. Alternatively a pendant can also be made, provided it touches the skin. 
Dip the ring/pendant in unboiled milk or ganga jal a night before. Get up early in the morning as the ring should be worn within one hour of sunrise. Take bath and wear clean clothes. Preferably wear the color of the planet whose stone you are going to wear. 

For Yellow Sapphire: Wear yellow color
For Emerald:             Wear green color
For Ruby:                  Wear white or red color
For Pearl:                  Wear white color
For Red coral:           Wear bright red color
For Diamond:            Wear white color
For Blue Sapphire:    Wear blue color
For Hessonite:           Wear smoky or blue or black color
For Cat's eye:            Wear mixed or red color

Then, take the ring out from the milk/gangajal, sit on the floor on a carpet or a piece of cloth/aasan, face towards east direction, keep the ring in your right hand and start reciting the mantras of the planet whose stone you are going to wear. You need to recite the mantra for at least 108 times. Please refer quick reference guide to know the planets and their stones and refer this post to know the mantra for each planet. After this you can wear the ring.

इस पोस्ट में मैं ग्रहों के रत्नों का डालने का तरीका लिखने जा रहा हूँ । बहुत सारे लोगों को रत्न डालने का तरीका पता नहीं होता है इसलिए मैंने इस पोस्ट को लिखने के बारे में सोचा । मैं पूरा तरीका सिलसिलेवार लिखूंगा ताकि समझने में आसानी हो । 

1) सही रत्न चुनना: ये काम एक अच्छे ज्योतिषी से करवाना चाहिए जो आपकी कुंडली का ध्यानपूर्वक विश्लेषण करके आपको एक सही रत्न बता सके । मैंने अपने अनुभव में देखा है की 80 % लोगों ने गलत रत्न डाला होता है । ध्यान रहे की अगर बुरे घरों के रत्न डाले जाएँ तो वो नुक्सान भी कर सकते हैं । अति आवश्यक है की मारक घरों के रत्न न डाले जाएँ क्योंकि उनसे नुक्सान हो सकता है । जहाँ तक हो सके पाप ग्रहों के रत्नों से बचना चाहिए क्योंकि वह नुक्सान कर सकते हैं और वह नुक्सान सेहत, कारोबार, शादी किसी भी क्षेत्र में हो सकता है । केवल दुर्लभ परिस्थितियों में ही इन्हें डालना चाहिए। पाप ग्रह और उनके रत्न नीचे दिए हुए हैं:
मंगल : मूंगा    शनि : नीलम    सूर्य : माणिक    राहू : गोमेद    केतु : लहसुनिया 

2) रत्न की गुणवत्ता : रत्न की गुणवत्ता रत्न के कट, पारदर्शिता, रंग और चमक के मापदंडों पर परख लेनी चाहिए । अगर रत्न समतल नहीं है और उसके अन्दर कुछ दरारें हैं तो ऐसा रत्न नहीं डालना चाहिए । अगर रत्न के कुछ हिस्से कुछ ज्यादा चमक रहे हैं और रत्न को थोडा घुमाने पर उन हिस्सों का रंग बदल जाता है तो ऐसा रत्न पहनने के लिए सही नहीं माना जाता है । रत्न अन्दर से जितना साफ़ होगा उतना ही अच्छा है । सिंथेटिक और केमिकल से ट्रीट किये हुए रत्न नहीं पहनने नहीं चाहिए ।

3) रत्न की उपयुक्तता : ज्यादातर लोग रत्न खरीदतें हैं और इसे डालना शुरू कर देते हैं  जोकि सही नहीं है । रत्नों को हमेशा पहले जांचना चाहिए की वो आपके डालने के लिए उपयुक्त हैं या नहीं । कुंडली के हिसाब से आपके लिए रत्न उपयुक्त होने पर भी ऐसा हो सकता है की वह आपके लिए उपयुक्त न हो । इसकी जांच करने के लिए आप रत्न को या तो रोज़ रात को अपने सिरहाने/तकिये के नीचे रखकर सो सकते हैं या फिर रत्न को अपने शरीर पर इस तरीके से धारण कर सकते हैं की यह आपकी त्वचा से छूता रहे । लेकिन यह रात में ही करें और सुबह उठते ही उसे अपने से अलग कर लें । ऐसा 7 रातों तक करें अगर आपको बुरे सपने आयें, अचानक सेहत में गिरावट दिखे या कोई और बुरा असर दिखे तो रत्न न पहने । चिंता न करें ! ज्योतिष में केवल रत्न ही नहीं हैं बल्कि और भी कई तरह के उपाय हैं जो आप कर सकते हैं   और जो आपको फल भी दे सकते हैं ।

4) मुहुर्त यह रत्न डालने के सफ़र में सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण पडावों में से एक है । जिस ग्रह का रत्न आप डालने जा रहे हैं वह अछी स्थिति में होना चाहिए और मज़बूत होना चाहिए । इसके अलावा जिस दिन आप रत्न डालने जा रहे हैं उस दिन का नक्षत्र भी अच्छा होना चाहिए । रत्न हमेशा शुक्ल पक्ष में और जिस ग्रह का वह रत्न है उस ग्रह के दिन पर डाले जाने चाहिए । इस रत्न गाइड को आप देख सकते हैं जिससे आपको पता चलेगा की किस ग्रह का कौनसा दिन है और कौनसा रत्न किस दिन डालना चाहिए । 

5) विधि: अंगूठी इस तरह से बनवानी चाहिए की रत्न का निचला हिस्सा हमेशा त्वचा से छूता रहे । अगर आप अंगूठी नहीं पहनना चाहते तो इसे गले में भी धारण कर सकते हैं । 
अंगूठी को डालने से एक रात पहले कच्चे दूध या गंगा जल में भिगोकर रख दें । अगली सुबह जल्दी उठें क्योंकि अंगूठी आपको सूर्य उदय होने से एक घंटे के अन्दर अन्दर डालनी है । नहा धोकर साफ़ कपडे पहन लें । अगर हो सके तो जिस ग्रह का रत्न डाल रहे हैं उसी ग्रह के रंग के कपड़े डालें ।

पुखराज के लिए:   पीले वस्त्र डालें 
पन्ने के लिए :      हरे कपड़े डालें 
माणिक के लिए :  ताम्बे जैसे रंग के कपड़े डालें 
मोती के लिए :     सफ़ेद रंग के कपड़े  डालें 
मूंगे के लिए :       चटख लाल रंग के कपड़े  डालें 
हीरे के लिए :       सफ़ेद रंग के कपड़े डालें 
नीलम के लिए :   काले रंग के कपड़े डालें 
गोमेद के लिए :   सलेटी या नीले या काले रंग के कपड़े डालें 
केतु के लिए :      मिश्रित या लाल रंग के कपड़े डालें 

इसके बाद अंगूठी को दूध/गंगा जल से बाहर निकालें, फर्श पर कोई कपड़ा या आसन बिछाकर बैठ जाएँ, अंगूठी अपने दायें हाथ में रख लें, अपना मुख पूर्व दिशा की और रखें और जिस ग्रह का रत्न आप डालने वाले हैं उस ग्रह का मंत्र 108 बार उच्चारित कीजिये । ये जानने के लिए कि किस ग्रह का मंत्र कौनसा है आप यह पोस्ट देख सकते हैं । इसके बाद आप अंगूठी डाल सकते हैं ।

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Gaurav Malhotra

About the Author:

Gaurav Malhotra is a B Tech in Computer Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT, Kurukshetra) and a passionate follower of Astrology. He has widely traveled across the world and helped people with his skills. You can contact him on his email You can also read more about him on his page.


  1. Guruji

    My details as follows:

    Name : Rajesh B Unni
    DAte of Birth : 02/12/1969
    Place of Birth : Kalyan (Maharashtra)
    Time of Birth : 10.00 am

    I am going through difficulties of loans/credit cards.... i am working in position is Accountant....but there is no progress in my position, my 3 childrens and wife is survived by me. Please advice me which gemstone is suitable for me....I am now wearing Yellow Sappahire in index finger (3.13 carat), white opal (4.38 carat) in small finger,both in right hand. Is this stone suitable for me.?

  2. Pls.suggest me best rudrakshas and gem stone recommendations based on my birth details.lot of job problems and marriage too is delaying .health also not too good.pls. advise best remedy.thnx.
    4:10 Am
    Ranchi, jharkhand.

  3. My Name is Shahnawaz Khan DOB is 31-05-1986 Time 9.00 am Morning I Wear White Pukhran And Ceylon Blue Sapphire & Panna is Right & What time will be effects

  4. gugu jee mereko bataye ki konsa ratn pehnne se achha hota

    manish ,age 35 , date of birth 05-01-1981,time 2:14 morning, place mathura(u.p)

  5. Hello Sir,
    I am having undergoing stress in my family and career growth..

    DOB: 16-07-1984
    Birth place Kolkata
    Time : in the morning
    Name Reena Sharma
    Sex: Female

    Could you pls advice me which gem stone i can wear and provide +ve responses

    THanks & Regards,

    1. Please send your accurate birth time, date and place to

  6. Dob: 20-10-1983 time: 15:58, place: Hubli. Please suggest me gemstone for improving finance and career

    1. You should wear a white coral and an emerald.

      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  7. Hello gaurav ji
    My dob is 18-02-1996
    Time - 12:35 am
    Place- datia(mp)
    I want to wear neelam please help and guide me

  8. Hello sir,
    I am kiran
    Date of birth - 24/12/1988
    Birthtime- 10:10:00 pm
    Place of birth - morar (gwalior) mp

    So please suggest me my gemstone and what might be suitable for me.

  9. Dear Gaurav sir,

    What would be a good date and time to wear the Moti (Pearl) ring in July-2016.

    Thanks - Sejal

  10. White Coral for Venus and Red Coral for Mars

  11. Gudafternoon Sir,
    Dob 13/01/1994
    Timing :12:05am samba.jammu and kashmir. can u plz suggest me my germstone nd what might be suitable for me?

    1. Emerald and white coral are the best stones for you. You should also wear a mangal yantra and chandra yantra. Refer these links

      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  12. Sir
    Krpaya shaadi kab hoga prem vivah ya arranged patni aur vaivahik jeevan kaisa hoga kripaya dekhen.

    Videsh yatra kab Main ek software engineer hoon. Kundli attach kiya hai.

    Kindly check when my marriage will happen. Love/Arranged Marriage. Physical appearance, beauty, job& education , nature of wife and my marital life please. . My Jupitor is on Virgo ascendant with Saturn. Both are retrograde.

    Date of Birth: 10 February 1981 Tuesday
    Time of Birth: 21:43 (=09:43 PM), Indian Standard Time
    Place of Birth: Bhubaneswar (Orissa), India
    Latitude: 20.13N Longitude: 85.50E
    Gender : Male ; Marital Status : Single

    I am a B.Tech work as a Software Engineer in Bangalore in a reputed MNC.

    Sumit Tripathy

  13. if pearl and red coral combination in single ring give me detail how to wear and which day and which mantra recite

  14. Both mangal and chanra mantra should be recited and the ring can be worn on any auspicious day like ravi pushya or guru pushya yog.

  15. 3rd May 1973 afternoon 12:42 plz suggest gemstone.

    1. Please wear a south sea pearl and a red coral. Also wear a Jupiter yantra

      Please make sure that you buy unheated and untreated stones. Most of the stones are either heat treated or treated by other chemicals which reduces or completely destroys their astrological benefit hence they are of no use. So, always BUY them from a TRUSTED SELLER and if you don't know any trusted seller then you can also ORDER them from ME.

  16. Sir,
    My date of birth: 20 September 1986
    Place: Vadodara,Gujarat
    Time: 5:30 p.m
    Can you please suggest what stones should I be wearing?

    Thanks and regards!
    Abhijit singh

  17. Hello sir my name is Raghav Chib. My date of birth is 20 Oct 1998 and I am from Jammu, plaura , time 4:15pm .plzz teel me which ratan or upratan is best for me plzz tell me.

  18. My name is Suraj Kumar.

    DOB - 03/03/1989
    POB - PATNA (Bihar)
    TOB - 06:30 PM

    I am wearing Emerald (4 ratti) silver ring in little finger, and a silver challa in my thumb.

    Please let me know which gemstone i should worn and Mantra should be recited for good progress in Job.

  19. Hi i my birthday is 15 /9/1985 I Wan know what is crystal good for me please thank you

  20. Guruji mera janma tarikh pata nahi gawa mea hui thi or mera name meenu ha

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