In this post I'm going to explain the procedure of wearing a gemstone. Many people do not know the method of wearing a stone so I thought to write this post. I am listing the method in a step wise manner below so that it is easier to understand for the readers.
1) Choosing the right stone: This needs to be done by a competent astrologer. The horoscope needs to be analyzed in detail to suggest a good stone. In my practical experience, I have seen almost 80% of the people wearing wrong stones. Please be aware that if incompatible stones or the stones of bad houses are worn, they may give side effects. It is very very important that the stones of maraka (killer) houses are not worn as they may prove to be harmful. As far as possible the stones of malefic planets;
Mars (Stone: Red Coral), Saturn (Stone: Blue Sapphire),
should be avoided because they may give side effects in terms of bad health, relationship gone wrong, fluctuations in career etc. They should be suggested only in rare circumstances.
2) Quality of stone: Quality of stone in terms of cut, clarity, color and luster should be good. Stones with irregularities and internal cracks should be avoided. If certain areas/pockets of stone tend to exhibit brilliant color that changes in hue and size as the stone is moved, this is considered a defect and the stone should be rejected. The clearer the stone the better it is. Synthetic and chemically treated stones should be rejected. Stones should be natural and untreated.
3) Suitability: Most of the people just buy the stones and start wearing them which is not the proper way. Stone should always be tested before wearing. It may be a good stone as per your horoscope but it still needs to be tested. It can be tested by keeping the stone/ring under your pillow at night or wearing the stone on your body so that it touches your skin. It should be done at night only. Do it for 7 nights and see if you notice bad health, bad news or bad dreams etc. If you do, then the stone is not suitable for you. Please reject it. Don't worry there are many other remedial measures in astrology which you can adopt.
4) Muhurta: This is one of the most important steps in wearing a gemstone. The planet whose stone you are going to wear should be in a good position and strong at the time of wearing. Apart from this, the nakshatra on the day of wearing should be auspicious. Stones should always be worn during shukla paksha (bright half of moon) and on the day of the planet whose stone is being worn. This quick reference guide can be referred for the days of every stone.
5) Method: Ring should be made in such a way that the bottom of the stone keeps touching the skin. Alternatively a pendant can also be made, provided it touches the skin.
Dip the ring/pendant in unboiled milk or ganga jal a night before. Get up early in the morning as the ring should be worn within one hour of sunrise. Take bath and wear clean clothes. Preferably wear the color of the planet whose stone you are going to wear.
For Yellow Sapphire: Wear yellow color
For Emerald: Wear green color
For Ruby: Wear white or red color
For Pearl: Wear white color
For Red coral: Wear bright red color
For Diamond: Wear white color
For Blue Sapphire: Wear blue color
For Hessonite: Wear smoky or blue or black color
For Cat's eye: Wear mixed or red color
Then, take the ring out from the milk/gangajal, sit on the floor on a carpet or a piece of cloth/aasan, face towards east direction, keep the ring in your right hand and start reciting the mantras of the planet whose stone you are going to wear. You need to recite the mantra for at least 108 times. Please refer quick reference guide to know the planets and their stones and refer this post to know the mantra for each planet. After this you can wear the ring.
इस पोस्ट में मैं ग्रहों के रत्नों का डालने का तरीका लिखने जा रहा हूँ । बहुत सारे लोगों को रत्न डालने का तरीका पता नहीं होता है इसलिए मैंने इस पोस्ट को लिखने के बारे में सोचा । मैं पूरा तरीका सिलसिलेवार लिखूंगा ताकि समझने में आसानी हो ।
1) सही रत्न चुनना: ये काम एक अच्छे ज्योतिषी से करवाना चाहिए जो आपकी कुंडली का ध्यानपूर्वक विश्लेषण करके आपको एक सही रत्न बता सके । मैंने अपने अनुभव में देखा है की 80 % लोगों ने गलत रत्न डाला होता है । ध्यान रहे की अगर बुरे घरों के रत्न डाले जाएँ तो वो नुक्सान भी कर सकते हैं । अति आवश्यक है की मारक घरों के रत्न न डाले जाएँ क्योंकि उनसे नुक्सान हो सकता है । जहाँ तक हो सके पाप ग्रहों के रत्नों से बचना चाहिए क्योंकि वह नुक्सान कर सकते हैं और वह नुक्सान सेहत, कारोबार, शादी किसी भी क्षेत्र में हो सकता है । केवल दुर्लभ परिस्थितियों में ही इन्हें डालना चाहिए। पाप ग्रह और उनके रत्न नीचे दिए हुए हैं:
2) रत्न की गुणवत्ता : रत्न की गुणवत्ता रत्न के कट, पारदर्शिता, रंग और चमक के मापदंडों पर परख लेनी चाहिए । अगर रत्न समतल नहीं है और उसके अन्दर कुछ दरारें हैं तो ऐसा रत्न नहीं डालना चाहिए । अगर रत्न के कुछ हिस्से कुछ ज्यादा चमक रहे हैं और रत्न को थोडा घुमाने पर उन हिस्सों का रंग बदल जाता है तो ऐसा रत्न पहनने के लिए सही नहीं माना जाता है । रत्न अन्दर से जितना साफ़ होगा उतना ही अच्छा है । सिंथेटिक और केमिकल से ट्रीट किये हुए रत्न नहीं पहनने नहीं चाहिए ।
3) रत्न की उपयुक्तता : ज्यादातर लोग रत्न खरीदतें हैं और इसे डालना शुरू कर देते हैं जोकि सही नहीं है । रत्नों को हमेशा पहले जांचना चाहिए की वो आपके डालने के लिए उपयुक्त हैं या नहीं । कुंडली के हिसाब से आपके लिए रत्न उपयुक्त होने पर भी ऐसा हो सकता है की वह आपके लिए उपयुक्त न हो । इसकी जांच करने के लिए आप रत्न को या तो रोज़ रात को अपने सिरहाने/तकिये के नीचे रखकर सो सकते हैं या फिर रत्न को अपने शरीर पर इस तरीके से धारण कर सकते हैं की यह आपकी त्वचा से छूता रहे । लेकिन यह रात में ही करें और सुबह उठते ही उसे अपने से अलग कर लें । ऐसा 7 रातों तक करें अगर आपको बुरे सपने आयें, अचानक सेहत में गिरावट दिखे या कोई और बुरा असर दिखे तो रत्न न पहने । चिंता न करें ! ज्योतिष में केवल रत्न ही नहीं हैं बल्कि और भी कई तरह के उपाय हैं जो आप कर सकते हैं और जो आपको फल भी दे सकते हैं ।
4) मुहुर्त : यह रत्न डालने के सफ़र में सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण पडावों में से एक है । जिस ग्रह का रत्न आप डालने जा रहे हैं वह अछी स्थिति में होना चाहिए और मज़बूत होना चाहिए । इसके अलावा जिस दिन आप रत्न डालने जा रहे हैं उस दिन का नक्षत्र भी अच्छा होना चाहिए । रत्न हमेशा शुक्ल पक्ष में और जिस ग्रह का वह रत्न है उस ग्रह के दिन पर डाले जाने चाहिए । इस रत्न गाइड को आप देख सकते हैं जिससे आपको पता चलेगा की किस ग्रह का कौनसा दिन है और कौनसा रत्न किस दिन डालना चाहिए ।
5) विधि: अंगूठी इस तरह से बनवानी चाहिए की रत्न का निचला हिस्सा हमेशा त्वचा से छूता रहे । अगर आप अंगूठी नहीं पहनना चाहते तो इसे गले में भी धारण कर सकते हैं ।
अंगूठी को डालने से एक रात पहले कच्चे दूध या गंगा जल में भिगोकर रख दें । अगली सुबह जल्दी उठें क्योंकि अंगूठी आपको सूर्य उदय होने से एक घंटे के अन्दर अन्दर डालनी है । नहा धोकर साफ़ कपडे पहन लें । अगर हो सके तो जिस ग्रह का रत्न डाल रहे हैं उसी ग्रह के रंग के कपड़े डालें ।
पुखराज के लिए: पीले वस्त्र डालें
पन्ने के लिए : हरे कपड़े डालें
माणिक के लिए : ताम्बे जैसे रंग के कपड़े डालें
मोती के लिए : सफ़ेद रंग के कपड़े डालें
मूंगे के लिए : चटख लाल रंग के कपड़े डालें
हीरे के लिए : सफ़ेद रंग के कपड़े डालें
नीलम के लिए : काले रंग के कपड़े डालें
गोमेद के लिए : सलेटी या नीले या काले रंग के कपड़े डालें
केतु के लिए : मिश्रित या लाल रंग के कपड़े डालें
इसके बाद अंगूठी को दूध/गंगा जल से बाहर निकालें, फर्श पर कोई कपड़ा या आसन बिछाकर बैठ जाएँ, अंगूठी अपने दायें हाथ में रख लें, अपना मुख पूर्व दिशा की और रखें और जिस ग्रह का रत्न आप डालने वाले हैं उस ग्रह का मंत्र 108 बार उच्चारित कीजिये । ये जानने के लिए कि किस ग्रह का मंत्र कौनसा है आप यह पोस्ट देख सकते हैं । इसके बाद आप अंगूठी डाल सकते हैं ।
My short bio
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Hi Sir:
ReplyDeleteMy DOB is 17th Sep 1981 ,birth time is 11:40 am.
My birthplace is rewari, haryana.
Please tell me which gemstone are best for me.
Thanks & Regards,
Ajay vashisth
Dear sir,
ReplyDeletemy name is Prakhar, my d.o.b is 05/09/91, my birthplace is Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh at 12:15a.m. Plzzz suggest me some gemstone to wear...
ReplyDeleteMy dob is 30-04-89.... acrding to venus ive bot nw im afraid to wear n sme post made by astrologers shwng taureareans shld be worn emerald nd n some as plz let me knw...n morova d one vch i bot...d diamond s a small one..does size f d diamond play ny significant role...plz let me knw sir...
Hello Sir,
ReplyDeleteI am having undergoing stress in my family and career growth..
DOB: 17-06-1974, Rasi/Star: Mesha/Bharani
Time : Afternoon-1.30 and Monday
Sex: Female
Could you pls advice me which gem stone i can wear and provide +ve responses.
THanks & Regards, Madhavi.
Hi sir my date of birth is 10 August 1985 born between 5 am to 5:30am at aurangabad please suggest me some gud ring as i want to get martied soon...some one suggested me yellow sapphire so can i wear it please rply me asap thanks...
ReplyDeleteHi sir my date of birth is 10 august 1985 at Aurangabad between 5am to 5:30 am as i want to get married someone suggested me to wear yellow sapphire so please rply me and help me which stone should i wear...thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks for such wonderful information about astrology.
Can you please help me with few of my queries
My marriage is delayed and not happen yet, Which Gemstones should i wear,currently i am wearing yellow pukhraj, can cats-eye will help, along with it any other gemstoneand mantra etc.
Please guide.
Also career point of view there is no good progress from long time, promotion is due from few years.
My details are:
Dob: 01-12-1974
Place of birth: Kalyan, Maharashtra
Time of birth: 06:57 am
ReplyDeleteThanks for such wonderful information about astrology.
My details are:
Dob: 01-12-1974
Place of birth: Kalyan, Maharashtra
Time of birth: 06:57 am
Can you please help me with few of my queries
1) My marriage is delayed and not happen yet when will it happen, any remedies like gemstone, mantra etc, should i wear cats eye will it help.
2)Also career point of view there is no good progress from long time, promotion is due from few years.Thinking of changing job, will it help. Currently Shani Maha Dasha is there.
Currently wearing yewllow phukraj
ReplyDeleteMy DOB 6th Feb-1979 / 04:05 AM / Ahmedabad. Struguling a lot with family and social problems. Request you to advice gemstone or remedy.
Regards, Vipul Panchal
You need to wear shani and rahu yantra.
Thank you very much. I want to share one small observation that whenever I wear my black shirt on Wednesday, it becomes very active and good day. Don't know the reason, just want to share.
Hello Gaurav Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy DOB is 01-Nov-1984
Birth time - 06:05 am
Birth place - Vidisha (MP)
Sir I am going through very bad phase of my life... I am struggling for job after completing my MBA since 8 months....not lucky yet.
Also i am not getting a good match for marriage since long.
I lost a gold ring in dec 2011 starting & after it nothing is going well.
I have been suggested to wear sunehla on my index finger & Jamunia on my middle finger.
Sir , Pls give your valuable suggestions and remedy...
- Thanks & Regards,
Pranam sir
ReplyDeleteDob: 28.11.1980
I m preparing for competitive exams. Please guide me to get success in exams and get a government job.
Thanks nd regards
Please follow this remedy
and this one also
hi i m mehul shah from mumbai.
ReplyDeletepl tell me which stone i prefer to wear accoundind to my rashi.
name:mehul shah
dob:23 nov 1978
time:3.59 am
place :mumbai
Hi Gaurav Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy DOB is 22.08.1984 and time is 12:04 pm, place is delhi. I am unmarried and searching for a good life partner. Till now, my family has been facing a lot of problems in finding a suitable match. Kindly suggest a remedy.
I am also facing losses on almost all the financial investments. Kindly suggest the remedy for the same too.
Many thanks,
Please follow these remedies
गौरव जी नमस्कार
ReplyDeletemeri DOB 11.10.1983
time 6.00Am
place Faridabad Haryana
i am facing problems in life so please suggest me which gemstone i shoud wear please please help me
Sir I HV so much problem in my marriage lyf which stone should I wear
ReplyDeleteMy dpb is 3sep 1988 gym 6.45 pm
Hello Gaurav,
ReplyDeleteThis s Paresh Choudhary, my DOB is 13/01/1984 nd Birth time is 12PM, someone suggest me to wear Firoza in silver ring on little finger. Please guide me whether its correct or not.
Thanks in advance.
hello gaurav sir, myself kuntal , my dob-10/11/1989 nd birth time-20.24 pm many one suggest me to wear a blue saffire wwith panna is it right choice for me???
ReplyDeleteHello Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy DOB is 2nd May 1962, Birth Time is 17:00 Hrs at Calcutta.
Please suggest which stone / rudhaksh I should wear
Dipankar Ji
DeletePlease send me an email at
Hello sir my name is Darren jude Pereira my date of birth is 20th may 1986 ,time of birth is 10pm ,born in Mumbai.can you please tell me my birth stone and how to wear it
ReplyDeleteGaurav Sir, Namaskar,
ReplyDeleteone guruji has told me to wear 6 rati panna in my hand ,just wanted to know whether i shud buy that and wera that ,and also he said there is angaratmak dosh in my kundali and i need to go for pooja for that ,just wanted to know wheather that will be beneficial or not,if yes i will do all this.
My details are:-
name Anuradha
dob:2 may 1980
place : rajouri j& k
time: 1:51 pm in afternoon.
plesae suggest.
There are only two good stones for you; yellow sapphire and red coral. Red Coral is the best stone for you. From Nov 2014 to Nov 2015 will be your excellent time so be happy and enjoy this time :) No need to get any expensive pooja done. Worship lord shiva everyday, offer water on shivling and recite hanuman chalisa on Tuesdays everything will be fine
Deletesir my father is not having his dob and time. his life has very much in struggle and suffered lot of problems.still he is very good person as well as no bad habits also pure vegeterian. he never shout on us . sir can you tell him some good remedy or gemstone to get comfortable remaining life. he only having and waiting to sale
ReplyDeletehis ancestral property so he can able to live a happy life in his old age. can he do some pooja or gemstone or yantra to get his ancestral property able to sale on good price. please sir my father will be very happy if it happens . his age is now approx 60 to 62 years
Ask him to paste a mars yantra on the main entrance of the house to be sold.
DeleteHello gurav ji
ReplyDeleteSir you have suggest to me pukhraj but some problem i not able to wear it .because i am job less last 3 year. and got two daugther that period. If i will to try it to wear pukhraj it work to help me .pl give some suggestion to me and help me
Eshender verma
DOB 13MAY 1983
Wear a piece of raw turmeric in yellow thread around your neck. It will have same effect as that of pukhraj.
DeleteSir, My Name is Mahesh Naik, My DOB is 27th October 1979 at 4:05Am. My Birth place is Karwar ( Karnataka). Request you to suggest me Gemstone pls.
ReplyDeleteWill be awaiting for your valuable reply.
Eemrald is the best stone for you.
DeleteHello sir my name is sunil vashisht and my DOB is 26-may-1984 time 1:52pm afternoon delhi sir which stones should I have to wear plz tell me
ReplyDeleteEmerald is the best stone for you.
DeleteMy Nami is Rohit.DOB-18-04-1986,TIME 12.30PM Ghuwati,During the mahadasha of venus and I have weared white coral, but some one suggested to wear Coral. So can i wear coral during the mahadasha of Venus or can i wear both.
ReplyDeleteRed coral is the best stone for you.
Deletedear sir my info. are as under
ReplyDeleteName: vikrant gaikwad
DOB: 07/08/1988
time: 9:30 AM(not approx)
day: sunday
nakshtra : Rohini
i want to know about my monitory my destiny shine?..when?....what gemstone i wore? opal is good for me or not?
i got unsuccess in my career life and love too? please help me out?
Please send me an email at
DeleteSir mega nam Akash Shrivastav he.mega d.o.b 28/12/1994 he magar time conform nahi he .sir me ye banana chahta hu ki me non as ratn pahnu kon as nahi Lenin time pata n hone ki wajah we kunfali nahi wanva pa Rana hu. Sir please help me.bas itna pata he k Mesa janm morning ka he.
ReplyDeleteAap apna time rectify karwaaiye uske baad hi ratn bataaya jaa sakta hai
DeleteHello ! My pukhraj developed cracks and I removed it off from my finger just within 20 days of wearing it. Now how should I dispose it off ? Should I simply throw it off or leave it at some particular place. Same with my old white pearl (which I have to replace with a new one) and panch yantra (cracked from inside) placed in my home mandir ? How should I dispose all 3 of these ? Pls suggest.
ReplyDeleteYou can either offer them in running water (river or canal) or keep them in mandir (either at your home or actual mandir)
DeleteHello sir, My name is chetan sinha. I am very disturbed. I cannot able to earn and settle my career. i am looking to establish my own IT business but as of now, I am unemployed and dependent on others completely. i didn't ever taste success in my life. my education also ruined, but i am positive and confident guy. i stammered too. I performed puja for kaal sharp dosh on march and wearing, pukhraj, moonga ad gold ring. coming monday,I am going to wear moonstone. I want to know sir, mera kuch acha hoga iss saal aur aane waalon salon me? I am frustrated. my details are:
ReplyDeleteD/O/B :- 10/04/1986
Time: 05:24 AM
place : Darbhanga (Bihar)
Energize all your rings on 29th June as per above post with mantras. Aap kachchi haldi ke ek tukde mein chhed karke yellow dhaga daalkar use apne gale mein daal lijiye Thursday ke din.
DeleteThanks for your time sir, it really means a lot to me. can i able to get financially independent in coming months and started my tech business? i know, it's not a smart question but if u answer, it will give me a clarity and decide my working direction.
Dear sir...
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ramesh.D. My DOB is 15th January 1979. I born in Bangalore (Karnataka ) at 5:15Am ( Approx).. Kindly help me suggesting suitable gemstone which will suit me, and also advise if any precautionary measures to be taken before wearing gemstone.
I would be grateful for your help.
Warm regards,
Ramesh D
You should wear a yellow sapphire.
DeleteDear Sir,
ReplyDeleteI am Ramakant born in Bombay on 23rd January 1968 at 4.51 am. I was wearing Yellow Safire in gold and pearl in silver. A jyotishi told me to wear ruby additional in index finger which I made in silver and started wearing from today. is it ok.
Ramakant Ji
DeleteYellow sapphire and Ruby are fine but pearl should not be worn. Additionally wear a budh yantra
ReplyDeletemy date of birth is 5 dec 1985 and time is 12:00 noon....which stones should i wear for career and money,prosperity and luck?....for now i am wearing pukhraj,gomed and munga(since i am manglik).
All three stones that you are wearing are not suitable for you. You should wear diamond (or its substitute white opal) and Emerald. You should wear a Mars yantra instead of its stone moonga
DeleteDear Gaurav,
ReplyDeleteMy details are:
Name: Adarsh Saxena.
TOB: 7.25 PM.
DOB: 15/09/1971.
Place of birth: (Kidwai Nagar) New Delhi.
Query is:
Right now I can't afford a new Yellow Sapphire piece (after last one cracked). So for now, I am thinking of either to wear a Brihaspati yantra in my neck (red thread) or, keeping it in my wallet. Would that suit me as well as a Yellow Sapphire. If yes, which one (of the two) would be better and between 3rd July or 10th July, 2014, which date has the best muhurat ?
Yes that would suit you. 29th June is the best muhurta. Wear it in the neck.
Deleteok, thanks a lot. But 29th June is a Sunday. Is it ok to do something related to guru (brihaspati) on a Sunday (ravivaar) ? And is there any procedure which should be followed for that also like one does for gemstones ?
DeleteYou can still do it on Sunday because an auspicious yoga is falling on this day so it's okay to wear it on this day.
ReplyDeleteI am Amit. I am having serious health problem(Digestive disorder) and facing difficulties in every sphere of life so please suggest me which gemstone is preferable for me.
Right now, I am wearing Sunnehla substitute for Yellow sapphire(Right Index), Emerland(Right Small), Opal(Left Index) and Moonstone(Left Little).
MY DOB- 18-Feb-1975,
TIME- 1:25 PM,
PLACE - Lucknow, U.P.
Good Morning Sir, Myself Sanjay DOB-19/08/1980 time between 9:30 to 10 morning and Place Chhapra. I'm wearing Emerald and Opal. I'm also planning to wear substitute of Neelam. Would Neelam good for me?
Yes but make sure you test it as given in above post before wearing it.
DeleteHello sir,
ReplyDeleteI am Koyal Sharma. Sirr i am wearing a sunnhela ring right now . and i am advisedd to wear a Emerald stone .also to do a navgrah puja. i am btech fstill have no job for last 3 years. also in very bad mental and phsycal health. pLzadvise. Thanx Sir
dob- 13-12-1989
Time: 4:36am
Place: delhi
Please remove Sunehla. You should wear white opal, neelam and Ketu yantra.
Namaste sir,,
ReplyDeleteI am Amit. I am having serious health problem(Digestive disorder) and facing difficulties in every sphere of life so please suggest me which gemstone is preferable for me.
Right now, I am wearing Sunnehla substitute for Yellow sapphire(Right Index), Emerland(Right Small), Opal(Left Index) and Moonstone(Left Little).
MY DOB- 18-Feb-1975,
TIME- 1:25 PM,
PLACE - Lucknow, U.P.
Namaste Sir,
ReplyDeleteMera Naam Sanju Hai, Mera DOB 29/01/1982 ,Place Banda(UP) time, 00:30 AM.(28 ki night ka janam hai) Sir Mujhe kaunsa stone pahanana chahiye ? Mene Panna Pahan rakha hai. Kya ye mere liye theek hai?
Panna theek hai aapke liye aap blue sapphire aur Rahu aur Surya ke yantra daal sakte hain
Hello Sir, My Name is Shobha, My DOB is 9/9/1987 place Siwan(Bihar) Time 16:30 evening. I'm preparing for banking services but no success yet? Will I get a gov job? I'm very frustrated these days. Mene Opal pahana hua hai .kya mujhe koi aur stone pahanana chahiye?
ReplyDeleteApko Panna dharan karna chahiye aur sath mein Ketu ka yantra daalna chahiye
DeleteIske alaawa roz surya ko jal dijiye is post ke anusaar
ReplyDeleteCurrently I do not wear any stone.
1) I have been asked to wear Ruby. I have made a gold ring with aprox 6 ratti Ruby. Can you please confirm it is right stone for me.
2) I have also been asked to wear Coral (Moonga) and Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)
Please suggest these are the right stones for me. I can wear moonga as a pendent too as it has to be worn in the same finger as the Ruby.
My Details: DOB:11/05/2014 / time:1.20 pm / Place: Akola, Maharashtra, India /
You were born in 2014 ? Quite young to write an email :)
Deletehello Sir my name Gaurav Patil DOB 30/7/1988 Birth Time -11:50PM mujhe konsa stone
ReplyDeletepahanana chahiye? aur business ke liye..
You should wear a yellow sapphire. You should also wear Mars and Rahu yantras.
Please tell me which gem stone suits me
ReplyDeleteDOB: 8 August 1987
Time: 10:09PM
POB: Panipat Haryana
Name: Pardeep
Yellow sapphire is the best stone for you. You should also wear Rahu and Mercury yantras.
Rahul Pal. Sir, My DOB is 8th March 1978, time 10.13 pm, please tell me what stones I need to wear for career and success.
ReplyDeleteYou should wear an emerald and Rahu yantra
DeletePlease like my facebook page to get more remedies and tips
dear guru ji,
ReplyDeleteCould you please tell me
Where to throw away recited thread if it (#1 remedy) is broken or removed itself ?
Please reply soon.
You can offer it in running water (river or canal)
DeleteDear sir
ReplyDeleteI am sachin from gurgaon.
I am going through family quarrels and financial problems. Please note my details DOB-2 July 1980
Time - 9:15am Place - Jaipur, Rajasthan.
ReplyDeleteMy d.o.b is 14 July 1976 1.40 pm. I have been advised by an astrologer to wear white opal stone 9 and half ratti..which finger should I wear the stone..on what day and time..? Facing a lot of problems including separation from wife and daughter..and financial problems.. Please advice
Your should wear it in right hand ring finger. Wear it on 27th July morning.
DeleteThank you very much gauraviji..should I enclose it in silver and what mantra during wearing the opal..thanks again..
ReplyDeleteDear Malhotra ji,
ReplyDeletei am Hemang, 36 years age, stil single!! my DOB is 21 march 1978, place pune time 2-23 am,
having lots of problems, marriage problem, job problem, planning to wear pukhraj in couple of days, but dont have proper guidance, kindly suggest proper stone and its vidhi to wear it.
You should wear a pukhraj as per the procedure mentioned in above post. Wear it on 27th July. You should also wear a Mercury yantra and recite the mercury mantra "Om Bam Budhaaye Namaha" for 108 times daily.
Hello gaurav sir,
ReplyDeleteI am going to wear ruby this sunday, i got my kundli checked by an astrologer but need your valuable comments.... Is it suitable for me to wear.. I am wearing it in tamba.. My DOB is 20th aug 91, time 2:22pm, place chandigarh..
I am wearing pukhraj in index finger right hand and pearl in ring finger left hand..
Thanks and regards
You do not need a Ruby because Sun is already quite strong in your chart. Pearl would be best for you because Moon is the weakest in your chart and it also rules your 9th house of luck and fortune. Wear the pearl on 27th July morning as per the procedure mentioned in above post.
DeleteSir i am already wearing pearl and pukhraj.. And shall i go for ruby.. Seva 7 ratti.. As ring has been made.. Just have to wear it..
DeleteHello Sir,
ReplyDeleteI am Jatin Bisht DOB - 13/09/1997
Time of birth - 12:55 Pm
Place of birth - New Delhi,Delhi
I am wearing neeli right now is it ok for meee
Neeli is not needed. You should wear red coral.
Deletenamaskar sir. my dob is24_02_1980. 7:30pm jammu. which stone is gud for me. im wearing sunaila presently also still im bachelor. when i will get maried.. lot of tention... wil i get govmnt job... plz reply.. .. neeraj...... mail id
ReplyDeleteHello sir,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Abhishek Kumar DOB-18/05/1997
My birth place is - delhi
My birth time is 4 am
Sir aj kl mere life m bahut tension se rhete h and and ajib se gbrhat se hote h
ye remedies kariye
Delete1) Get some fresh cow urine and sprinkle in all corners of your house.
2) Do the remedies given in this post
3) Wear a 10 mukhi rudraksha as per this post. It saves from all black magic and spirit attack s.
4) Refer this post as well
5) Do this remedy
6) Recite Gayatri mantra every day for at least 11 times every day.
7) This remedy also proves quite helpful in this situation
8) Burn Guggul and Loban every day in your home and spread its smoke in all corners of house.
My dob is 03-06-1980 Time of birth 2. 05 am
ReplyDeletePlace of birth. Banaras.
what stone should I wear
You should wear a Rahu yantra as well as a yellow sapphire
sir plz reply and help
Deletedob 01/01/89 time 08:10am AKOLA
what ratna should i wear?
I am Aughadnath
ReplyDeleteDOB: 17/18 May 1985 Time: 12:06am (17 May midnight)
Birthplace: Meerutt UP.
I am jobless since 8 months, I am continuously appearing interview, I have 7 years of IT experience in IT, still I didnt placed anywhere. Please advice me. which Ratna will good for me.
sir someone has advised us to avoid ratna dharan during these days...they told us that there is guru lop which means gods will be sleeping these 4 months(chaaturmaas)..
ReplyDeletewhat is the truth behind this??
Yes Guru is ast currently but you can still wear gemstone on an auspicious muhurta. Next auspicious muhurta is on 27th July.
Deletesir but can emerald be wear on that day becuse its sunday???
ReplyDeleteThanks for such wonderful information about astrology.
My details are:
Dob: 15-11-1984
Place of birth: chittoor andhrapradesh
Time of birth: 06:00am
Can you please help me with few of my queries
1) My marriage is delayed and not happen yet when will it happen, any remedies like gemstone, mantra etc, should i wear blue saphire will it help.
2)Also career point of view there is no job from long time, Thinking of doing business, will it help.which ratna for career and fortune
sir you suggested to paste a mars yantra to remove obstacles of selling my property but i have open plot so how to paste a mars yantra .pls guide
ReplyDeleteIn that case get a pomegranate plant planted in your plot on Tuesday.
DeleteSir my dob is 04/01/1993 time is 2:12am and place is najibabad sir one astrologer has suggested me to wear panna and bluesapphire is it good to have these two gemstones plz reply sir
ReplyDeleteYes they are fine. Please refer these posts
Hi, sir my date of birth is 26 July 1988 at 9:00am at Sitarganj, in Uttarakhand, please suggest me that what gemstone should I use or any suggestion. I am wearing a sunhela gemstone without specialized recommendation, should I wear it. Please suggest me what is good for me..
ReplyDeleteSunhela is fine. You can also wear Ruby and moonga.
DeleteNamaste Sir,My date of birth:10-08-1987,time of birth:12:10am how will be my future and suggest gems to my horoscope
ReplyDeleteWear an Emerald. Please refer these posts
Sir my dob is 20/04/1996 and time is 11:15 am place kanpur up...i am currently wearing pukhraj and recomded to wear moonga (red coral) also...are these stones correct for me to wear??
ReplyDeleteDear sir,
ReplyDeleteThank you for doing such a selfless act of service for the well being of millions of people around the globe. May god bless you. My concern is I am also curious as to which gem is going to suit me the best. I have been wearing a 2.45 carat red ruby embedded on a pancha dhatu ring for the past week or so. My dob is 17/03/1986, 3:55 pm, Kathmandu, Nepal.Please do suggest what is the best gem for me.
Best Regards,
Yellow sapphire and red coral are also good for you.
DeleteHi Gaurav Ji my date of birth is 18t june 1972, place of birth: New delhi and time is 8pm indian time . please advise if I can wear Yellow Saphire.
ReplyDeleteYou must wear a yellow sapphire. Also wear a red coral. Please refer these posts
Sir my dob is 20/04/1996 and time is 11:15 am place kanpur up...i am currently wearing pukhraj and recomded to wear moonga (red coral) also...are these stones correct for me to wear??
ReplyDeleteYes, these are good for you.
DeleteHi , Gaurav Malhotra ji.
ReplyDeleteMy name is shashank shahi, my birth place is Mumbai ( bhandup) , Maharashtra , india. My date of birth is 10 November 1989 , birth time 7:15 am. I am 24 year old. Right now i am unemployed more than 4 year. Looking for job but not getting anything, if i have any chance to get any job somehow due to bad luck i loose that job opportunity or after working few days in that company some problem occur and i have to leave that job. And i was ill for 3 month from jab 2014 to april 2014 , right now i have illness gathiya(Gath ki bimari) problem in my body and i was always ill since childhood , there used to be total 4 operation had been don in my body since childhood and i am very weak in terms of health and bad luck in terms of job opportunity & money cant stay in my account its automatically gets finished due to urgent work. And i also have bad luck in love life and don't have any love partner. i used to love one girl in my college but again bad luck she didn't like me. What should i do ? Right now i am wearing pearl in my right hand little finger in silver ring. Before 7 years ago i used to wear Neelam , but i removed it(2008). Please suggest me which stone should i wear and help me with my health and job problem & love life problem . Please suggest what should i do to improve my good health and job opportunity. I am patiently waiting for your reply. I hope you will reply me.
Thanks & Regards
You should wear a red coral and yellow sapphire. Also wear a sun yantra and offer water to sun daily
DeletePlease refer these posts
My dob is 26/08/1972 Time of birth 1. 28pm
ReplyDeletePlace of birth. cuddapah [ap]
what stone should I wear -
You should wear a red coral and a yellow sapphire. Please refer these posts
Sir, my name is Dhananjay kumar singh dob 25 jun 1976 time 1725 hrs. which gem should I wear this time as I m jobless presently. Pse advise me. Regards
ReplyDeleteYou should wear yellow sapphire and red coral
ReplyDeleteMy date of birth: 21 march 1992
Place: Mumbai,India
Time: 7:12 am
Can you please suggest what stones should I be wearing?
Thanks and regards!
Radhika Prabhu
You should be wearing yellow sapphire and pearl.
Sir, i bought a 6 ratti yellow sapphire cost 60k tested with igi/igl lab. but now i m in panic that i read on internet that 6 ratti yellow sapphire should not worn. 6 ratti is not good, is it right or not ?. i feel betrayed after reading this. please advise me sir.
No that's fine. You can wear 6 ratti sapphire as well. Don't worry about it.
DeleteNamaste Sir. Im Homkala Limbu .from london my DOB 05.01.1968 9.10AM in Nepal..would like to know about which stone is good for ma .could u advice me plz..
ReplyDeleteBlue sapphire and diamond are good for you.
Deletesir please help me.Iam nitin anand dob 16-9-1980 bith place punjab nawshahar. time of birth 12:55.please suggest me stone for my business.Going through bad phase of life
ReplyDeleteYou should wear Pearl and Rahu yantra.
Dob..4 th feb 1983
Place...sangola( maharashtra)
Which gemstone shoul i use for getting job and financial prosperity. Which field is good for my career. Will blue saffire gives me good results?
Blue sapphire is good for you. Refer these posts
Hi sir . My name is sheeja john my dob is 19.6.1986 dont know the birth time.I wanyed to know whether I can wear pearl for luck and far in all the aspects of life iam total failure.still not married , bad family relationship and jobless .wat I can do to change this. Didnt have courage to aprorch a astrologer directly.iam waiting for ur valuable reply.thank u
ReplyDeleteSheeja Ji
DeleteBirth time is important to tell anything. But anyhow as Pearl is a soft stone so I can suggest that to you. Apart from that do the following remedies
1) Offer water to surya everyday.
2) Wear 8 mukhi and 10 mukhi rudrakshas together in a black or red thread as per the following posts after energizing them
3) Recite Shani mantra daily for at least 108 times “Om Sham Shanish Charaaye Namaha”
4) Complete 18,000 recitations of Rahu mantra within a maximum of 40 days. The mantra is "Om Ram Rahuve Namaha" Strict physical (no sex, no non veg, no wine cigarette etc.) and mental purity is required during these 40 days. Keep Lord Shiva's image in mind and recite the mantra with complete faith and concentration in a secluded place in the house.
5) Recite this mantra daily
It is a powerful mantra.
6) Have all your meals while sitting in the kitchen especially at the time when stove in the kitchen is still being used to cook something.
7) Stay away from wine, non veg and cigarette. These are Saturn’s things, consuming them won’t give you good effect.
8) This remedy also proves quite helpful in this situation
9) Take one KG of Barley and 4 liters of milk and go near running water (river or canal) and wash barley with milk and then offer both in the running water. This has to be done daily for 43 days continuously without any break.
Hello sir my dob 16.2.86, 11.20 pm suggest me suitable gem stone
ReplyDeleteEmerald is the best stone for you. You can also wear blue sapphire. Please refer these posts
Sir I need ur help and I am glad that I met the perfect person for dob is 10/12/1993 and time is 22 hr 13min in I really need to wear yellow sapphire according to my horoscope amd planetary positions?im asking as I have one ans going to wear it.
ReplyDeleteYellow sapphire is good for you.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHelo sir!! U are doing tremendous job by clarifying our doubts in gemology!!
ReplyDeleteDOB: 13-June-1989
Birth place: Tanjore(Tamilnadu)
Birth time: between 7:20 and 7:30 AM
V consulted a pandit last week and he was suggesting me to wear a kanaka pushyaraaga stone(on thursday) to eliminate negative energy and dhristi.
He also told us that i 'm going through bad phase and he stressed on wearing the ring.
Pls help me. Should I go for the ring? If so 'll that bring gud fortune to us?
Many thanks in advance
Guru ji mai D.U se M.A kr rha hu.mai civil services me jana chahta hu or mujhe pichle 5-6 saal se skin ki problem h.plz mujhe bataye ki mujhe kon se ratan dharan karne chahiye.plz help me.
ReplyDeleteName-Rajnesh sisodia.
Time-9:30 am.
You should wear white Opal and an emerald.
I just want to know, tat best time towear white pearl ring iisn the morning or the evening
ReplyDeleteIt depends on the muhurta. Next good muhurta is on 16th October between 11:42am and 12:30pm.
DeleteHi Gaurav,
ReplyDeleteCould you please let me know ..when will i get new job (not on job since last 3-4 months) and also when will i get married ?
My birth detail is as below-
Name: Vandana Sagar
DOB: 02.10.1978
Time: 23:00
Place: Meerut
Thanks in Advance !!
Namaste Pandit ji, I just want to know the next good muhurta to wear Ruby.
ReplyDelete16th Oct between 11:45am and 12:30pm
DeletePranam Sir,
ReplyDeleteI am Gaurav here & my details are following:
D.O.B:15 August 1971
Place : Gangtok(Sikkim)
Time: 09:40 a.m
Please advise me what is the right remedy for me as am facing lot of troubles both on Professional & personal front. Am also out of Job for over 1 and Half year. Pls let me know how to get one. Rgds
Hello Gaurav Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Suraj Kumar.
DOB - 03/03/1989
POB - PATNA (Bihar)
TOB - 07:15 PM
I am wearing Emerald (4 ratti) silver ring in little finger, and a silver challa in my thumb.
can u please suggest me which ratna should i wear to get success in my life.
I have Graduated in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, i want to get a government job. I am also giving some competitive exams but not getting success in any of it.
You will get success after January 2015. Please recite the mantra given in the following post daily for 108 times
What is the good time to wear yellow sapphire and when it can be worn in near future.
ReplyDelete16th October between 11:45am and 12:30pm
DeleteMy DOB:- 01-Dec-1974
ReplyDeleteTime :-06:57 AM
POB:- Kalyan (Maharashtra)
Please let me know which gemstone i should worn and Mantra should be recited for getting married and good progress in Job
Dear sir
myself Amit
DOB - 1/3/1979
Time - 12.00 noon
place- paithan dist aurangabad, maharashtra
facing lots of problems in professional as well as in personal life also.
financial problems & life is very unstable loose my job after every six months.unnecessarily people goes against me. Instead of being a MBA havent got any good job.
please help me.and suggest
thanks in advance.
When can be Pearl worn, can it be done on Thursday 16th on Gurupushya yoga.
ReplyDeleteDear Gaurav Sir
ReplyDeleteMy Birth details
DOB - 16/08/1979
TIME - 10:12 am
Place - Delhi
Iam having problems especially with my current Job. Facing allot of Humiliation No respect from my boss and colleagues
No matter how hard i work but no appreciation from anyone
I feel as if im good for nothing
This problem im having since i was young but now being 35 yrs its still the same
Financially im still struggling, Dont have any support and have no business oppportunity
Someone told me to wear White Opal ill wear this in shukla paksh on 24/10 friday
Please advise what shall i do
You should wear both white opal and emerald. Along with this you should also wear shani yantra.
Dob - 1/3/1979
ReplyDeleteTime - 12.00 noon
place - paithan dist aurangabad maharastra
All the decisions gone wrong in life.
Facing financial problems.
very much disturbed & frustrated.
pls. Help me out .
Mercury rules over decision making power and in your horoscope it is debilitated. It's dasha started from June 2012 so you would have got most of your decisions wrong after that. Please recite the mantra given in the following post everyday for at least 108 times. Recite this mantra on Diwali night (23rd Oct) from 11:30pm till 3:30am. It will give very good effect.
Dear Gauravji
ReplyDeleteThanks for sending your mail. I just wanted to ask my guru dasha is going on is it okay to wear shaani yantra.
Can you please tell me how much it cost is and how long it takes.
Also let me know when can i have my own business, house and financial stability
No problems with my current Job.
Yes you can still wear shani yantra. It will cost 5000 rupees. I will be making it on 13th Nov.
DeleteRespected Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy Name Airlylang Sanglyien My DOB details are as follows
03 Feb-1983 birth time 07:00 AM
Please suggest me any gemstone which is suitable for me
i often fall sick and i am tired of it requesting you suggest a suitable gemstone
for me . Awaiting for your reply.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSir pls help me last time i mentioned my Birth ttim:01: 45 am mistakenly actually
ReplyDeleteMy birth is 13:45 pm 13-12-1983
POB -Imphal -India
Pls suggest me can i still wear emerald on 13 November or i should wear other stones
Pls help me
You should not wear emerald. You should wear yellow sapphire and ruby
Thank You Very Much Sir,
DeleteYou are really great .
ReplyDeleteMy Dad Consult an Astrologer in KATNI (M.P), and that astrologer said
that i am facing the malefic affects of some rahu and ketu and have
advised me to wear
CATS EYE (Lehsuniya) 5 1/4 CARAT and Hessonite (Gomed) of 8 1/2 CARAT
I just want to know that is that true what the astroger said and other
then that what shud i wear in order to get back what i have lost.
MY details are as below
MY D.O.B - 02/12/1990 (2nd December 1990)
Gender- MALE
Zodiac:- TAURUS
Birth Time:- 12:50 PM
Birth Place:- JABALPUR (M.P.)
DOB 19/4/86
ReplyDeleteTOB 12.50 PM
POB new delhi
name Ashish
Whether i shoul wear Gomed
Respected Sir,
ReplyDeletemy DOB- 2/06/1981
TIME- 03:45PM
I am wearing emerald,, white opal and silver ring. I am a MANGLIK. I am facing delay in marriage. Please help and suggest. Thanks and Regards.
You should wear a Gauri shankar and a 8 mukhi rudraksha
ReplyDeletemeri DOB 28.09.1985 time. 2.15 am. Place.
Kuchaman city.distt nagaour rajasthan hai.
name pankaj
main apni kundali k anusaar rashi ratan dharan karna chahta hoon. Kripya salah de kaun sa ratan dharan karna sahi hoga.
peechle 8 mahino se financial bahut problem hai
Sir Namaskar,
ReplyDeletemy DOB : 10-Jun-1987, place : Niphad (dist : Nashik), Time : 1:28 AM.
mere mind hamesha sochta rehta he.. kabhi me real duniya me rehta hi nahi hu. raat ko nind ni aati aur uske wajah se kafee bimariya ho rahi he.. maine monga aur moti neck me pehna hua he aur rahu-guru nashak chandal dosh nivarak locket pehan ke rakha hua he..
please suggest kya karu me.
DeleteSirji..mera dob 24.06.1981, time 3:45pm, place- allahabad hai.i am unmarried till now anf manglik. Kindly suggest remedy and stone. Thank you.
ReplyDeletenamskar sir,
ReplyDeletemy name is ajay and dob 25.01.1993 ,time 11:56am, place kurukshetra and i am unmarried and plese tell me gem stone and how many gem stone i wear. thanks please tell me
Namaskar sir,
ReplyDeleteMera naam jugal kishore hai. Meri date of birth 11.09.1984 time 3:00 pm birth place delhi. Sir main aajkal bahut problem mei chal raha hu. Mujh par bahut saara karja ho chuka hai aur mere paas paise bhi nahi hai. Main bahut hard work karta hu but itni income ho nahi paati ki kharcha aur karja pura ho sake...please sir koi solution bataiye jisse ki meri ye pareshani dur ho jaaye....thanks
My name is ATUL MAHAJAN And my date of Birth is 20-10-1961 at Chamba H.P. At 9.45 AM Which Stine should be worn by me for attracting clients /new clints and success in Profession
ReplyDeletePlease wear yellow sapphire and Pearl.
Apart from this you should use a vyapar vriddhi yantra
and also wear a 12 mukhi rudraksha as your sun is debilitated
My name is shubham singh panditji suggest me wear a moonga with pukhraj my D o B 22/ 09/ 1990 time 12:06 Pm place Meerut ( Uttar pradesh) sir pkz help
ReplyDeleteDear sir mera naam Sandeep Kumar,D.O.B-27-08-1981 at Karnal(Haryana), 4:30 morning time ha, mujhe koan sa rattan dharan karna chahiye. Kya zarkan mere liye upyukat rahe ga.
ReplyDeleteHello sir
ReplyDeleteMy Dob is 08/05/1986
Time 12:15 am
Place jaipur rajasthan
Plz suggest me any gemstone
You should wear a white Opal and a 2 mukhi rudraksha.
ReplyDeleteMy dob is 10 dec 1979, 14:15, chittoor, Andhra Pradesh
Can you please suggest my gemstone and rudraksha
Thank you
You should wear a yellow sapphire and Pearl. Apart from this you should wear a 8 mukhi rudraksha and a 12 mukhi rudraksha.
May I use the metal Gold for both of those gemstones, Gauravji
DeleteHi Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy DOB is 31-12-1988 at 15.50 in Razole, Andhra Pradesh, can you please suggest me my gemstone and what might be suitable for me.
Thank you
You should wear an emerald. Apart from this wear a 14 mukhi and 12 mukhi rudraksha.
Sir my date of birth is 14-08-1986 time of birth-02:34am . Place of birth -patna, bihar, india. Someone told me that my my married life will devoid of marital happiness and suggested me emerald to wear.I am realy afraid to know about my married life. I have recently married and I love my husband too much. Please give remedy for happy married life if it is true...
ReplyDeletePlz reply
DeletePlz send me an email at
DeleteHello Sir,
ReplyDeleteI was born 22July 1979 5:10 am at Rohtak (HR)
I am wearing Lehsunia 9 ratti in silver RH middle finger from last 2 months and Panna 7.25 ratti in gold RH little finger.
I am facing lower back issue for last 6-7 months, instability/unsatisfaction in job.
Would this come to an end?
Am I on the right track? Something else I should opt for?
Please advise
Please wear an emerald and a 8 mukhi and 6 mukhi rudraksha.
GauravJi, When you say Yellow Sapphire, may i know how many carats please,
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance
ReplyDeleteMy Name- Joy prokash roy,D.O.B -26.10.1983 ,Time-6:25 PM,Place-silchar,State-Assam
Mein Tution karta hoon mine BCA kiya hei lekin job ya permanent buissnes kuch nahi ho pa raha hei.Shadi mein bhi archane aa rahi hei kripakarke Muje batay konsa stone kitna carat aur konsa finger mein pahanu plz.
dear Gaurav ji , request you to kindly suggest right finger and hand for wearing White opal .
vinett singh
dob 11/5/73
Hello sir
ReplyDeleteI am kunal
Date of birth 6/4/1995
place of birth=Hinganghat (Maharashtra)
Birth time= 10:45:00AM
I am currently wearing an gamestone
Green Emerald(panna) for planet mercury in small finger with silver ring and
Opal(dudhiya pathhar) for planet venus in index finger with gold ring
Is that those above Gamestones are suitable for me??
Yes these are good for you. Please wear a 5 mukhi rudraksha around your neck as well.
DeleteHello gaurav sir,
ReplyDeleteI have never worn any birthstone since childhood, met one astrologer and he has suggested me to wear gomed/zircon(honey colour)
My details-
Name : Prashant Vasani
DOB: 06/10/1988
Day: Thursday
Time: 9:35pm
Place: Mumbai
Please provide me with your expertise as I know birthstone are Strong and can effect one's life in good and bad way.
As I'm making a ring would u suggest silver or gold with gomed stone for better results?
Thank and regards
Please wear only emerald in gold ring. You should also wear a 12 mukhi and a 14 mukhi rudraksha. Please see the following links
Hello sir...Namaste
ReplyDeleteI am Darwin sir..
Birth time:12:58pm
Place of Birth: malaysia, ipoh perak
Can you please suggest my gemstone and rudraksha
Thank you Sir...God bless
Yellow sapphire is the best stone for you. You should also wear a 2 mukhi and a 9 mukhi rudraksha.
मेरी जन्म तारिक 2मार्च 1987 हे और टाइम 12.45pm
ReplyDeleteजन्म स्थल :कोपरगाव,अहमदनगर डिस्टिक महाराष्ट्र हे
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सफ़ेद पुष्कराज
और पन्ना
इस्तमाल करने को कहा गया हे क्या यह सही होगा
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