Remedy for Kantaka Shani (कंटक शनि का उपाय)
You must be wondering what a "Kantaka" Shani is :) Don't worry I will explain.
Shani or Saturn is considered to be natural malefic and cruel planet in astrology. Aspect or Drishti of Saturn is considered to be very bad. If Shani sits in 1st, 8th or 10th house from lagna or chandra lagna in transit, it is called a kantaka shani. Kantaka means thorn. Saturn transiting in these houses is like a thorn and it makes the life painful. It's worst effect falls on profession. Even the fastest and most competent will start limping in their work. The native may even lose job/business or there will be considerable tensions related to work.
Remedy: Native should take bath in the morning and then sit while facing towards east direction. Then recite the mantra given below for 11 times.
Kantak shani is currently going on for Libra raashi, Capricorn and Sagittarius raashi. It is also going on for the people with above rashi lagna.
Sham Cha Me Mayashcha Mein Priyanch Me Nukamashch Me
Kaamaashch Me Saum Nasashch Me Bhadram Cha Me Shreyashch Me
Vashyashch Me Yashyashch Me Bhagashch Me Drayinam Cha Me
Yanta Cha Me Dharta Cha Me Kshamaashch Me Dhritishch Me
Vishvanchame Mahashchame Samvichishcha Me Gyaatranch Me
Susashch Me Prasu-sashch Me Seeram Ch Me Laayaashch Me
Ritam Cha Me Aritam Cha Me Yakshamam Cha Me Namyachch Me
Jeevtushch Me Deergha Yutvam Cha Me Namitra Cha Me Abhayam Cha Me
Sugam Me Shayanam Cha Me Susha Cha Me Sudinam Cha Me
The recitation should be avoided by ladies during the first three days of periods.
आप सोच रहे होंगे की "कंटक शनि" क्या होता है :) मैं आपको बताता हूँ ।
शनि को ज्योतिष में एक क्रूर ग्रह माना जाता है । शनि से दुःख और रुकावटें देखी जाती है। शनि की दृष्टि बहुत खराब मानी जाती है । जब शनि गोचर में लग्न या चन्द्र लग्न से पहले, आठवें या दसवें घर में प्रवेश करता है तो इसे कंटक शनि कहा जाता है । कंटक का मतलब होता है काँटा। जिस तरह काँटा चुभने पर दर्द देता है उसी तरह शनि भी दर्द देता है। क्योंकि कंटक शनि के समय इसकी दृष्टि दसवें घर पर होती है जो कर्म स्थान होता है, इसीलिए कंटक शनि व्यापार या नौकरी पर बहुत बुरा असर डालता है । काम से सम्बंधित तनाव होता है और नौकरी जा सकती है या व्यापार ठप्प भी हो सकता है । ऐसे लोग जो अपने काम में बहुत अच्छे होते हैं उन्हें भी इस समय में ऐसा लग सकता है की उनके अनुकूल कुछ भी नहीं जा रहा है ।
उपाय: जातक को चाहिए को वो रोज़ सुबह उठकर नहा धोकर और पूर्व दिशा की और मुंह कर कर और फिर नीचे दिया हुआ मंत्र पूरी श्रद्धा से शनि देव को याद करते हुए 11 बार पढ़े। ये रोज़ किया जाना चाहिए । निश्चय ही अच्छा असर मिलेगा ।
इस समय तुला, धनु और मकर राशि वालों पर कंटक शनि चल रहा है । जिनका लग्न ऊपर दी हुई राशियों में से एक है उन पर भी कंटक शनि चल रहा है ।
शम च मे मायाश्च मे प्रियंच मे नुकमश्च मे
कामाश्च मे सौम नसश्च मे भद्रम च मे श्रेयश्च मे
वश्यश्च मे यश्यश्च मे भगश्च मे द्रयिनम च मे
यन्ता च मे धर्ता च मे क्षमाश्च मे धृतिश्च मे
विश्वंचमे महाश्चमे समविचिश्च मे ग्यात्रंच मे
सुसश्च मे प्रसुसश्च मे सीरम च मे लायाश्च मे
ऋतं च मे अमृतम च मे यक्षमम च मे नमयछ मे
जीवतुश्च मे दीर्घयुत्वं च मे नमित्र च मे अभयम च मे
सुगम मे शयनम च मे सुषा च मे सुदिनम च मे
महिलाओं को मासिक धर्म के पहले तीन दिनों में इस मंत्र का जप नहीं करना चाहिए ।
Gaurav Malhotra
About the Author:
Gaurav Malhotra is a B Tech in Computer Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT, Kurukshetra) and a passionate follower of Astrology. He has widely traveled across the world and helped people with his skills. You can contact him on his email You can also read more about him on his page.
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Career and Money,
er sahib I appreciate your efforts to help ppl like I will be obliged if you pls go through the following horoscope and suggest few lal kitab remedies and predict his future as the person is still unmarried and jobless ,he is a qualified engineer ,never had stable job.Pls guide when where he will marry and when he will have stable job and where I mean in india or abroad .Thanks in advance
ReplyDelete24-oct-1974 ,19:25, Phagwara (Pb)-Thanks again
His time is definitely not good at the moment. A better time is awaiting for him from Sep 2015. He should offer jal to surya every morning
Delete1) He should complete 18,000 recitations of rahu mantra within 40 days. refer this post for the mantra
2) He should feed cow and crows every saturday.
3) He shoudl fast on Saturdays.
These remedies will give him relief.
Hello Gauravji
ReplyDeleteI have read all your links for remedies.However, there are some aspects of life that have not been touched here. I am wondering if Lal Kitab can tell from a deceased person's horoscope regarding his next life. I have recently lost both my parents(within a span of two years). I am very disturbed and would like to kow ifthey are okay and whether or not they have reached safely and so on. Would appreciate if you would reply to my comment.Thanks in advance. Kind regards...
If you have done the last rites properly it is highly likely they must have reached safely.
DeleteDeath is the biggest truth of life. Geeta says what is born is sure to die. So, it is nature. If you create sorrowful thoughts on their death you are actually creating sorrow for their souls. You shoudl be happy that they have completed a phase of their life and death chakra and moved to a new body, a new home and new parents. Try to create positive thoughts.
Gaurab D.O.B -30-3-1986@2.15PM...pls suggest any upay for marriage..and a permanent job...
ReplyDeleteI alway broken up in all relation...and job..and. I can't take any permanent decision...pls suggest any remedy
Mr Malhotra,
ReplyDeleteI am in deep trouble, was having excellent job but due to economic situation last the job, since 9 months I am struggling like any thing, please review my horoscope and help me out
DOB-13-9-74, time 23.37 hrs place of birth Barwaha Dist Khargone MP
Please do the following remedies
Delete1) Offer water to surya every morning as per this post
2) Do this every morning
3) Do this every morning
Dear Sir
ReplyDeleteMy date of birth is Feb5, 1979.
Birth Time : 1:48 am
Birth Place: chennai
I would like to know about my career prospects. will kantaka shani affect my career prospects
Future is not very favourable for your career. It would be good if you can do the remedy in above post daily. It will save your from troubles.
ReplyDeleteNamaste.Aap ke blog pade aap sabka help karte hain. Achha Lagta hai My Dob 6.5.63 Tob 5.50am Pob jaipur rajasthan. Pl review my horoscope. Tell me remedies also.
Please send me email at
DeleteSir, my dob is sep 2 1980. When will I get married. Time of birth 10 am. Place of birth kerala kochi. I have kandaka shani now. Will I ever get a married to a good man?
DeletePlease send me an email at
DeleteHello Gaurav,
ReplyDeleteI have seen all ur reports n its really amazing....I request u to please see my husbanda Patrika once....
Date Of Birth- 08-04-1980
Time- 04:50
Muzaffarpur, Bihar
He is going through lots of problems in life.Kindly take out some time to see this patrika.
His horoscope has lot of issues that is why he is facing all these problems. He should do following remedies
Delete1) He should wear a yellow sapphire in gold ring. If that is too expensive for you, then banana root should be worn in a yellow thread. Raw turmeric can also be worn.
2) He should recite hanuman chalisa everyday with complete dedication.
3) He should worship lord shiva on Mondays. He should offer milk on shivling on Mondays.
4) He should offer water to surya every morning.
5) He should wear 9 mukhi and 10 mukhi rudrakshas in a single black or red thread around neck. Refer the following posts
I am from Dubai. I wore raw turmeric in yellow thread in my left arm, can i remove it and tie on my hip? Or should I tie another raw turmeric. If I have to change which is the next day I can wear raw turmeric.
DeleteYes you can remove and tie on hips. The idea is that it should touch your skin.
DeleteI have seen your reply for helping the people who write their problems.
ReplyDeleteI am writing this for my husband. He has lost his job unexpectedly due to the racism and harassment of colleagues without any reason or mistake. We are in trouble and we can not live here without proper job. Please go through his horoscope and suggest what should we do to get a good job with good colleagues immediately.
We are Keralite Christian, living abroad. D.O.B of my husband: 17/01/1957, Birth Place: Palai, Kottayam, Kerala, Time: 1830hrs. (6:30pm).
Hello sir,
ReplyDeleteMy birth details are 1985.05.25
Could you please tell me whether Kantaka shani affect to my job & what should i do for removing that bad effect ?
Please recite the shani mantra daily for at least 108 times "Om Sham Shanish Charaaye Namaha"
DeleteApart from this, offer water to surya as per this post
my dob is 5.12.86 and my time of birth is 5 40 a...m a female.. n born in kottayam , kerala. am i experiencing kantaka shani right now? how long would it be for... whats the remedy.. my personal n professional life is a complete mess right now.. since the last 6 depressed.. and feel betrayed by the closest people n my works getting cancelled last minute.. what can i do about this?
ReplyDeletePlease do the above remedy and in addition to that recite this mantra everyday for at least 108 times "Om Sham Shanish Charaaye Namaha"
Deletedear sir
ReplyDeleteI have been looking for job since 2009. i am a qualified engineering and now pursuing full time mba. Though i have been job but they are unstable and have no future, only because to get some experience i have been with those job. I am some kind of confuse with myself.
DOB 27/02/1986
Place- guwahati
Time-4:45 pm
Please do following remedies
Delete1) Offer water to surya everyday.
2) Wear 8 mukhi and 10 mukhi rudrakshas together in a black or red thread as per the following posts after energizing them
3) Do this remedy every morning
4) Complete 18,000 recitations of Rahu mantra within a maximum of 40 days. The mantra is "Om Ram Rahuve Namaha" Strict physical (no sex, no non veg, no wine cigrette etc.) and mental purity is required during these 40 days. Keep Lord Shiva's image in mind and recite the mantra with complete faith and concentration in a secluded place in the house.
6) Have all your meals while sitting in the kitchen especially at the time when stove in the kitchen is still being used to cook something.
7) Stay away from wine, non veg and cigarette. These are Saturn’s things, consuming them won’t give you good effect.
Naveen Ji
DeleteThanks for pointing out the mistake. I have corrected the english version.
Birth Date: 10 Dec 1974, Time of Birth 10:20:00 PM, Mumbai, Lost job, not getting any job. pls help
ReplyDeleteDo the following remedies
Delete1) Offer water to surya everyday.
2) Wear 8 mukhi and 10 mukhi rudrakshas together in a black or red thread as per the following posts after energizing them
3) Do this remedy every morning
4) Complete 18,000 recitations of Rahu mantra within a maximum of 40 days. The mantra is "Om Ram Rahuve Namaha" Strict physical (no sex, no non veg, no wine cigrette etc.) and mental purity is required during these 40 days. Keep Lord Shiva's image in mind and recite the mantra with complete faith and concentration in a secluded place in the house.
6) Have all your meals while sitting in the kitchen especially at the time when stove in the kitchen is still being used to cook something.
7) Stay away from wine, non veg and cigarette. These are Saturn’s things, consuming them won’t give you good effect.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the time period of kantak shani?
2 and half years. It will be kantak for you till 2014 end. So keep doing the remedy that I suggested to you.
DeleteDear Sir,
ReplyDeleteThank you for helping out every one
My DOB - 21/12/1981
Time- 14:20
Place: Muzaffarpur, District Muzaffarpur, Bihar
I have been wearing Pearl in little finger and Iron ring in Middle finger for past two years and going to wear Topaz in index finger from next Thursday.
Please advise me for my career and health because my career is not good. I don’t get concentrate on my study. I have completed MCA in 2008 but till now doing contractual job in a Govt. Department which will not fruitful for me in future aspects and I am trying for a Govt. Job but till now didn’t get any permanent best job. I tense so many times to take care of my wife health and my brother and sister’s study and careers. I am getting mentally ill day by day and suffering from Gastric and something about high blood pressure but due to my inner strength I overcome from such problems but I feel fear in my mind about all these things. Please advise me to overcome from these things.
and I want to ask one more question. I have an Interview in a govt. college is on 29th July, 2013. May I get successful in that interview and another interview is on 14th August, 2013 Will I be successful?
Thanks and Regards
Please refer following posts
Do the following remedies
Offer water to surya everyday
Recite rahu mantra and shani mantra daily for 108 times
"Om Ram Rahuve Namaha" "Om Sham Shanish Charaaye namaha"
Dear Gaurav, my details are 25-11-1981,3.37 pm, Palghat, Kerala. Husband's is 28-09-1978, 2.15am, Cochin. I would like to know if we are bound to live separately due to shani transits? We have been married for 7 years and were together just for two years when shani was in Virgo. 8 Days before shani transited Tula, we had to live away from each other due to family problems.
ReplyDeleteDear Gaurav, My date of birth is 8-11-1985, mahboobnagar andhra pradesh,15:45 and my wifes date of birth is 11-9-1988,nandipeth andhra pradesh time before morning 9. there are many conflicts between us please suggest some remeady.
ReplyDeleteI can make a yantra for you. Please send me an email at
DeleteDear Guruji,
ReplyDeleteI don't have job from last 2 years ( i was working as software engineer for last 5 years) and also a divorce case with my wife ( she is staying with her parents). I also have a child (boy) who is living with my wife. I am a regular reader of your magazine.
Please tell me when will i get job again . I am very frustrated.
I don't have any source of income and currently living with my parents. I am not able to study for my interviews.
Once i get the job i will definitely pay you.
Kindly understand my problem and please tell me what to do and when will i get a job??
Please share your birth details.
DeleteThis is all bullshit ..............YOU ARE FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are free to have your own opinion. Thanks for coming to my website and taking time to leave comment.
ReplyDeleteI born on 24h may 1981 at having lot of health problem.pls tell me any pariharas
DeleteI will have to read your horoscope in order to suggest you specific remedies. Please email me at
Dear Gauravjee, my name is Shubh and i am from mumbai, i visit your website often, as a fan of you i would like to thank you for helping people and showing them the right way to remove the obstacles from their life. I know you are very busy but i will be sincerely greatfull to you if you please answer my few questions. My raashi is dhanu and lagna is kumbh. in my chart i have a kantak shani which is on 8th house along with mars. as we all know mars and saturn both are enemies now some astrologer prescribes me to wear a neelam, some told me to wear red coral,some say i should not wear anything. now my question is what will be the best remedy for me? and another question is I have chndra grahan dosh in 11th house in my horoscope as chandra chandra+kety together on 111th house so what remedy i should do for the chndra grahan dosh as it is badly impacting my finances which has almost become zero. but according to another astrologer as rahu is sitting on the 5th house of my chart it is creating Naag dosh. I am going through a very tough time sir, heath, tensions, money problem, and unemployment , due to this my life has become a pain , i have seen you have helped so much people by giving them remedies here, i humbly request you give me remedies for the above problems, at least tell me something so that my work starts and i start earning, Please show me a way Gauravjee.
Shubh Ji
DeleteThanks for your kind words. I will have to analyze your horoscope before I can suggest anything. Please send me an email at
Respected Sir, My DOB is 28/11/1985 place of birth is Chennai and birth time 1.09pm afternoon. Need to know about my career and marriage life
ReplyDeletePlease email me at
Deletehello sir..i m facing health issues from last 2 yrs...can u suggest some remedies-
ReplyDeletedob- 7 oct 1985
sir can u pls reply..m seriously ill..have to leave my job also bcoz of all dis
ReplyDeletemyself 30 yr old female waiting to get married.kindly help me by upays.proposals not materialising,sometimes no good it bec of sarp dosh in kundli?wasted 9months by not doing job and sitting at home waiting to get married..
ReplyDeletei m 26 year old female born 28/5/87 (7 10 am) in chennai. i m facing constant disturbances in my married life. can you tel me the reasons for this and when this will change?
Please send me an email at
DeletePandit ji thanks for the remedies....could u tell me dat neelam and panna is favourable or not for me....i wore neelam on last saturday...i put dat ring on friday night in kacha dudh but wen i checked on saturday vo milk phat gaya i cleaned dat ring with ganga jal nd with 108 jap of shani mantra i wore dat ring...was it ok ??? please tell me....
ReplyDeleteDear Sir
ReplyDeleteMy date of birth is July 22 1984
Birth Time : 6.55 PM
Birth Place: Chaganacherry
I would like to know about my career and married life( yet to happen).
Respected pandit ji..
ReplyDeletekya aap kalsarp dosh ke huch uppaayebata sakte hai . pls
Good Morning Gaurav sir,
ReplyDeleteHow are you?
DOB : 20.03.1988
Place of birth : Triplicane ,Madras , Tamilnadu.
Time of birth : 13.15 PM , 17th second.
Gender : Male
How is the time for me now and how is my scope in career and marriage. Please explain about my current situation now in detail.
Thanks & Regards
ReplyDeleteMy date of birth is 10/01/1992.
Time of birth is 3:00 pm
Place of birth is Chennai.
Gender: female
Could you please go through my horoscope and lemme know my future. Am looking for a job and planning to get married.
Please send me an email at
DeleteDear Gauravji
ReplyDeleteI wish to share details of my wife Anju DOB 01May 1959 time 3.30am Sri Ganganagar Rajasthan. She is in hospital since last may 2013 due to stroke and paralysis. Kindly check her details and suggest some remedies for her improvement. Aap ka ati abhari hunga.
She should wear blue sapphire and emerald. Along with this mahamrityunjay mantra should be recited everyday for at least 108 times. Also the mantra given in this post should be recited daily for 108 times
Dear Gauravji
ReplyDeleteAap ka bahut bahut dhanyabad, Aap ne samay nikala. Anju is in long term care nursing home in Canada. She is not allowed to wear any kind of jewellry. But we have intaled one electonic device beside her bed which recites non stop various mantras. Now we set "Mahamritunjay Mantra" on that dvice. Some time she recite mantra with that device so time not. But that device works most time of the day.
Instead of blue sphire and emrald if u can suggest some other remedy that would be great.
And the 2nd mantra which u have given is specifically for success in competitive exams.
It is the right remedy/Mantra for her, if u please confirm it would be most appreciated or if U want to give some change. Guruji I really appreciate your effforts to serve the mankind and U are trying to spare time for every needy person. May god bless U a lot to help the needy people. Once again aap ka lakh lakh sukeriya.
That remedy for competitive exams is actually a mantra to strengthen Mercury so it should be done.
DeleteMy query is related to career. I have been struggling with my career / job for some time now ( 4 - 5 years ). Over last one year I have changed 3 jobs, but am yet not satisfied with the Job / work atmosphere & culture. I am feeling extremely miserable, desperate & disillusioned in my new job. Kindly apprise when will I get good, stable job, where I shall feel contended.
ReplyDeleteI am completely disturbed & am not at peace. Kindly PLEASE respond.
D.O.B.: 29/09/1975
Time: 3:00 AM
Place: Delhi
Dear Gaurav ji,
DeleteNamashkar, As advised I have mailed my query. Pls suggest some simple remedies. I am under great stress & probably worst phase of my life.
Best Wishes
Hi! Gaurav
ReplyDeleteI will appreciate if you could take up my query through your blog.
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteI am Biju Gopalakrishnan from Kerala( Kollam district), phasing lot of issues. fianancially and mentaly. Plz help me to solve the issues.
My Date Of Birth and Time : 13 October 1977 , 11.10pm, Star: Swathi
Plz help me
Biju Gopalakrishnan
Namaste Gauravji,
ReplyDeleteI am facing issue in my career. What should I do? Job or Business? If business then in which field? I really frustated from issue. I am facing mental as well monetary problems lots
pls help me
Plz send me an email at
DeleteNamaste Gaurav Ji,
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for valuable info you shared. Can you just tell me if something bad in my life as I am totally broiled in negativity and worries as I lost my Job and I am at crossroads. DOB 14/04/1976, 7.35 am
Please email me at
DeleteGaurav sir, i am extremely worried about my professional and general well being, i remained depressed most of the time my dob: 18/10/1985, time: 2:27am born @ mumbai, request you to suggest some remedies for me.plz.
ReplyDeleteI will have to see your horoscope. Please email me at
DeleteFavorable time will start from May 2018. Plz wear a turmeric root in yellow thread around your neck
ReplyDeletemy birth details are 24/07/1976, mumbai and 08:15 or 08:13 am
can I wear Manik along with Neelam as Shani aspecting Sun plus Sun and Ketu together and Jupiter is combust in 12th house for tauras lagna.
i have also started wearing Panna 5 carat and diamond as per astrologer
Dear sir,
ReplyDeleteI am facing financial insecurity and crisis and also less orders in my food business. Can you please help me guide for my future course of action and any remedies I need to do to improve my situation. Also will job be suitable for me or business and India or abroad.
My details are:
Name Vishavdeep
DOB 01.11.1975
TOB 11:00 pm
POB Ludhiana, punjab
sir i am umemployed student who is getting losses in all business jobs and study i am trying
ReplyDeletedob 23/5/95
place- Ladnun,Rajasthan
please help me
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteMy date of birth is Jan 5th 1985, 6 pm in Dubai. Kindly enlighten me on remedies to reduce effects of kantaka shani
Thank you
Ι have read so mɑny articles оr reviews aboᥙt the blogger lovers
ReplyDeleteexcept tһis paragraph is really a nice article, keep it up.
Sir please help me
ReplyDeleteMy name is Akash Dahima
Dob. 07/01/1987
Place of birth Bahdurgarh
Star at the time of birth ashwani
Tob: dont know exat time but between 6.30 to 7 p.m
Want to knowing
1) why I am unmarried till now?
2) can I am able to be chartered accountant?
I'm sonam pathak DOB 2-4-1988 6:40 in morning I want to know about my job and future life date of birth 28 Feb 1972, time 12 47 pm, place Kolkata...I used to work in private banks ...2015 August...I lost job. Since then no job...terrible condition. no income...all my loans r due and extreme point including my homeloan...all resources are gone ...never could imagine such situation I have to face in life....can u suggest anything please
ReplyDeleteI am facing issue in my career. What should I do? plz reaply.
ReplyDeleteshani yantra home